IV. Prices
db -- .db format data & documenation; dat -- rectangular data; doc -- documentation accompanying the .dat file
db | dat | doc | a04018 | London Price of Bar Silver 1833-1933 |
db | dat | doc | a04054 | Germany --Hamburg Index of Wholesale Prices 1851-1900 |
db | dat | doc | a04183 | U.S. Index of Farm Prices Of 58 Foods 1913-1942 |
db | dat | doc | a04184 | U.S. Index of Retail Price Of 58 Foods, Bureau Of Agricultural Economics 1913-1942 |
db | dat | doc | m04001a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Wheat, Chicago, Six Markets 07/1841-07/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m04001b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Wheat, Chicago; Six Markets 01/1938-08/1952 |
db | dat | doc | m04002 | Great Britain Wheat Prices 09/1845-10/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m04003 | Germany --Berlin Wholesale Price of Wheat 01/1879-06/1925, 08/1925-05/1926, 08/1926-06/1927, 08/1927-07/1935 |
db | dat | doc | m04004 | France --Paris Wheat Prices FIRST, 1917-FOURTH, 1921 01/1892-02/1924, 09/1924-06/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m04005 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Corn, Chicago 01/1860-12/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m04006a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Cotton, New York; 10 Markets 09/1870-12/1945 |
db | dat | doc | m04006aa | U.S. Farm Prices of Cottonseed 09/1910-06/1938 |
db | dat | doc | m04006ab | U.S. Farm Prices of Cottonseed 07/1927-09/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m04006b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Cotton, New York, 10 Markets 01/1937-07/1955 |
db | dat | doc | m04006c | U.S. Wholesale Price of Cotton, New York; 14 Markets 08/1954-03/1958 |
db | dat | doc | m04007 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Cattle, Chicago 01/1858-12/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m04008 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Hogs, Chicago, 01/1858-12/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m04009 | Germany --Berlin Wool, Wholesale Price 01/1879-12/1915, 02/1921-02/1931 |
db | dat | doc | m04009a | U.S. Sheep Prices, Chicago 01/1874-12/1904 |
db | dat | doc | m04009aa | Germany --Munchen (Munich) Hides, Wholesale Price 01/1887-12/1909, 02/1910-06/1916, 11/1916-12/1917, 08/1919-12/1919, 01/1924-12/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m04009ab | Germany --Frankfort Hides, Wholesale Price 01/1921-12/1923 |
db | dat | doc | m04009b | U.S. Sheep Prices, Chicago 01/1901-07/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m04010a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Pig Iron, Composite, NBER 01/1890-12/1915 |
db | dat | doc | m04010b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Pig Iron, Composite, NBER 01/1914-12/1922 |
db | dat | doc | m04010c | U.S. Wholesale Price of Pig Oron, Composite, NBER 01/1921-06/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m04010d | U.S. Wholesale Price of Pig Iron, Composite, NBER; the Iron Age 01/1938-04/1958 |
db | dat | doc | m04011a | U.S. Prices of No. 1 Anthracite Foundry Pig Iron in Philadelphia 05/1842-12/1842, 01/1844-09/1914 |
db | dat | doc | m04011b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Pig Iron, Eastern Pennsylvania 01/1910-03/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m04012a | Great Britain Pig Iron Price, Scotch Pig 01/1874-12/1897 |
db | dat | doc | m04012b | Great Britain Pig Iron Prices, Cleveland No. 3 01/1886-12/1933 |
db | dat | doc | m04013a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Pig Iron 10/1880-07/1914 |
db | dat | doc | m04013b | Germany --Westphalia Wholesale Price of Pig Iron 04/1913-07/1935 |
db | dat | doc | m04014 | France Pig Iron Prices (Fers Marchand) FIRST, 1896-THIRD, 1936 01/1897-09/1936 |
db | dat | doc | m04015a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Copper, Lake, New York City 01/1860-12/1912 |
db | dat | doc | m04015b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Copper, Electrolyte, New York 01/1912-07/1955 |
db | dat | doc | m04016a | Germany -- Berlin Wholesale Price of Copper, Berlin 1879-1905 01/1879-12/1905 |
db | dat | doc | m04016b | Germany -- Berlin Wholesale Price of Copper, Berlin 1904-1934 01/1904-07/1935 |
db | dat | doc | m04017 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Pig Lead, New York 01/1870-07/1955 |
db | dat | doc | m04019a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Wheat Flour, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1890-12/1916 |
db | dat | doc | m04019b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Wheat Flour, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1913-12/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m04020 | U.S. Retail Price of Flour, Wheat, White 01/1913-12/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m04021 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Bread, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1913-02/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m04022 | U.S. Retail Price of Bread 1913-1943 01/1913-12/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m04023 | France --City Of Paris Retail Price of Bread 01/1899-12/1902, 04/1903-12/1913, 04/1915-03/1935 |
db | dat | doc | m04024a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Bacon 01/1890-04/1933 |
db | dat | doc | m04024b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Bacon, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1913-05/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m04025 | U.S. Retail Price of Bacon 01/1911-12/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m04026a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Lard, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1911-04/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m04026b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Lard, Department Of Agriculture 01/1938-06/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m04027 | U.S. Retail Price of Lard 01/1911-12/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m04028 | U.S. Consumer Price Index, All Commodities Less Food, Bureau of Labor Statistics 03/1935, 07/1935, 10/1935, 04/1936, 07/1936, 09/1936, 12/1936, 03/1937, 06/1937, 09/1937, 12/1937, ONLY THE MONTHS OF MARCH, JUNE, SEPTEMBER, AND |
