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David R. Agrawal, University of California, Irvine
Alan J. Auerbach, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Michael Baltensperger, University of Zurich
Christopher Berry, University of Chicago
Katarzyna A. Bilicka, Utah State University and NBER
Leah Brooks, George Washington University
Donald Bruce, University of Tennessee
Jan Brueckner, University of California at Irvine
Marius Brülhart, University of Lausanne
George Callas, Arnold Ventures
Jeffrey Clemens, University of California, San Diego and NBER
Julie Berry Cullen, University of California, San Diego and NBER
Dhammika Dharmapala, University of California, Berkeley
Tim Dowd, Joint Committee on Taxation
Ronald G. Ehrenberg, Cornell University and NBER
Nada Eissa, Georgetown University and NBER
Johannes Fleck, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
William F. Fox, University of Tennessee
Rob Franzese, University of Michigan
Matthew Freedman, University of California, Irvine
Roger H. Gordon, University of California, San Diego and NBER
Tracy Gordon, The Urban Institute
Irem Guceri, University of Oxford
Michelle Hanlon, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
James R. Hines, University of Michigan and NBER
Jeffrey L. Hoopes, University of North Carolina
William Hoyt, University of Kentucky
Robert P. Inman, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Eckhard Janeba, University of Mannheim
Petr Janský, Charles University
Craig Johnson, Department of the Treasury
Bariş Kaymak, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Donghyuk Kim, Iowa State University
Brian G. Knight, Brown University and NBER
Matthias Krapf, University of Basel
Lorenz Kueng, Swiss Finance Institute
Rebecca Lester, Stanford University
Byron Lutz, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Tidiane Ly, Syracuse University
Teemu Lyytikäinen, VATT Institute for Economic Research
Peter R. Merrill, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Andrew Moylan, Arnold Ventures
Miroslav Palanský, Charles University, Prague
Raphael Parchet, University of Lugano
James M. Poterba, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kim Rueben, The Urban Institute
Kurt Schmidheiny, Universität Basel
Alannah M. Shute, University of Tennessee
Hilary Sigman, Rutgers University and NBER
Cailin R. Slattery, University of California, Berkeley
Stefanie Stantcheva, Harvard University and NBER
David Staubli, Swiss Federal Tax Administration
Kjetil Storesletten, University of Minnesota and NBER
Bryan A. Stuart, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Johnny Tang, Cornell University
Emmanuelle Taugourdeau, CREST
Alisa Tazhitdinova, University of California, Santa Barbara and NBER
Anna Tyger
Stan Veuger, American Enterprise Institute
Randall Weiss, Formerly The Conference Board
David Wildasin, University of Kentucky
Daniel Wilson, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
John D. Wilson, Michigan State University
Owen M. Zidar, Princeton University and NBER

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