XI. Securities Markets
db -- .db format data & documenation; dat -- rectangular data; doc -- documentation accompanying the .dat file
db | dat | doc | m11001 | U.S. Bond Sales, Par Value 01/1889-07/1914, 12/1914-11/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m11002 | U.S. Stocks, Number of Shares Sold On the New York Stock Exchange 01/1875-08/1966 |
db | dat | doc | m11003 | U.S. Stocks, Value of Shares Sold On the New York Stock Exchange 01/1885-07/1914, 12/1914-12/1920 |
db | dat | doc | m11005 | U.S. American Railroad Stock Prices 01/1855-07/1914, 12/1914-01/1937 |
db | dat | doc | m11005a | U.S. American Railroad Stock Prices 01/1857-12/1929 |
db | dat | doc | m11005b | U.S. American Railroad Stock Prices 01/1918-02/1957 |
db | dat | doc | m11005c | U.S. American Railroad Stock Prices, 25 Railroad Stocks 01/1949-12/1964 |
db | dat | doc | m11006 | U.S. Average Prices of 40 Common Stocks 01/1890-07/1914, 10/1914-12/1915 |
db | dat | doc | m11007 | U.S. Index of Common Stock Prices, New York Stock Exchange, Frickey 01/1902-07/1914, 10/1914-05/1923 |
db | dat | doc | m11008 | U.S. Index of Preferred Stock Prices, New York Stock Exchange, Frickey 01/1902-07/1914, 10/1914-05/1923 |
db | dat | doc | m11009a | U.S. Industrial Stock Price Index, Dow-Jones 01/1897-07/1914, 12/1914-09/1916 |
db | dat | doc | m11009b | U.S. Industrial Stock Price Index, Dow-Jones 12/1914-12/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m11010 | U.S. JANUARY AND JULY, 1901-1935 |
db | dat | doc | m11011 | Great Britain --London Security Price Index 04/1887, 07/1887-06/1888, 09/1888-03/1890, 05/1890-12/1890, ALL MONTHS EXCEPT AUGUST FOR THE YEARS 1891-1894, 01/1895-12/1895, ALL MONTHS EXCEPT JULY FOR 1896, 01/1897-12/1897, ALL MONTHS EXCEPT JULY FOR |
db | dat | doc | m11012a | Great Britain Index of Prices Of Industrial Shares, Total 07/1867-06/1914 |
db | dat | doc | m11012b | Great Britain Price Index of Industrial Securities 01/1919-12/1924 |
db | dat | doc | m11012c | Great Britain Index of Prices Of Industrial Stocks 01/1925-01/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m11013 | Great Britain --London Security Price Index, Coal, Iron, and Steel Shares 04/1887, 07/1887-12/1890, ALL MONTHS EXCEPT AUGUST FOR THE YEARS 1891-92 & 1894, 01/1895-12/1895, ALL MONTHS EXCEPT JULY FOR 1896, 01/1897-12/1897, ALL MONTHS EXCEPT JULY FOR THE YEARS 1898-1904, ALL MONTHS EXCEPT JUNE |
db | dat | doc | m11014 | Great Britain --London Security Price Index, British Railway Common Shares, Stock Exchange Value 04/1887, 07/1887-06/1888, 09/1888-12/1890, ALL MONTHS EXCEPT AUGUST FOR THE YEARS 1891-1894, 01/1895-12/1895, ALL MONTHS EXCEPT JULY FOR 1896, |
db | dat | doc | m11015 | Great Britain Index Numbers of the Price Of Speculative Stocks 01/1919-12/1930 |
db | dat | doc | m11016 | U.S. American Railroad Bond Prices, High Grade 01/1857-07/1914, 12/1914-01/1937 |
db | dat | doc | m11017a | Great Britain Consolidated Stock Prices, Three Per Cent Stocks. 01/1853-12/1888 |
db | dat | doc | m11017b | Great Britain Consolidated Stock Prices, Two and Three Quarters Per Cent Stocks. 03/1888-08/1914, 01/1915-12/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m11018 | Great Britain --London Security Price Index 04/1887, 07/1887-06/1888, 09/1888-03/1890, 04/1890-12/1890, ALL MONTHS EXCEPT AUGUST FOR THE YEARS 1891-1894, 01/1895-12/1895, ALL MONTHS EXCEPT JULY FOR 1896, 01/1897-12/1897, ALL MONTHS EXCEPT JULY FOR |
db | dat | doc | m11019 | Great Britain Index of Prices Of Fixed Interest Securities 01/1867-06/1914 |
db | dat | doc | m11020 | Germany Prices of Three and One Half Per Cent Government Bonds, Seasonally Adjusted 07/1877-07/1914, 01/1919-12/1919, 01/1921-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m11021 | France Prices of Three Per Cent Perpetual Rentes (Terme) 12/1873-04/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m11022 | Great Britain --London Security Price Index 04/1887, 07/1887-06/1888, 09/1888-12/1890, ALL MONTHS EXCEPT AUGUST FOR THE YEARS 1891-1894, 01/1895-12/1895, ALL MONTHS EXCEPT JULY FOR 1896, 01/1897-12/1897, ALL MONTHS EXCEPT JULY FOR THE YEARS |
db | dat | doc | m11023a | Germany Index of Stock Prices 01/1870-12/1913 |
db | dat | doc | m11023b | Germany Index of Stock Prices (General) 01/1924-12/1935 |
db | dat | doc | m11024 | France Index of Stock Prices JANUARY, APRIL, JULY, AND OCTOBER, 1898, 01/1899-07/1914, 01/1919-12/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m11025a | U.S. Index of All Common Stock Prices, Cowles Commission and Standard And Poor's Corporation 01/1871-07/1914, 12/1914-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m11025b | U.S. Index of All Common Stock Prices, Cowles Commission and Standard And Poor's Corporation. 01/1945-12/1968 |
Data Categories
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