db | dat | doc | m04028a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Creamery Butter, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1890-03/1916 |
db | dat | doc | m04028b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Creamery Butter, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1913-03/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m04029 | U.S. Retail Price of Butter, Chicago 01/1911-12/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m04030a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Granulated Sugar, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1890-12/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m04030b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Granulated Sugar 01/1938-07/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m04031 | U.S. Retail Price of Sugar 01/1911-12/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m04032 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Potatoes, Chicago FIRST, 1890-FOURTH, 1910 01/1890-06/1891, 09/1891-07/1892, 09/1892-06/1894, 08/1894-06/1895, 09/1895-06/1896, 09/1896-07/1897, 09/1897-07/1898, 09/1898-07/1899, 09/1899-06/1900, 09/1900-06/1901, 08/1901-06/1902, |
db | dat | doc | m04033 | U.S. Retail Price of Potatoes, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1911-12/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m04034 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Coffee, New York 01/1890-12/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m04035 | U.S. Retail Price of Coffee, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1913-12/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m04036a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Bananas 01/1913-08/1916, 10/1916-02/1918, 06/1918-01/1920, 04/1920-04/1933 |
db | dat | doc | m04036b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Bananas 01/1932-12/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m04036c | U.S. Wholesale Price of Bananas 01/1935-11/1935, 03/1936-02/1938, 04/1938-01/1941, 03/1941-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m04037 | U.S. Retail Price of Bananas, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1920-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m04038 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Oranges 01/1914-06/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m04039 | U.S. Retail Price of Oranges, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1919-12/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m04040 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Prunes, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1890-12/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m04041 | U.S. Retail Price of Prunes, New York 01/1915-09/1943, 12/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m04042a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Canned Tomatoes, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1908-12/1938 |
db | dat | doc | m04042b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Canned Tomatoes, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1937-06/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m04042c | U.S. Wholesale Price of Canned Tomatoes, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1942-12/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m04043 | U.S. Retail Price of Canned Tomatoes, No.2 Can, New York 01/1919-12/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m04044a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Anthracite Coal, Chestnut; Tidewater, New York Harbor. 01/1890-05/1902, 11/1902-04/1922, 09/1922-11/1925, 01/1926-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m04044b | U.S. Wholesale Prices; Anthracite Coal, Chestnut. 01/1923-09/1925, 01/1926-08/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m04045 | U.S. Retail Price of Anthracite Coal 06/1920-07/1922, 09/1922-11/1925, 03/1926-06/1935, 09/1935, 12/1935, THE MONTHS OF MARCH, JUNE, SEPTEMBER, AND DECEMBER FOR 1936-39, 03/1940, 06/1940, 09/1940-07/1944. |
db | dat | doc | m04046 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Bituminous Coal, Georges Creek, F.O.B. New York Harbor 01/1890-03/1900, 11/1900-12/1913 |
db | dat | doc | m04047 | U.S. Retail Price of Bituminous Coal 01/1920, 06/1920-07/1922, 09/1922-06/1935, 09/1935, 12/1935, THE MONTHS OF MARCH, JUNE, SEPTEMBER AND DECEMBER FOR THE YEARS 1936-1939, 03/1940, 06/1940, 09/1940-07/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m04048a | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices, Variable Group Weights 01/1850-12/1894 |
db | dat | doc | m04048b | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1890-12/1914 |
db | dat | doc | m04048c | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1913-12/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m04049 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices, Bradstreet's, End Of Month FIRST, 1892-FOURTH, 1901 01/1899-11/1937 |
db | dat | doc | m04050a | U.S. Price Index of Business Cycles 01/1891-06/1919 |
db | dat | doc | m04050b | U.S. Price Index of Business Cycles 01/1919-06/1927 |
db | dat | doc | m04051 | U.S. Index of the General Price Level 01/1860-11/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m04052 | U.S. Consumer Price Index, All Items Less Food, National Bureau of Economic Researchbureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1913-04/1971 |
db | dat | doc | m04053 | Great Britain Wholesale Price Index, All Commodities FIRST, 1884-SECOND, 1886 01/1885-05/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m04054 | Germany --Hamburg Wholesale Price Index 03/1879-12/1902, 01/1907-06/1914 |
db | dat | doc | m04055 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Processed Foods, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1926-01/1967 |
