XIV. Money and Banking
db -- .db format data & documenation; dat -- rectangular data; doc -- documentation accompanying the .dat file
db | dat | doc | a14128a | U.S. NBER Series: 14128 1914-1943 |
db | dat | doc | a14128b | U.S. 1920-1945 |
db | dat | doc | a14129 | U.S. NBER Series: 14129 1917-1943 |
db | dat | doc | a14130 | U.S. NBER Series: 14130 1920-1945 |
db | dat | doc | a14187 | U.S. Velocity of Money Stock 1869-1966 |
db | dat | doc | m14002 | Germany Average Monthly Berlin Rates of Exchange On New York 03/1887-07/1914 |
db | dat | doc | m14004a | U.S. Average Monthly New York Rates of Exchange On Paris 01/1876-07/1914 |
db | dat | doc | m14004b | U.S. New York Rates of Exchange On Paris, Cable Transfer 11/1918-12/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m14005 | U.S. National Banks, Circulation, Total SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1870-1914; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14006 | U.S. Circulation SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1874-1914; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14007 | U.S. Circulation, Other Than Central Reserve Cities SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1882-1914; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14008 | U.S. Circulation, National Banks, Central Reserve Cities SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1882-1914; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14009 | U.S. Circulation, National Banks, New York City SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1870-1914; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14011 | U.S. Lawful Money Held, National Banks, Country Districts SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1874-1914; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14012 | U.S. Lawful Money Held, National Banks, Other Than Central Reserve Cities SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1882-1914; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14013 | U.S. Lawful Money Held, National Banks, Central Reserve Cities SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1882-1914; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14014 | U.S. Lawful Money Held, National Banks, New York City SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1874-1914; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14016 | U.S. Loans and Discounts, National Banks, Country Districts SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1874-1914; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14017 | U.S. Loans and Discounts Per Bank, National Banks, Country Districts SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1874-1915; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14018 | U.S. Loans and Discounts, National Banks, Reserve Cities Other Than Central, SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1882-1914, SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14019 | U.S. Loans and Discounts, National Banks, Central Reserve Cities SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1882-1914; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14020 | U.S. Loans and Discounts, National Banks, New York City SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1867-1914; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14022 | U.S. Individual Deposits, National Banks, Country Districts SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1874-1914; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14023 | U.S. Individual Deposits Per Bank, National Banks, Country Districts SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1874-1915; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14024 | U.S. Individual Deposits, National Banks, Reserve Cities Other Than Central SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1882-1914; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14025 | U.S. Individual Deposits, National Banks, Central Reserve Cities SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1882-1915; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14026 | U.S. Individual Deposits, National Banks, New York City SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1874-1914; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14028 | U.S. Bank Deposits, National Banks, Country Districts SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1874-1915; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14029 | U.S. Bank Deposits, National Banks, Reserve Cities Other Than Central SCATTERED COVERAGE FROM 1882-1915; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14030 | U.S. Bank Deposits, National Banks, Central Reserve Cities SCATTERED COVERAGE FROM 1882-1915; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14031 | U.S. Bank Deposits, National Banks, New York City SCATTERED COVERAGE FROM 1874-1915; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14032 | U.S. Due From Banks, National Banks SCATTERED COVERAGE FROM 1874-1914 |
