VI. Distribution of Commodities
db -- .db format data & documenation; dat -- rectangular data; doc -- documentation accompanying the .dat file
db | dat | doc | a06073 | U.S. Consumer Outlay, Total, in Current Prices 1919-1943 |
db | dat | doc | a06074 | U.S. Consumer Outlay, Total, in Constant 1929 Prices 1919-1943 |
db | dat | doc | a06075 | U.S. Consumer Outlay, Perishable Goods, in Constant 1929 Prices 1919-1943 |
db | dat | doc | a06076 | U.S. Consumer Outlay, Semi-Durable Goods, in Constant 1929 Prices 1919-1943 |
db | dat | doc | a06077 | U.S. Consumer Outlay, Durable Goods, in Constant 1929 Prices 1919-1943 |
db | dat | doc | a06078 | U.S. Consumer Outlay, Services, in Constant 1929 Prices 1919-1943 |
db | dat | doc | a06080 | U.S. Consumer Outlay, Perishable Goods, in Current Prices 1919-1943 |
db | dat | doc | a06081 | U.S. Consumer Outlay, Semi-Durable Goods, in Current Prices 1919-1943 |
db | dat | doc | a06082 | U.S. 1919-1943 |
db | dat | doc | a06083 | U.S. Consumer Outlay, Services, in Current Prices 1919-1943 |
db | dat | doc | m06001a | U.S. Retail Trade Index 07/1914-12/1919 |
db | dat | doc | m06001b | U.S. Retail Trade Index 01/1919-12/1927 |
db | dat | doc | m06002a | U.S. Index of Department Store Sales, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1919-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m06002a2 | U.S. Department Store Sales, Adjusted For Trend, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1939-04/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m06002aa | U.S. Department Store Sales, Adjusted For Trend and Price Changes, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1919-04/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m06002ab | U.S. Index of Department Store Sales 1919-1963 01/1919-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m06002b | U.S. Index of Department Store Sales 01/1919-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m06002ba | U.S. the Physical Volume of Department Store Sales, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1919-04/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m06002c | U.S. Deflated Purchases of Department Stores 02/1919-08/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m06002d | U.S. Deflator For Department Store Sales 01/1919-04/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m06003a | U.S. Index of Mail Order House Sales, Adjusted For Trend and Price Change, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1919-12/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m06003aa | U.S. Catalog Sales, Total Sales, Two Mail Order Houses 01/1911-12/1919 |
db | dat | doc | m06003ab | U.S. Catalog Sales, Total Sales, Two Mail Order Houses 01/1919-12/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m06003ac | U.S. Catalog Sales, Total Sales, Two Mail Order Houses 01/1945-01/1957 |
db | dat | doc | m06003ad | U.S. Total Sales, Catalog and Store, Two Mail Order Houses 01/1956-01/1959 |
db | dat | doc | m06004a | U.S. Index of Sales By Five and Ten Cent Variety Store Chains, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1919-03/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m06004b | U.S. Index of Sales By Five and Ten Cent Variety Store Chains, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1929-11/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m06004c | U.S. Sales By Variety Chain Stores, Firms With Four Or More Stores 01/1935-12/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m06004d | U.S. Sales By Variety Store Chains, Firms With Eleven Or More Stores 01/1951-08/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m06005 | U.S. Index of Sales Per Store, Variety Chain Stores 01/1919-03/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m06006 | U.S. Vendor Performance, Percent Reporting Slower Deliveries 01/1946-02/1967 |
db | dat | doc | m06007a | U.S. Restaurant Chains, Sales Per Store 01/1920-12/1923 |
db | dat | doc | m06007b | U.S. Three Restaurant Chains, Average Sales Per Restaurant 01/1923-11/1938 |
db | dat | doc | m06008a | U.S. Sales By Grocery Chain Stores, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1919-12/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m06008b | U.S. Sales By Grocery Chain Stores 01/1935-12/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m06008c | U.S. Sales of Grocery Chain Stores 01/1951-05/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m06009 | U.S. Variety Chain Store Sales, Adjusted For Trend, Price, and Seasonal Changes 01/1919-12/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m06010 | U.S. Sales of Chain Shoe Stores, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1919-08/1929 |