db | dat | doc | m04056 | Germany Index of Sensitive Prices 01/1882-12/1913, 01/1924-10/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m04057 | France Index of Wholesale Prices, All Commodities (20 Foods, 25 Raw Materials) FIRST, 1902-FOURTH, 1933 01/1913-08/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m04058 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Farm Products, Bureau Of Labor Statistics. 01/1890-12/1967 |
db | dat | doc | m04059 | U.S. Index of Farm Prices Of Crops, Bureau Of Agricultural Economics. 01/1910-12/1966 |
db | dat | doc | m04060 | U.S. Index of Farm Prices Of Meat Animals 01/1910-12/1966 |
db | dat | doc | m04060a | U.S. Index of Prices Received By Farmers, All Groups 01/1910-11/1967 |
db | dat | doc | m04061 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Foods,Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1890-02/1967 |
db | dat | doc | m04062 | Great Britain Wholesale Price Index, Total Food FIRST 1884 - FOURTH 1914 01/1913-09/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m04063 | France Wholesale Price Index, Foodstuffs, Statistique Generale De La France 01/1913-08/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m04064a | U.S. Index of Wholesale Price Of Textiles, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1890-12/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m04064b | U.S. Index of Wholesale Price Of Textiles, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1890-12/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m04065a | U.S. Index of Wholesale Price Of Fuel and Lighting, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1890-12/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m04065b | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Fuel and Lighting, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1947-07/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m04066a | U.S. Wholesale Prices of Metal and Metal Products, Bureau Of Labor Statistics. 01/1890-12/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m04066b | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Metals and Metal Products, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1947-06/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m04067 | Great Britain Wholesale Price Index of Minerals FIRST 1884 - FOURTH 1914 03/1914-12/1935 |
db | dat | doc | m04068a | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Building Materials, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1890-12/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m04068b | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Building Materials, Bureau Of Labor Statistics. 01/1947-05/1962 |
db | dat | doc | m04069 | Great Britain Wholesale Price Index of Raw Materials FIRST, 1884-FOURTH, 1923 01/1913-12/1935 |
db | dat | doc | m04070 | France Wholesale Price, Raw Materials FIRST, 1913-SECOND, 1934 01/1913-08/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m04071 | U.S. Index of Retail Prices Of Food At Home, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1913-02/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m04072 | U.S. Cost of Living Index 01/1910-01/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m04073a | France --Paris Retail Price Index, Paris (13 Articles) THIRD, 1914-FOURTH, 1933 01/1919-08/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m04073b | France --Paris Retail Price Index, 34 Articles 01/1929-08/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m04074 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Oats, Chicago 01/1890-09/1952 |
db | dat | doc | m04075 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Amoskeag Ginghams, Factory, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1890-06/1936 |
db | dat | doc | m04075b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Amoskeag Gingham, Factory, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1931-12/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m04076a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Portland Cement 01/1895-12/1915 |
db | dat | doc | m04076b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Portland Cement 01/1914-06/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m04077a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Rubber, Para Island Plantation 01/1890-12/1922 |
db | dat | doc | m04077b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Rubber, Para Island; Plantation, New York 01/1913-03/1958 |
db | dat | doc | m04078a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Window Glass 01/1890-12/1933 |
db | dat | doc | m04078b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Window Glass, American, Single 01/1933-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m04079 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Crude Petroleum, At Wells 01/1890-06/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m04080 | U.S. Wholesale Prices Sulphuric Acid, 66 Degree Tank Cars 01/1890-12/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m04081a | U.S. Wholesale Prices of Linseed Oil; Raw, in Barrels FIRST, 1918-FOURTH, 1952 01/1890-05/1952 |
db | dat | doc | m04081aa | U.S. Wholesale Price of Refined Cottonseed Oil, Prime Summer Yellow, Department Of Agriculture 01/1891-06/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m04081b | U.S. Wholesale Price Linseed Oil, Raw, Minneapolis 01/1952-02/1958 |
db | dat | doc | m04081ba | U.S. Wholesale Price of Cottonseed Oil, Crude 08/1909-07/1910, 09/1910-06/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m04082a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Hides, Packer, Heavy Native Steers 01/1890-12/1949, 02/1950-01/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m04082b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Hides, Packer, Heavy Native Steers, Chicago 01/1947-02/1958 |