db | dat | doc | m14033 | U.S. Due From National Banks, Country Districts SCATTERED COVERAGE FROM 1874-1914; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14034 | U.S. Due From National Banks, Reserve Cities Other Than Central SCATTERED COVERAGE FROM 1882-1914; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14035 | U.S. Due From National Banks, Central Reserve Cities SCATTERED COVERAGE FROM 1882-1914; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14036 | U.S. Due From Banks, New York City SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1874-1914; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14038 | U.S. Investments By National Banks, Country Districts SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1874-1914; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14039 | U.S. Investments By National Banks, Other Than Central SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1882-1914; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14040 | U.S. Investments By National Banks SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1882-1914; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14041 | U.S. Investments, National Banks, New York City SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1874-1914; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14042 | U.S. Ratio of Loans and Discounts To Individual Deposits, National Banks, Total SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1870-1915; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14043 | U.S. Ratio of Loans and Discounts To Individual Deposits, National Banks, Country Districts SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1874-1915; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14044 | U.S. Ratio of Loans and Discounts To Individual Deposits, National Banks, Reserve Cities Other Than Central SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1882-1915; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14045 | U.S. Ratio of Loans and Discounts To Individual Deposits, National Banks, Central Reserve Cities SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1882-1916; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14046 | U.S. Ratio of Loans and Discounts To Individual Deposits, National Banks, New York City SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1870-1915; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14047 | U.S. Ratio of Loans and Discount To Net Deposits, National Banks SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1874-1914; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14048 | U.S. Ratio of Loans and Discounts To Net Deposits, National Banks, Country Districts SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1874-1915; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14049 | U.S. Ratio of Loans and Discounts To Net Deposits, National Banks, Other Reserve Cities SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1882-1914; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14050 | U.S. Ratio of Loans and Discounts To Net Deposits, National Banks, Central Reserve Cities SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1887-1915; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14051 | U.S. Ratio of Loans and Discounts To Net Deposits, National Banks, New York City SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1882-1915; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14052 | U.S. Ratio of Lawful Money To Individual Deposits, National Banks, Total SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1874-1915; SEE NOTES |
db | dat | doc | m14053 | U.S. Ratio of Lawful Money To Individual Deposits, National Banks, Country Districts SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1874-1915; SEE NOTE |
db | dat | doc | m14054 | U.S. Ratio of Lawful Money To Individual Deposits, National Banks, Reserve Cities Other Than Central SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1882-1915; SEE NOTE |
db | dat | doc | m14055 | U.S. Ratio of Lawful Money To Individual Deposits, National Banks, Central Reserve Cities SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1882-1915; SEE NOTE |
db | dat | doc | m14056 | U.S. NBER Series: 14056 10/1874-12/1915 |
db | dat | doc | m14057 | U.S. NBER Series: 14057 10/1874-12/1915 |
db | dat | doc | m14058 | U.S. NBER Series: 14058 03/1875-11/1902; 01/1905-10/1914 |
db | dat | doc | m14059 | U.S. Ratio of Reserves To Net Deposits, National Banks, Reserve Cities Other Than Central SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1882-1915; SEE NOTE |
db | dat | doc | m14060 | U.S. Ratio of Reserves To Net Deposits, National Banks, Central Reserve Cities SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1887-1915; SEE NOTE |
db | dat | doc | m14061 | U.S. Ratio of Reserves To Net Deposits, National Banks, New York City SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1882-1915; SEE NOTE |