db | dat | doc | m06011 | U.S. Sales of Retail Chain Stores, Drug Chains, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1919-12/1929 |
db | dat | doc | m06012a | U.S. Index of Wholesale Trade Sales, Nine Lines 01/1919-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m06012b | U.S. Wholesale Total Sales, Eight Lines, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1923-12/1929 |
db | dat | doc | m06013 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Trade, Groceries Sales 01/1919-12/1929 |
db | dat | doc | m06014 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Trade Sales, Meats, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1921-12/1929 |
db | dat | doc | m06015 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Trade Sales, Dry Goods, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1919-12/1930 |
db | dat | doc | m06016 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Trade, Men's Clothing Sales 01/1919-12/1929 |
db | dat | doc | m06017 | U.S. Wholesale Trade Index, Boots and Shoes 01/1919-12/1929 |
db | dat | doc | m06018 | U.S. Wholesale Trade Index, Drugs 01/1920-12/1930 |
db | dat | doc | m06019 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Distribution, Furniture Sales 01/1921-12/1929 |
db | dat | doc | m06020 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Trade, Hardware Sales 01/1919-12/1930 |
db | dat | doc | m06021 | U.S. New Orders of Merchant Pig Iron 01/1919-12/1926 |
db | dat | doc | m06022 | U.S. New Orders of Steel Sheets 01/1919-12/1936 |
db | dat | doc | m06024 | U.S. U.S. Steel Corporation, Unfilled Orders, End of Month 06/1910-09/1933 |
db | dat | doc | m06026 | U.S. New Orders of Locomotives, Including Undated Orders FIRST, 1941 - FOURTH, 1961 01/1941-12/1955 |
db | dat | doc | m06027aa | U.S. New Orders of Freight Cars 01/1913-12/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m06027ab | U.S. New Orders of Freight Cars FIRST, 1941-SECOND, 1953; FOURTH, 1953-FIRST, 1955 01/1941-07/1964 |
db | dat | doc | m06028a | U.S. Orders of Railroad Passenger Cars FIRST, 1920-SECOND, 1942 01/1920-05/1920, 07/1920, 09/1920-10/1920, 12/1920-01/1921, 03/1921-04/1921, 07/1921-08/1921, 10/1921, 12/1921-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m06028b | U.S. New Orders of Passenger Train Cars FIRST, 1934 - FIRST, 1957 01/1934-07/1964 |
db | dat | doc | m06029 | U.S. Index of Orders For Machine Tools and Forging Machinery 01/1919-06/1947 |
db | dat | doc | m06030 | U.S. New Orders of Bath Tubs 04/1917-12/1931 |
db | dat | doc | m06031 | U.S. Lavatories, New Orders 04/1917-12/1931 |
db | dat | doc | m06032 | U.S. Sinks, New Orders 04/1917-12/1931 |
db | dat | doc | m06033 | U.S. Miscellaneous Sanitary Ware, New Orders 04/1917-12/1931 |
db | dat | doc | m06035 | U.S. New Orders of Architectural Terra Cotta 01/1919-06/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m06036a | U.S. Sales Books, New Orders 01/1919-12/1935 |
db | dat | doc | m06036b | U.S. Sales Books, New Orders 01/1935-08/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m06037 | U.S. Sales of Ironing Machines 01/1933-11/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m06042 | U.S. Manufacturers' Sales of Electric Household Refrigerators 07/1930-07/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m06046 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Trade Sales, Groceries 01/1923-12/1938 |
db | dat | doc | m06047 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Trade Sales, Drugs 01/1923-12/1938 |
db | dat | doc | m06048 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Trade Sales, Shoes 01/1923-08/1933 |
db | dat | doc | m06049 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Trade Sales, Dry Goods 01/1923-03/1935 |
db | dat | doc | m06050 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Trade Sales, Electrical Supplies 01/1928-12/1938 |
db | dat | doc | m06051 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Trade Sales, Hardware 01/1923-12/1938 |
db | dat | doc | m06052 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Trade Sales Of Groceries 01/1920-11/1942; 01-11/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m06053 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Trade Sales Of Groceries 01/1923-01/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m06054 | U.S. Sales of Twenty-Four Wholesale Grocery Firms 01/1926-12/1937 |
db | dat | doc | m06056 | U.S. New Orders, Fabricated Steel Plate 01/1923-06/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m06057 | U.S. Magazine Advertising, Linage 01/1912-07/1958 |