db | dat | doc | m04083 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Sheetings, Brown, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1890-04/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m04084 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Bleached Muslin, 4-4, Fruit Of the Loom Mills, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1890-05/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m04085a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Pine, Yellow, Siding 01/1890-11/1916 |
db | dat | doc | m04085b | U.S. Wholesale Price, Yellow Pine 01/1914-12/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m04086a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Print Cloth, Mills, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1890-12/1913 |
db | dat | doc | m04086b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Print Cloth, Mills, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1914-08/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m04086c | U.S. Wholesale Price of Print Cloth, Mills, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 05/1943-02/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m04086d | U.S. Wholesale Price of Print Cloth, Mills, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1946-01/1958 |
db | dat | doc | m04087a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Wool, Eastern Markets, Boston, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1890-12/1917 |
db | dat | doc | m04087b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Wool, Eastern Markets, Boston 01/1917-04/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m04087c | U.S. Wholesale Price of Wool, Eastern Markets, Boston 01/1938-12/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m04087d | U.S. Wholesale Price of Wool, Eastern Markets, Boston 01/1947-04/1957 |
db | dat | doc | m04088a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Leather, Sole, Oak, Scoured Backs 01/1890-07/1947 |
db | dat | doc | m04088b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Leather, Bellies, Steer, F.O.B. Tannery 01/1947-12/1950, 07/1951-02/1958 |
db | dat | doc | m04089a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Oak: White, Plain. 01/1890-12/1923 |
db | dat | doc | m04089b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Oak: White, Plain 01/1920-09/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m04089c | U.S. Wholesale Price of Oak, White Plain 07/1940-04/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m04090a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Spruce 01/1890-12/1919 |
db | dat | doc | m04090b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Spruce 01/1913-05/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m04091 | U.S. Petroleum (Kerosene) Refined, Water White, Bulk 01/1913-05/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m04092a | U.S. Price of Zinc, New York 01/1875-12/1904 |
db | dat | doc | m04092b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Slab Zinc 01/1898-04/1958 |
db | dat | doc | m04093a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Newsprint Paper 01/1890-12/1915 |
db | dat | doc | m04093b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Newsprint Paper Rolls, Contract, F.O.B. Mill 01/1914-08/1919, 03/1920-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m04093c | U.S. Wholesale Price of Newsprint Paper 01/1926-12/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m04093d | U.S. Wholesale Price of Newsprint Paper 01/1947-02/1958 |
db | dat | doc | m04094 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Oleomargarine, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1913-06/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m04095a | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Housefurnishing Goods, Bureau Of Labor Statistics. 01/1890-12/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m04095b | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Housefurnishing Goods, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1947-08/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m04096a | U.S. Index of Wholesale Price Of Chemicals and Drugs, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1890-12/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m04096b | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Chemicals and Drugs, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1947-12/1961 |
db | dat | doc | m04097a | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Hides and Leather Products. 01/1890-12/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m04097b | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Hides and Leather Products, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1947-07/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m04098a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Bricks, Common, Composite Price. 01/1921-02/1932 |
db | dat | doc | m04098b | U.S. Wholesale Price, Brick, Common, Composite 11/1931-05/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m04099 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Common Bricks, Domestic, New York 01/1890-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m04099a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Portland Cement, Six Production Centers 01/1921-12/1938 |
db | dat | doc | m04100a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Cotton Yarn, Mills, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1890-05/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m04100b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Cotton Yarn, Mills, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1941-12/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m04100c | U.S. Wholesale Price of Cotton Yarn, Mills, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 1947-1955 01/1947-08/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m04101a | Germany --Essen Wholesale Price of Coal 01/1889-04/1889, 09/1889-04/1890, 08/1890-12/1891, 02/1892-11/1892, 01/1893-02/1895, 07/1895-12/1919 |
db | dat | doc | m04101b | Germany --Essen Wholesale Price of Coal (From Mine) Rhine-Westphalia 04/1913-11/1936 |