db | dat | doc | m14062 | U.S. Total Gold Reserves of Federal Reserve Banks 11/1914-05/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m14063 | U.S. Cash Reserves of Federal Reserve Banks 11/1914-06/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m14064 | U.S. Reserves Held At Federal Reserve Banks, All Member Banks 01/1917-11/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m14065 | U.S. Notes in Circulation, Federal Reserve Banks 11/1914-06/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m14066 | U.S. Total Bills and Securities Held By Federal Reserve Banks 11/1914-10/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m14067 | U.S. Bills Discounted, Federal Reserve Banks 11/1914-10/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m14068 | U.S. Bills Bought, Federal Reserve Banks 01/1915-09/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m14069 | U.S. Government Securities Held, Federal Reserve Banks 12/1914-04/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m14070 | U.S. Total Deposits, Federal Reserve Banks 11/1914-04/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m14071 | Germany Average Monthly Berlin Rates of Exchange On Paris 01/1876-07/1914; 01/1925-07/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m14072 | U.S. Ratio of Reserves To Note and Deposit Liabilities, Federal Reserve Banks 11/1914-12/1948 |
db | dat | doc | m14074 | U.S. Loans On Securities, Reporting Member Banks, Federal Reserve System 12/1919-06/1938 |
db | dat | doc | m14075a | U.S. All Other Loans, Reporting Member Banks, Federal Reserve System 12/1919-06/1938 |
db | dat | doc | m14075b | U.S. All Other Loans, Reporting Member Banks, Federal Reserve System 06/1937-12/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m14076a | U.S. Monetary Gold Stock 06/1878-12/1914 |
db | dat | doc | m14076b | U.S. Monetary Gold Stock 01/1914-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m14076c | U.S. Monetary Gold Stock 01/1947-12/1970 |
db | dat | doc | m14078a | U.S. Net Demand Deposits, Reporting Member Banks, Federal Reserve System 01/1919-08/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m14078b | U.S. Demand Deposits Adjusted, Reporting Member Banks, Federal Reserve System 09/1934-06/1947 |
db | dat | doc | m14078c | U.S. Demand Deposits Adjusted, Reporting Member Banks, Federal Reserve System 07/1946-02/1953 |
db | dat | doc | m14078d | U.S. Demand Deposits Adjusted, Reporting Member Banks, Federal Reserve System 01/1952-06/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m14079a | U.S. Time Deposits, Reporting Member Banks, Federal Reserve System 01/1919-08/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m14079b | U.S. Time Deposits, Reporting Member Banks, Federal Reserve System 09/1934-06/1947 |
db | dat | doc | m14079c | U.S. Time Deposits, Reporting Member Banks, Federal Reserve System 07/1946-02/1953 |
db | dat | doc | m14079d | U.S. Time Deposits, Reporting Member Banks, Federal Reserve System 01/1952-06/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m14080a | U.S. Currency Held By the Treasury, Middle of The Month, Seaonally Adjusted 07/1878-01/1915 |
db | dat | doc | m14080b | U.S. Currency Held By the Treasury, Seasonally Adjusted 02/1914-11/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m14081 | Great Britain Total Circulation 01/1854-10/1861; 01-02,04-05/1862; 09-10/1863; 09/1864-11/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m14082 | Great Britain Bank and Currency Notes in Circulation, Bank of England 01/1919-12/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m14083 | Great Britain Other Securities, Bank of England 09/1844-12/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m14084 | Great Britain Seven Day Bills and Others, Weekly Average, Bank of England 09/1844-08/1904 |
db | dat | doc | m14085 | Great Britain Other Deposits, Bank of England 09/1844-09/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m14086a | U.S. Percentage of Reserves Held To Reserves Required, All Member Banks, Federal Reserve System 01/1918-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m14086b | U.S. Percentage of Reserves Held To Reserves Required, All Member Banks, Federal Reserve System 01/1929-06/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m14087 | Great Britain Ratio of Reserves To Liabilities, Bank Of England 01/1876-02/1935 |
db | dat | doc | m14088a | Germany Outstanding Note Circulation, All Banks, End of Month 11/1875-12/1913 |
db | dat | doc | m14088b | Germany Outstanding Note Circulation, All Banks 01/1914-11/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m14091 | Germany Loans and Discounts, All Issuing Banks 01/1876-08/1888; 10/1888-11/1918; 01/1919-11/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m14093 | Germany Legal Reserve Ratio 01/1876-07/1914 |
db | dat | doc | m14098 | Germany NBER Series: 14098 01/1876-12/1935 |
db | dat | doc | m14100 | France NBER Series: 14100 01/1865-02/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m14101 | France NBER Series: 14101 01/1895-021940 |
db | dat | doc | m14102 | France NBER Series: 14102 01/1865-07/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m14103 | France NBER Series: 14103 01/1865-12/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m14104 | France NBER Series: 14104 01/1865-05/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m14105 | United Kingdon NBER Series: 14105 10/1877-12/1914 |
db | dat | doc | m14106 | U.K. NBER Series: 14106 10/1877-07/1914 |
db | dat | doc | m14107 | U.K. NBER Series: 14107 10/1877/12/1914 |
db | dat | doc | m14108 | U.K. NBER Series: 14108 01/1870-12/1914 |
db | dat | doc | m14112 | U.S. NBER Series: 14112 01/1867-12/1914 |