db | dat | doc | m06058a | U.S. Index of Total Advertising, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1914-12/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m06058b | U.S. Index of Total Advertising, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1943-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m06058c | U.S. Index of Total Advertising, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1944-12/1953 |
db | dat | doc | m06058d | U.S. Index of Total Advertising, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1953-08/1958 |
db | dat | doc | m06059 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Sales Of Shoes, Revised, Deflated, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1919-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m06060 | U.S. Pairs of Shoes Sold At Retail, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST, 1926-FOURTH, 1941 01/1926-12/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m06061 | U.S. Retail Sales of Shoes 01/1926-02/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m06062 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Sales Of Shoes, Revised 01/1919-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m06063 | U.S. Ratio of Unfilled Orders To Shipments, Manufacturers Of Durable Goods, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1953-09/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m06064 | U.S. Manufacturer's Unfilled Orders, Total, Narrow Version I, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1953-10/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m06065 | U.S. Manufacturer's Unfilled Orders, Total, Narrow Version Ii, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1953-09/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m06066a | U.S. Manufacturers' Unfilled Orders, All Industries 01/1947-12/1960 |
db | dat | doc | m06066b | U.S. Manufacturers' Unfilled Orders, All Industries, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1947-09/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m06067 | U.S. Manufacturers' Unfilled Orders, Fabricated Metal Products 01/1953-12/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m06068 | U.S. Manufacturer's Unfilled Orders, All Other Durable Goods Industries 01/1953-12/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m06069 | U.S. Manufacturer's Unfilled Orders, Nondurable Goods Industries, Total 01/1947-12/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m06070 | U.S. Manufacturers' New Orders, All Industries 01/1947-12/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m06079 | U.S. Index of Orders, Total, Associated Industries Of Massachusetts 07/1924-07/1941 SOURCE: VICTOR ZARNOWITZ, ORDERS, PRODUCTION AND INVESTMENT: A CYCLICAL AND STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS, TABLE A-1, |
db | dat | doc | m06084a | U.S. Manufacturers' Index of New Orders Of Durable Goods, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1929-12/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m06084b | U.S. Manufacturers' New Orders of Durable Goods, Value 01/1939-12/1947 |
db | dat | doc | m06084c | U.S. Manufacturers' New Orders of Durable Goods, Value 01/1947-06/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m06089a | U.S. Sales By Retail Stores 01/1935-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m06089b | U.S. Sales By Retail Stores 01/1946-09/1974 |
db | dat | doc | m06091 | U.S. Index of New Orders, Durable Goods 01/1920-08/1933 SOURCE: COMPUTED BY NBER USING WEIGHTS IN SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS, SEPTEMBER 1928, PP. 19-20. |
db | dat | doc | m06092a | U.S. Manufacturers' Shipments, Total, Value, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1929-07/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m06092b | U.S. Manufacturers' Shipments, Total, Value 01/1942-09/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m06092c | U.S. Manufacturers' Shipments, Total, Value, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST,1926 - FOURTH,1938 01/1939-09/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m06092d | U.S. Manufacturers' Shipments, Total, Value 01/1947-03/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m06093 | U.S. Metal Cutting Type Machine Tools, Gross New Orders, Total 01/1945-03/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m06094a | U.S. Wholesale Sales, Total Trade, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1939-12/1948 |