db | dat | doc | m04102 | Great Britain Index of Import Prices, Total, A.G. Silverman 01/1880-12/1913 |
db | dat | doc | m04103 | Great Britain Grains and Wheat Flour, Price, Imports 01/1890-12/1913 |
db | dat | doc | m04104 | Great Britain Dutiable Foodstuffs, Price, Imports 01/1880-12/1913 |
db | dat | doc | m04105 | Great Britain Animal Foodstuffs, Imports, Prices 01/1880-12/1913 |
db | dat | doc | m04106 | Great Britain Textiles, Prices, Imports 01/1880-12/1913 |
db | dat | doc | m04107 | Great Britain Metals, Imports, Prices 01/1880-12/1913 |
db | dat | doc | m04108 | Great Britain Oils and Seed Oils Imports, Prices 01/1880-12/1913 |
db | dat | doc | m04109 | Great Britain Index of Export Prices, A.G. Silverman, Total 01/1880-10/1893, 12/1893-02/1912, 04/1912-12/1913 |
db | dat | doc | m04110 | Great Britain Textiles, Prices, Exports 01/1880-12/1913 |
db | dat | doc | m04111 | Great Britain Coal Exports, Prices 01/1880-10/1893, 12/1893-02/1912, 04/1912-12/1913 |
db | dat | doc | m04112 | Great Britain Iron and Steel Exports Prices 01/1880-12/1913 |
db | dat | doc | m04113 | Great Britain Index of Export Prices, Non-Ferrous Metals, Silverman 01/1880-12/1913 |
db | dat | doc | m04114 | Great Britain Chemical Exports, Prices 01/1880-12/1913 |
db | dat | doc | m04115 | Germany -- Augsburg Wholesale Price of Cotton Yarn, Germany 01/1879-12/1935 |
db | dat | doc | m04116 | Germany --Berlin Wholesale Price of Potatoes, Average Per Month 01/1882-06/1882, 09/1882-06/1886, 09/1886-06/1894, 08/1894-07/1895, 09/1895-06/1898, 08/1898-06/1899, 09/1899-06/1900, 08/1900-06/1901, 08/1901-06/1902, 09/1902-07/1904, 09/1904-06/1905, |
db | dat | doc | m04117a | Germany --Berlin Wholesale Price of Oxen For Slaughter 01/1879-06/1897 |
db | dat | doc | m04117b | Germany --Berlin Wholesale Price of Oxen For Slaughter (Monthly Average) 07/1897-02/1916 |
db | dat | doc | m04117c | Germany --Berlin Wholesale Prices of Oxen For Slaughter 01/1910-12/1915, 01/1921-03/1921, 05/1921-06/1922, 08/1922-12/1922, 01/1924-06/1936 |
db | dat | doc | m04118a | Germany --Berlin Average Monthly Wholesale Price of Hogs For Slaughter 01/1879-12/1887 |
db | dat | doc | m04118b | Germany --Berlin Wholesale Price of Hogs 01/1887-03/1915 |
db | dat | doc | m04118c | Germany --Berlin Monthly Average Wholesale Price of Hogs For Slaughter 01/1911-10/1915, 01/1921-12/1922, 01/1924-09/1936 |
db | dat | doc | m04119 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Inedible Tallow, Packers' Prime, Chicago 01/1918-12/1957 |
db | dat | doc | m04120a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Gum Rosin, Grade H, Savannah 01/1901-08/1914, 11/1914-10/1920, 03/1921-09/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m04120b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Gum Rosin, Grade Wg, Savannah 01/1948-01/1952, 03/1952-01/1958 |
db | dat | doc | m04121a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Gum Turpentine, Savannah 04/1900-02/1913, 04/1913-07/1914, 11/1914-10/1920, 02/1921-03/1923, 05/1923-09/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m04121b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Gum Turpentine, Savannah, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1947-03/1952 |
db | dat | doc | m04121c | U.S. Wholesale Price of Gum Turpentine, New York, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 10/1951-02/1957 |
db | dat | doc | m04122a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Compounds 02/1897-12/1933 |
db | dat | doc | m04122b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Compounds, Bureau Of Agricultural Economics 01/1920-07/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m04123a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Pennsylvania Motor Gasoline, New York 01/1913-12/1921 |
db | dat | doc | m04123b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Gasoline, Pennsylvania Refinery 01/1918-05/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m04124a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Mechanical Woodpulp 01/1913-01/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m04124b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Woodpulp (Mechanical, No. 1, Domestic and Canadian, Delivered Consumer Mill). 01/1942-01/1958 |
db | dat | doc | m04125a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Evaporated Milk, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1913-03/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m04125b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Evaporated Milk, Bureau Of Agricultural Economics 01/1920-11/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m04126a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Japanese Raw Silk, Filatures, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1890-12/1919 |
db | dat | doc | m04126b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Japanese Raw Silk, White, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1917-07/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m04127 | U.S. Index of Prices Paid By Farmers For Commodities Used in Both Living and Production, Bureau Of Agricultural Economics ONLY THE MONTHS OF MARCH, JUNE, SEPTEMBER AND DECEMBER FOR THE YEARS 1925-1936, 01/1937-12/1967 |
db | dat | doc | m04128 | U.S. Consumer Price Index, All Items, Bureau of Labor Statistics 01/1913-03/1970 |
db | dat | doc | m04129 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Tea 01/1890-07/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m04130 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Rayon Yarn 11/1911-06/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m04131 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Plate Glass, 3-5 Square Feet. 01/1906-05/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m04132 | U.S. Wholesale Price, Asphalt (Bulk, Tank Cars, Refinery) 01/1918-05/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m04133a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Mens' Black Vici Kid Shoes, Goodyear Welt, Manufacturer 01/1890-09/1931 |