db | dat | doc | m14114 | France NBER Series: 14114 01/1876-09/1914 |
db | dat | doc | m14115 | New York City 01/1918-05/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m14116 | U.S. 01/1918-05/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m14117a | New York City 01/1918-12/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m14117b | New York City 01/1929-10/1964 |
db | dat | doc | m14118a | U.S. 01/1918-12/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m14118b | U.S. 01/1929-04/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m14119 | U.S. Reserves Held Minus Borrowings At Federal Reserve Banks, Member Banks Outside New York City 01/1944-04/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m14120a | U.S. Reserves Held Minus Borrowings At Federal Reserve Banks, Member Banks in New York City 01/1918-12/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m14120b | U.S. Reserves Held Minus Borrowings At Federal Reserve Member Banks in New York City 01/1929-12/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m14120c | U.S. Reserves Held Minus Borrowings At Federal Reserve Banks, Member Banks in New York City 01/1944-04/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m14121a | U.S. Borrowings At Federal Reserve Banks, Member Banks Outside New York City 01/1918-12/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m14121b | U.S. Borrowings At Federal Reserve Banks, Member Banks Outside New York City 01/1929-12/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m14121c | U.S. Borrowings At Federal Reserve Banks, Member Banks Outside New York City 01/1944-04/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m14122a | U.S. Borrowings At Federal Reserve Banks, Member Banks in New York City 01/1918-12/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m14122b | U.S. Borrowings At Federal Reserve Banks, Member Banks in New York City 01/1929-12/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m14122c | U.S. Borrowings At Federal Reserve Banks, Member Banks in New York City 01/1944-04/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m14123a | U.S. Reserves Held Minus Borrowings At Federal Reserve Banks, All Member Banks 01/1917-12/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m14123b | U.S. Reserves Held Minus Borrowings At Federal Reserve Banks, All Member Banks 01/1929-12/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m14123c | U.S. Reserves Held Minus Borrowings At Federal Reserve Banks, All Member Banks 01/1944-04/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m14124a | U.S. National Bank Notes Outstanding, Total, End of Month 01/1864-12/1879 |
db | dat | doc | m14124b | U.S. National Bank Notes Outstanding Outside the Treasury, End of Month 01/1874-12/1919 |
db | dat | doc | m14124c | U.S. National Bank Notes Outstanding, Outside Treasury and Federal Reserve Banks, End of Month 11/1914-04/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m14125a | U.S. Currency Held By the Public, Seasonally Adjusted 05/1907-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m14125b | U.S. Currency Held By the Public 1947-1967 01/1947-05/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m14126a | U.S. Vault Cash, All Banks Except Federal Reserve Banks, Seasonally Adjusted 05/1907-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m14126b | U.S. Vault Cash, All Banks Except Federal Reserve Banks, End of Month 01/1943-12/1971 |
db | dat | doc | m14127a | U.S. Investments Other Than United States Government Securities, Reporting Federal Reserve Member Banks in 101 Leading Cities 01/1919-06/1947 |
db | dat | doc | m14127b | U.S. Investments Other Than United States Government Securities, Reporting Federal Reserve Member Banks in Ninety-Four 07/1946-06/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m14131a | U.S. Gold Outside the Treasury and Federal Reserve Banks, End of Month 06/1878-12/1914 |
db | dat | doc | m14131b | U.S. Gold Outside the Treasury and Federal Reserve Banks 01/1914-05/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m14132a | U.S. Net Demand Deposits, Weekly Reporting Member Banks, Federal Reserve System, N York City 01/1919-08/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m14132b | U.S. Demand Depostits, Individual, Corporations, and Others, Weekly Reporting Member Banks, Federal Reserve System, New 09/1934-12/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m14132c | U.S. Demand Deposits, Individuals, Corpoartions, and Others, Weekly Reporting Member Banks, Federal Reserve System, New 03/1939-06/1947 |
db | dat | doc | m14132d | U.S. Demand Deposits, Individuals, Corporations, and Others, Weekly Reporting Member Banks, Federal Reserve System, New 07/1946-10/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m14133a | U.S. Silver Held in the Treasury, Treasury and Federal Reserve Banks, End of Month 06/1878-12/1914 |
db | dat | doc | m14133b | U.S. Silver Held in the Treasury, Treasury and Federal Reserve Banks, End of Month 01/1914-05/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m14134a | U.S. Other Currency Held in the Treasury, Treasury and Federal Reserve Banks, End of Month 06/1878-12/1914 |