db | dat | doc | m06094b | U.S. Wholesale Sales, Merchant Wholesalers, Total, Department of Commerce 01/1948-08/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m06095a | U.S. Sales By Retail Stores Excluding Food Stores, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1935-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m06095b | U.S. Sales By Retail Stores, Excluding Food Stores, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1946-03/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m06096 | U.S. Manufacturers' New Orders, Machinery and Equipment Industries, Value 01/1953-09/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m06097 | U.S. New Orders and Contracts For Plant And Equipment, Value, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1948-12/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m06098 | U.S. Buying Policy, Production Materials, Percent Reporting, Committments 60 Days Or Longer 01/1950-11/1967, EXCLUDING 07/1951, 07/1952, 07/1953, 07/1954, 07/1955, 07/1956, 07-08/1957 |
db | dat | doc | m06099 | U.S. Buying Policy, Capital Expenditures, Percent Reporting, Committments 6 Months Or Longer 05/1955-06/1967 EXCLUDING 07/1955, 07/1956, 07-08/1957 |
db | dat | doc | m06100a | U.S. Month To Month Change in Manufacturers' Unfilled Orders, Durable Goods Industries 02/1939-12/1947 |
db | dat | doc | m06100b | U.S. Change in Manufacturers' Unfilled Orders, Durable Goods Industries 01/1947-09/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m06101 | U.S. Metal Cutting Machine Tools, Gross New Orders, Domestic 09/1945-08/1966 |
db | dat | doc | m06102a | U.S. Manufacturing and Trade Sales, Total, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1939-12/1948 |
db | dat | doc | m06102b | U.S. Manufacturing and Trade Sales, Total 01/1948-03/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m06103a | U.S. Manufacturers' Sales of Producers' Durable Equipment, Value, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1948-12/1954 |
db | dat | doc | m06103b | U.S. Manufacturers' Sales of Producers' Durable Equipment, Value 01/1953-08/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m06104 | U.S. Sales As Per Cent of Inventories, Total, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1948-03/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m06105 | U.S. Manufacturers' Sales of Producers' Durable Equipment Plus Construction Put in Place, Value, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST,1948-FOURTH,1952; FIRST-FOURTH,1967 01/1948-08/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m06106a | U.S. Manufacturers' Unfilled Orders, Durable Goods Industries, End of Month 01/1939-12/1947 |
db | dat | doc | m06106b | U.S. Manufacturers' Unfilled Orders, Durable Goods Industries, End of Month 01/1947-09/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m06107 | U.S. Metal Cutting Type Machine Tools, Cancellations of New Orders 01/1945-06/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m06109 | U.S. Manufacturers' New Orders, Defense Products 01/1953-09/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m06111 | U.S. Index of New Machinery Orders For Export 01/1957-02/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m06112 | U.S. Department Store Merchandising, Outstanding Orders, End of Month 01/1940-11/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m06113 | U.S. Manufacturers' New Orders For Exports of Durable Goods Excluding Motor Vehicles and Parts 10/1962-09/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m06114 | U.S. Manufacturers' Unfilled Orders, Electrical Machinery, Total 01/1953-12/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m06115 | U.S. Manufacturers' Unfilled Orders, Machinery Except Electrical, Total 01/1953-12/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m06116 | U.S. Manufacturers' Unfilled Orders, Transportation Equipment, Total 01/1953-12/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m06117 | U.S. Manufacturers' Shipments, Durable Goods Industries 01/1947-12/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m06118 | U.S. Manufacturers' Shipments, All Other Durable Goods Industries, Total 01/1953-12/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m06119 | U.S. Manufacturers' Shipments, Nondurable Goods Industries, Total 01/1947-12/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m06120 | U.S. Manufacturers' Shipments, Primary Metals, Total 01/1953-12/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m06121 | U.S. Manufacturers' Shipments, Blast Furnaces, Steel Mills 01/1953-12/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m06122 | U.S. Manufacturers' Shipments, Fabricated Metal Products 01/1953-12/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m06123 | U.S. Manufacturers' Shipments, Machinery Except Electrical, Total 