db | dat | doc | m04133b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Shoes: Mens' Vici Kid Black, High, Goodyear Welt. 01/1931-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m04134 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Structural Steel 01/1913-02/1958 |
db | dat | doc | m04135 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Carbonate Of Lead (White Lead, American, in Oil, Kegs) 01/1890-05/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m04136 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Wilton Rugs, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1890-12/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m04137a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Haymowers, 5 Feet Regular Lift 1913-1937 01/1913-12/1937 |
db | dat | doc | m04137b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Horse-Drawn Mowers, Composite, F.O.B. Shipping Point. 01/1933-05/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m04138 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Beehive Coke, Connellsville Furnace 01/1890-03/1957 |
db | dat | doc | m04139a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Douglas Fir Lumber 01/1913-12/1924 |
db | dat | doc | m04139b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Douglas Fir Lumber 01/1922-09/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m04140 | U.S. Index of Composite Mill Net Yields Of Steel Products 01/1912-07/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m04141a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Fresh Milk 01/1890-12/1920 |
db | dat | doc | m04141b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Fresh Milk 01/1913-06/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m04142a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Scrap, No.1 Wrought Iron, Philadelphia 01/1873-10/1890 |
db | dat | doc | m04142b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Scrap, No. 1, Railroad. Philadelphia. 09/1890-12/1892 |
db | dat | doc | m04142c | U.S. Wholesale Price of Steel Scrap, Mixed Steel, Chicago 10/1889-12/1894 |
db | dat | doc | m04142d | U.S. Wholesale Price of Steel Scrap, Heavy Melting, Chicago 09/1894-04/1958 |
db | dat | doc | m04143a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Fresh Eggs 01/1890-12/1913 |
db | dat | doc | m04143b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Eggs, Fresh Gathered 01/1913-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m04144a | U.S. Wholesale Price of By-Product Coke 01/1913-04/1922 |
db | dat | doc | m04144b | U.S. Wholesale Price of By-Product Coke. 01/1921-12/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m04145 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Tin Plate 01/1898-12/1955 |
db | dat | doc | m04145b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Tin Plate, F.O.B. Mill 06/1953-02/1958 |
db | dat | doc | m04146 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Lead Pipe 01/1890-12/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m04147 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Wire, Fence, Barb, Galvanized 01/1890-10/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m04148 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Zinc Sheet 01/1890-07/1946, 01/1947-12/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m04149 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Steel Billets, Bessemer 01/1886-08/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m04150a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Worsted Yarn, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1890-12/1916 |
db | dat | doc | m04150b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Worsted Yarn, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1916-12/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m04151a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Spun Silk Yarn, Domestic Gray 01/1913-12/1932 |
db | dat | doc | m04151b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Spun Silk Yarn, Domestic Gray, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1932-12/1937 |
db | dat | doc | m04151c | U.S. Wholesale Price of Spun Silk Yarn, Domestic Gray, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1937-12/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m04152 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Soda, Nitrate 1913-1939 01/1913-12/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m04153 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Copper Sheet, Hot Rolled, Base Sizes. FOR THE YEARS 1890-1898, FIGURES FOR THE MONTHS OF JANUARY, APRIL, JULY, AND OCTOBER ONLY ARE REPORTED AND 01/1899-12/1939. |
db | dat | doc | m04154a | U.S. Wholesale Price Steel Sheets FIRST, 1932-SECOND, 1941. 07/1894-04/1947 |
db | dat | doc | m04154b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Steel Sheets, Pittsburgh 01/1947-02/1958 |
db | dat | doc | m04155 | U.S. Composite Price of Furnished Steel Products 01/1902-12/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m04156 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Hot-Rolled Sheets, #10 Gage 01/1920-07/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m04157 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Auto Body and Light Cold-Rolled Sheets 01/1920-07/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m04158 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Hot-Rolled Strip Steel 11/1917-08/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m04159 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Steel Tank Plates 01/1898-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m04160 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Soft Steel Bars 01/1898-12/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m04161 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Straits Tin, Pigs 01/1880-02/1958 |
db | dat | doc | m04162 | U.S --Pennsylvania Wholesale Price of Lubricating Oil, Refineries 01/1918-06/1926, 08/1926-12/1940. |
