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Yazan Al-Karablieh, Harvard University
Andrea Bellucci, European Commission
Péter Benczúr, Joint Research Centre
Fernando Broner, Center for Research on International Economics
Roberta Cardani, European Commission
Eugenio M. Cerutti, International Monetary Fund
Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi, Bank of England
Anusha Chari, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and NBER
Davin Chor, Dartmouth College and NBER
Lawrence Christiano, Northwestern University and NBER
Olga Croitorov, European Commission
Fabio Di Dio, European Commission
Wenxin Du, Harvard University and NBER
Serena Fatica, Joint Research Centre
Kristin Forbes, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Jeffrey A. Frankel, Harvard University and NBER
Jordi Galí, CREI and NBER
Mark Gertler, New York University and NBER
Francesco Giavazzi, Bocconi University and NBER
Massimo Giovannini, European Commission
Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Wildmer Gregori, EC Joint Research Centre
Refet S. Gürkaynak, Bilkent University
James R. Hines, University of Michigan and NBER
Bart Hobijn, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Chang-Tai Hsieh, University of Chicago and NBER
Ethan Ilzetzki, London School of Economics
A. Hakan Kara, Bilkent University
Stephanie Kestelman, Harvard University
Burçin Kısacıkoğlu, Bilkent University
Evangelos Koumanakos, Hellenic Open University
Sang Seok Lee, Bilkent University
Kalina Manova, University College London
Isabelle Mejean, Sciences Po
Tommaso Monacelli, Bocconi University
Fernanda Nechio, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Maurice Obstfeld, Peterson Institute for International Economics and NBER
Anna Pavlova, London Business School
Filippo Pericoli, European Commission
Richard Portes, London Business School and NBER
James M. Poterba, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Michela Rancan, Marche Polytechnic University
Marco Ratto, European Commission - Joint Research Centre
Hélène Rey, London Business School and NBER
Stephanie Schmitt-Grohé, Columbia University and NBER
Adam Shapiro, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Stefanie Stantcheva, Harvard University and NBER
Vania Stavrakeva, London Business School
Linda Tesar, University of Michigan and NBER
Martín Uribe, Columbia University and NBER
Janos Varga, European Commission
Lukas Vogel, European Commission
Kenneth D. West, University of Wisconsin-Madison and NBER
Tomas Williams, George Washington University
Zhihong Yu, Nottingham University
Haonan Zhou, University of Hong Kong

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