01/1953-12/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m06124 | U.S. Manufacturers' Shipments, Electrical Machinery, Total 01/1953-12/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m06125 | U.S. Manufacturers' Shipments, Transportation Equipment, Total 01/1953-12/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m06126 | U.S. Manufacturers' New Orders, Primary Metals 01/1953-12/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m06127 | U.S. Manufacturers' New Orders, Blast Furnaces, Steel Mills 01/1953-12/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m06128 | U.S. Manufacturers' New Orders, Fabricated Metal Products 01/1953-12/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m06129 | U.S. Manufacturers' New Orders, Machinery Except Electrical, Total 01/1953-12/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m06130 | U.S. Manufacturers' New Orders, Transportation Equipment 01/1953-12/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m06131 | U.S. Manufacturers' New Orders, Electrical Machinery 01/1953-12/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m06132 | U.S. Manufacturers' Unfilled Orders, Primary Metals, Total 01/1953-12/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m06133 | U.S. Manufacturers' Unfilled Orders, Blast Furnaces, Steel Mills 01/1953-12/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m06134 | U.S. Manufacturer's New Orders, All Other Durable Goods Industries 01/1953-12/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m06135 | U.S. Manufacturer's New Orders, Total, Nondurable Goods Industries 01/1947-12/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m06136 | U.S. Advance Buying On Principal Materials, Per Cent Buying 30 Days Or Less 01/1946-06/1960 |
db | dat | doc | m06137 | U.S. Advance Buying On Principal Materials, Per Cent Buying 60 Days Or Longer 01/1946-09/1962 |
db | dat | doc | m06138 | U.S. Buying Policy, Per Cent Reporting Committments 90 Days Or Longer 01/1950-08/1960 |
db | dat | doc | m06139a | U.S. Orders, Per Cent Expanding 01/1948-05/1957 |
db | dat | doc | m06139b | U.S. Orders, Per Cent Expanding, Cumulative 01/1948-05/1957 |
db | dat | doc | q06024 | U.S. U.S. Steel Corporation, Unfilled Orders SECOND, 1902 - FOURTH, 1911 |
db | dat | doc | q06026a | U.S. Locomotives Ordered By Railroads FIRST, 1870 - FOURTH, 1926 |
db | dat | doc | q06026b | U.S. Locomotives Ordered By American Railroads For Domestic Use FIRST, 1925 - FOURTH, 1950 |
db | dat | doc | q06026c | U.S. New Orders of Locomotives, Including Undated Orders FIRST, 1941 - FOURTH, 1961 01/1941-12/1955 |
db | dat | doc | q06027a | U.S. Orders For Freight Cars Placed By American Railroads For Domestic Use FIRST, 1870-FOURTH, 1924 |
db | dat | doc | q06027ab | U.S. New Orders of Freight Cars FIRST, 1941-SECOND, 1953; FOURTH, 1953-FIRST, 1955 01/1941-07/1964 |
db | dat | doc | q06027b | U.S. Orders For Freight Cars Placed By American Railroads For Domestic Use FIRST, 1924-SECOND, 1932, FOURTH, 1932-FOURTH, 1950 |
db | dat | doc | q06028a | U.S. Orders of Railroad Passenger Cars FIRST, 1870-FOURTH, 1926 |
db | dat | doc | q06028b | U.S. Orders of Railroad Passenger Cars FIRST, 1920-SECOND, 1942 01/1920-05/1920, 07/1920, 09/1920-10/1920, 12/1920-01/1921, 03/1921-04/1921, 07/1921-08/1921, 10/1921, 12/1921-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | q06028c | U.S. New Orders of Passenger Train Cars FIRST, 1934 - FIRST, 1957 01/1934-07/1964 |
db | dat | doc | q06060 | U.S. Pairs of Shoes Sold At Retail, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST, 1926-FOURTH, 1941 01/1926-12/1941 |
db | dat | doc | q06085 | U.S. Personal Consumption Expenditures, Total FIRST, 1939 - FOURTH, 1967 |
db | dat | doc | q06086 | U.S. Personal Consumption Expenditures, Durable Goods FIRST, 1939 - FOURTH, 1967 |
db | dat | doc | q06087 | U.S. Personal Consumption Expenditures, Nondurable Goods FIRST, 1939 - FOURTH, 1967 |
db | dat | doc | q06088 | U.S. Personal Consumption Expenditures, Services FIRST, 1939-FOURTH, 1967 |
db | dat | doc | q06090a | U.S. Index of Orders Of Railroad Equipment FIRST, 1870 - FOURTH, 1926 |
db | dat | doc | q06090b | U.S. Index of Orders Of Railroad Equipment FIRST, 1922 - SECOND, 1942 |
db | dat | doc | q06090c | U.S. Index of Orders Of Railroad Equipment FIRST, 1941 - FOURTH, 1955 |
db | dat | doc | q06092c | U.S. Manufacturers' Shipments, Total, Value, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST,1926 - FOURTH,1938 01/1939-09/1963 |
db | dat | doc | q06110 | U.S. Net Sales, All Manufacturing Corporations FIRST, 1947-THIRD,1969 |
Data Categories
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