db | dat | doc | m04163 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Iron Ore, Mesabi Non-Bessemer 04/1895-12/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m04164a | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Lumber, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1913-12/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m04164b | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Lumber, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1947-02/1954 |
db | dat | doc | m04165a | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Paper, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1913-11/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m04165b | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Paper, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1947-07/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m04166 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Meats, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1913-11/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m04167 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Raw Materials, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1913-12/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m04168 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Semi-Manufactured Goods, Bureau Of Labor Statistics. 01/1913-12/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m04169a | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Finished Products, Bureau Of Labor Statistics. 01/1913-12/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m04169b | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices, Manufactured Goods, Total, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1947-02/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m04170 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Non-Agricultural Commodities 01/1913-12/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m04171 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Leather, BLS 01/1913-12/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m04172 | Chicago And New York Index of Wholesale Prices Of Lamb and Mutton, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1913-11/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m04173a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Beef Fresh, Native Sides 01/1890-12/1916 |
db | dat | doc | m04173b | U.S. Wholesale Price, Beef Fresh, Carcass Dressed, Western Native Skins 01/1913-06/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m04174 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Pork Products and Lard 01/1913-11/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m04175 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Poultry, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1908-02/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m04176 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Condensed Milk, Sweetened, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1913-06/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m04177 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Ethyl Alcohol, Grain, New York 01/1890-04/1920, 09/1920-12/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m04178 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Copper Wire FIRST, 1890-FOURTH, 1900, FIRST, 1918-FOURTH, 1924 01/1901-12/1951 |
db | dat | doc | m04179a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Aluminum 01/1913-09/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m04179b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Aluminum 01/1933-02/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m04180a | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Passenger Automobiles, Bureau Of Labor Statistics. 01/1913-01/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m04180b | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Passenger Automobiles, Bureau Of Labor Statistics. 07/1927-02/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m04181 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Steel Rails 01/1868-06/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m04182 | U.S. Wholesale Prices of Kerosene, Refined, 150 Degree Fire Test, Water White. 01/1890-12/1923 |
db | dat | doc | m04185 | U.S. Consumer Price Index, Nondurable Commodities Less Food, Bureau of Labor Statistics 03/1935, 07/1935, 10/1935, 01/1936, 04/1936 07/1936, 09/1936, 12/1936, ONLY THE MONTHS OF MARCH, JUNE, SEPTEMBER, AND DECEMBER FOR THE YEARS 1937-1955, |
db | dat | doc | m04186 | U.S. Consumer Price Index, Durable Commodities, Bureau of Labor Statistics ONLY THE MONTHS OF MARCH, JUNE, SEPTEMBER, AND DECEMBER FOR 1935-1955 AND 01/1956-09/1969. |
db | dat | doc | m04187 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Crude Materials For Further Processing, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1947-12/1966 |
db | dat | doc | m04188 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Intermediate Materials and Components For Manufacturing, Bureau Of Labor Statistics. 01/1947-12/1966 |
db | dat | doc | m04189a | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Industrial Commodities, Babson 01/1904-10/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m04189b | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Industrial Commodities, Babson 01/1938-09/1959 |
db | dat | doc | m04190a | U.S. Wholesale Price of Bituminous Coal, Mines 01/1906-12/1930 |
db | dat | doc | m04190b | U.S. Wholesale Price of Bituminous Coal, Mines 01/1923-02/1948 |
db | dat | doc | m04190c | U.S. Wholesale Price of Bituminous Coal, Mines 01/1947-05/1954 |
db | dat | doc | m04190d | U.S. Wholesale Price of Bituminous Coal, Mines 05/1954-06/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m04191 | U.S. Index of Hide Prices, Mack/NBER 01/1921-12/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m04192 | U.S. Price Per Hide of Cowhide Leather, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1921-07/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m04193 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Commodities Other Than Farm Products and Foods, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1890-12/1970 |