db | dat | doc | m14134b | U.S. Other Currency Held in the Treasury, Treasury and Federal Reserve Banks, End of Month 01/1914-01/1920 |
db | dat | doc | m14134c | U.S. Other Currency Held in the Treasury, Treasury and Federal Reserve Banks, End of Month 03/1919-05/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m14135a | U.S. Total Currency Outside the Treasury, End of Month 06/1878-12/1914 |
db | dat | doc | m14135b | U.S. Total Currency Outside the Treasury and Federal Reserve Banks, End of Month 01/1914-05/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m14136a | U.S. Other Currency Outside the Treasury, End of Month 06/1878-12/1914 |
db | dat | doc | m14136b | U.S. Other Currency Outside the Treasury and Federal Reserve Banks, End of Month 01/1914-12/1919 |
db | dat | doc | m14136c | U.S. Other Currency Outside the Treasury and Federal Reserve Banks, End of Month 03/1919-05/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m14137a | U.S. Gold Held in the Treasury and Federal Reserve Banks, End of Month 06/1878-12/1914 |
db | dat | doc | m14137b | U.S. Gold Held in the Treasury and Federal Reserve Banks, End of Month 01/1914-05/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m14138a | U.S. Silver Outside the Treasury, End of Month 06/1878-12/1914 |
db | dat | doc | m14138b | U.S. Silver Outside the Treasury and Federal Reserve Banks, End of Month 01/1914-05/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m14139a | U.S. Interbank Deposits, Weekly Reporting Member Banks, Federal Reserve System, New York City 04/1920-08/1935 |
db | dat | doc | m14139b | U.S. Interbank Deposits, Weekly Reporting Member Banks, Federal Reserve System, New York City 09/1934-06/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m14139c | U.S. Interbank Deposits, Weekly Reporting Member Banks, Federal Reserve System, New York City 07/1942-06/1947 |
db | dat | doc | m14139d | U.S. Interbank Deposits, Weekly Reporting Member Banks, Federal Reserve System, New York City 07/1946-12/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m14140 | U.S. NBER Series: 14140 06/1914-06/1923 |
db | dat | doc | m14141 | U.S. NBER Series: 14141 06/1914-06/1923 |
db | dat | doc | m14142 | U.S. NBER Series: 14142 06/1914-06/1923 |
db | dat | doc | m14143 | U.S. NBER Series: 14143 06/1914-06/1923 |
db | dat | doc | m14144a | U.S. Money Stock, Commerical Banks Plus Currency Held By Public, Seasonally Adjusted 05/1907-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m14144b | U.S. Demand Deposits, Adjusted Time Deposits, All Commericial Banks, Plus Currency Held By the Public 01/1955-09/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m14144c | U.S. Demand Deposits, Adjusted Time Deposits, All Commercial Banks, Plus Currency Held By the Public, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1947-09/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m14145a | U.S. Total Deposits, All Commercial Banks, Seasonally Adjusted 05/1907-12/1945 |
db | dat | doc | m14145b | U.S. Total Deposits, All Commercial Banks, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1946-05/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m14146 | U.S. NBER Series: 14146 06/1919-06/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m14147 | U.S. NBER Series: 14147 06/1919-06-1946 |
db | dat | doc | m14148 | U.S. NBER Series: 14148 06/1919-06/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m14149 | U.S. NBER Series: 14149 06/1919-06/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m14150 | New York State NBER Series: 14150 06/1917-06/1923 |
db | dat | doc | m14151 | U.S. NBER Series: 14151 06/1917-06/1923 |
db | dat | doc | m14152 | New York State NBER Series: 14152 06/1914-06/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m14153 | New York State NBER Series: 14153 06/1914-06/1923 |
db | dat | doc | m14154 | U.S. Demand Deposits Less Duplications, National Banks Outside New York State, Seasonally Adjusted SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1917-1923; SEE NOTE |
db | dat | doc | m14155 | U.S. Demand Deposits Less Duplications, Nonnational Banks Outside New York State, Seasonally Adjusted SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1917-1923; SEE NOTE |
db | dat | doc | m14156 | U.S. Time Deposits, National Banks Outside New York State, Seasonally Adjusted SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1914-1923; SEE NOTE |
db | dat | doc | m14157 | U.S. Time Deposits, Nonnational Banks Outside New York State, Seasonally Adjusted SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1914-1923; SEE NOTE |
db | dat | doc | m14158 | New York State NBER Series: 14158 06/1919-06/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m14159 | New York State NBER Series: 14159 06/1919-06/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m14160 | New York State NBER Series: 14160 06/1919-06/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m14161 | New York State NBER Series: 14161 06/1919-06/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m14162 | U.S. Demand Deposits Less Duplications, Federal Reserve Member Banks Outside New York State, Seasonally Adjusted SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1919-1946; SEE NOTE |