db | dat | doc | m04194 | U.S. Consumer Price Index, Services, Total, Bureau of Labor Statistics FIRST, 1947-FOURTH, 1955 01/1956-03/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m04195 | U.S. Index of Spot Market Prices Of 22 Commodities, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 07/1946-11/1969 |
db | dat | doc | m04195a | U.S. Index of Spot Market Prices Of 28 Commodities, Bureau Of Labor Statistics. 01/1935-02/1952, 04/1952-10/1952 |
db | dat | doc | m04196 | U.S. Price Index of Exports Of Domestic Merchandise FIRST, 1929-SECOND, 1933 07/1933-12/1955 |
db | dat | doc | m04197 | U.S. Price Index of Imports For Consumption FIRST, 1929-SECOND, 1933 07/1933-04/1953 |
db | dat | doc | m04199 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Manufactured Goods, Durable, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1947-12/1966 |
db | dat | doc | m04200 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Manufactured Goods, Nondurable, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1947-12/1966 |
db | dat | doc | m04201a | U.S. Index of Spot Market Prices Of 16 Raw Industrial Commodities, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1935-12/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m04201b | U.S. Index of Spot Market Prices Of 13 Raw Industrial Commodities, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 07/1946-06/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m04202 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of 15 Sensitive Industrial Raw Commodities, Mack 01/1919-01/1958 |
db | dat | doc | m04203 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Semi-Processed Goods Other Than Foods, Mack. 01/1919-01/1958 |
db | dat | doc | m04212 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Finished Goods, Consumer Durables, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1947-12/1966 |
db | dat | doc | m04213 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Finished Goods, Consumer Goods, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1947-12/1966 |
db | dat | doc | m04214 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices Of Raw Or Slightly Processed Goods, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1947-11/1966 |
db | dat | doc | m04215 | U.S. Index of the Wholesale Prices Of Finished Goods, Consumer, Other Nondurables, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1947-12/1966 |
db | dat | doc | m04217 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices, Farm Products and Processed Foods, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1947-04/1968 |
db | dat | doc | m04219 | U.S. Rate of Change, Index Of Wholesale Prices, Manufactured Goods, Total, Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1948-11/1967 |
db | dat | doc | m04220 | U.S. Rate of Change (6 Month Span At Annual Rate), Consumer Price Index, All Items (Centered). 04/1945-12/1968 |
db | dat | doc | q04004 | France --Paris Wheat Prices FIRST, 1917-FOURTH, 1921 01/1892-02/1924, 09/1924-06/1934 |
db | dat | doc | q04014 | France Pig Iron Prices (Fers Marchand) FIRST, 1896-THIRD, 1936 01/1897-09/1936 |
db | dat | doc | q04032 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Potatoes, Chicago FIRST, 1890-FOURTH, 1910 01/1890-06/1891, 09/1891-07/1892, 09/1892-06/1894, 08/1894-06/1895, 09/1895-06/1896, 09/1896-07/1897, 09/1897-07/1898, 09/1898-07/1899, 09/1899-06/1900, 09/1900-06/1901, 08/1901-06/1902, |
db | dat | doc | q04049 | U.S. Index of Wholesale Prices, Bradstreet's, End Of Month FIRST, 1892-FOURTH, 1901 01/1899-11/1937 |
db | dat | doc | q04053 | Great Britain Wholesale Price Index, All Commodities FIRST, 1884-SECOND, 1886 01/1885-05/1951 |
db | dat | doc | q04057 | France Index of Wholesale Prices, All Commodities (20 Foods, 25 Raw Materials) 1903-1938 FIRST, 1902-FOURTH, 1933 01/1913-08/1939 |
db | dat | doc | q04062 | Great Britain Wholesale Price Index, Total Food FIRST 1884 - FOURTH 1914 01/1913-09/1934 |
db | dat | doc | q04067 | Great Britain Wholesale Price Index of Minerals FIRST 1884 - FOURTH 1914 03/1914-12/1935 |
db | dat | doc | q04069 | Great Britain Wholesale Price Index of Raw Materials FIRST, 1884-FOURTH, 1923 01/1913-12/1935 |
db | dat | doc | q04070 | France Wholesale Price, Raw Materials FIRST, 1913-SECOND, 1934 01/1913-08/1939 |
db | dat | doc | q04073a | France --Paris Retail Price Index, Paris (13 Articles) THIRD, 1914-FOURTH, 1933 01/1919-08/1939 |
db | dat | doc | q04081 | U.S. Wholesale Prices of Linseed Oil; Raw, in Barrels FIRST, 1918-FOURTH, 1952 01/1890-05/1952 |
db | dat | doc | q04154 | U.S. Wholesale Price Steel Sheets FIRST, 1932-SECOND, 1941. 07/1894-04/1947 |
db | dat | doc | q04178 | U.S. Wholesale Price of Copper Wire FIRST, 1890-FOURTH, 1900, FIRST, 1918-FOURTH, 1924 01/1901-12/1951 |
db | dat | doc | q04186 | U.S. Consumer Price Index, Durable Commodities, Bureau of Labor Statistics ONLY THE MONTHS OF MARCH, JUNE, SEPTEMBER, AND DECEMBER FOR 1935-1955 AND 01/1956-09/1969. |
db | dat | doc | q04194 | U.S. Consumer Price Index, Services, Total, Bureau of Labor Statistics FIRST, 1947-FOURTH, 1955 01/1956-03/1968 |
db | dat | doc | q04196 | U.S. Price Index of Exports Of Domestic Merchandise FIRST, 1929-SECOND, 1933 07/1933-12/1955 |
db | dat | doc | q04197 | U.S. Price Index of Imports For Consumption FIRST, 1929-SECOND, 1933 07/1933-04/1953 |
db | dat | doc | q04209 | U.S. Price Index of Exports Of Cotton, Lipsey FIRST 1879 - FOURTH 1923 |
db | dat | doc | q04210 | U.S. Price Index of Exports Of Petroleum, Lipsey FIRST QUARTER, 1879-FOURTH QUARTER, 1923 |
db | dat | doc | q04211 | U.S. Price Index of Exports Of Iron and Steel, Lipsey FIRST, 1879-FOURTH,1923 |
db | dat | doc | q04216a | U.S. Gross National Product Implicit Price Deflator, Total, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST, 1921-FOURTH, 1939 |
db | dat | doc | q04216b | U.S. Gross National Product Implicit Deflator, Total, Seasonally Adjusted FIRST, 1947-FIRST, 1970 |
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