db | dat | doc | m14164 | U.S. Time Deposits, Federal Reserve Member Banks Outside New York State, Seasonally Adjusted SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1919-1946; SEE NOTE |
db | dat | doc | m14166 | U.S. Demand Deposits, Member Banks, Federal Reserve System, Seasonally Adjusted 07/1919-12/1945 |
db | dat | doc | m14167 | U.S. NBER Series: 14167 07/1919-12/1945 |
db | dat | doc | m14168 | U.S. Time Deposits, Member Banks, Federal Reserve System, Seasonally Adjusted 07/1919-12/1945 |
db | dat | doc | m14169 | U.S. NBER Series: 14169 07/1919-12/1945 |
db | dat | doc | m14170 | U.S. United States Government Deposits At All Commercial and Savings Banks, Seasonally Adjusted 05/1907-12/1960 |
db | dat | doc | m14171a | U.S. Adjusted Time Deposits, All Commercial Banks, Seasonally Adjusted 06/1914-12/1945 |
db | dat | doc | m14171b | U.S. Time Deposits, All Commercial Banks 01/1947-05/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m14172a | U.S. Adjusted Demand Deposits, All Commercial Banks, Seasonally Adjusted 06/1914-12/1945 |
db | dat | doc | m14172b | U.S. Demand Deposits, All Commercial Banks 01/1947-05/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m14173a | U.S. Deposits in Mutual Savings Banks and Postal Savings System, End of Month, Seasonally Adjusted 05/1907-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m14173b | U.S. Deposits in Mutual Savings Banks and Postal Savings Systems, Middle of Month, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1947-05/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m14174a | U.S. Adjusted Demand Deposits, All Commercial Banks, Plus Currency Held By Public, Seasonally Adjusted 06/1914-12/1945 |
db | dat | doc | m14174b | U.S. Adjusted Demand Deposits, All Banks, Plus Currency Held By the Public 01/1948-11/1967 |
db | dat | doc | m14174c | U.S. Adjusted Demand Deposits, All Banks, Plus Currency Held By the Public, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1946-11/1967 |
db | dat | doc | m14175a | U.S. Adjusted Demand Deposits, All Banks, Total Time Deposits, Plus Currency Held By the Public, End of Month, Seasonally 05/1907-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m14175b | U.S. Adjusted Demand Deposits, All Banks, Total Time Deposits, Plus Currency Held By the Public, Middle of Month, 01/1947-09/1966 |
db | dat | doc | m14177 | U.S. Cash in Vault, Total, National Banks, Including Possessions SCATTERED COVERAGE FOR 1870-1914; SEE NOTE |
db | dat | doc | m14178 | U.S. Ratio of Currency Held By the Public To Adjusted Demand Deposits, Time Deposits, All Commercial Banks, Plus Currency 05/1907-12/1958 |
db | dat | doc | m14183 | U.S. NBER Series: 14183 JANUARY FOR 1867-1872, FEBRUARY 1873- 1874, FEBRUARY AND AUGUST 1875-1881, AND JUNE 1882-1906 |
db | dat | doc | m14185 | U.S. Vault Cash, Member Banks, Federal Reserve System, Seasonally Adjusted 08/1919-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m14186 | U.S. NBER Series: 14186 JANUARY 1867-1872, FEBRUARY 1873- 1874, FEBRUARY AND AUGUST 1875-1881, AND JUNE 1882-1906 |
db | dat | doc | m14189 | U.S. Free Reserves Held At Federal Reserve Banks, All Member Banks 01/1929-04/1967 |
db | dat | doc | m14190a | U.S. Percent Change in Total Money Supply, Month-To-Month Change, Seasonally Adjusted 07/1914-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m14190b | U.S. Percent Change in Total Money Supply, Month-To-Month, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1947-12/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m14191a | U.S. Net Change in Commercial and Industrial Loans, Weekly Reporting Member Banks, Federal Reserve System 07/1937-06/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m14191b | U.S. Net Change in Commercial and Industrial Loans, Weekly Reporting Large Commercial Banks 1966-1968 07/1965-04/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m14195a | U.S. Money Stock, Month-To-Month Change, Seasonally Adjusted 06/1907-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m14195b | U.S. Money Stock, Month-To-Month Change, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1947-01/1967 |
db | dat | doc | m14199a | U.S. Commercial and Industrial Loans, Weekly Reporting Member Banks, Federal Reserve System 05/1937-06/1947 |
db | dat | doc | m14199b | U.S. Commercial and Industrial Loans, Weekly Reporting Member Banks, Federal Reserve System 07/1946-02/1953 |
db | dat | doc | m14200 | U.S. NBER Series: 14200 01/1948-06/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m14201 | U.S. NBER Series: 14201 01/1948-08/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m14202 | U.S. NBER Series: 14202 01/1948-08/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m14203 | U.S. NBER Series: 14203 01/1948-02/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m14204 | U.S. NBER Series: 14204 01/1948-02/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m14205 | U.S. NBER Series: 14205 01/1948-06/1969 |
db | dat | doc | q14003 | Great Britain Average Weekly Internal Demand For Gold FIRST,1858 - SECOND,1914 |
db | dat | doc | q14113 | Germany NBER Series: 14113 FIRST, 1892 - LAST, 1913 |
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