II. Construction
db -- .db format data & documenation; dat -- rectangular data; doc -- documentation accompanying the .dat file
db | dat | doc | a02004 | U.S. Index of Value Of Total Building, Original Data, Long 1868-1939 |
db | dat | doc | a02009 | U.S. Value of Building Permits Per Capita, Riggleman (Current Dollars) 1830-1933 |
db | dat | doc | a02010 | U.S. Value of Building Permits Per Capita, As Per Cent Of Trend, Riggleman (Constant Dollars) 1830-1933 |
db | dat | doc | a02037 | U.S. Adjusted Index of Building Permits, New England Cities, Riggleman 1875-1933 |
db | dat | doc | a02038 | U.S. Adjusted Index of Building Permits, Middle Atlantic Cities, Riggleman 1875-1933 |
db | dat | doc | a02039 | U.S. Adjusted Index of Building Permits, South Atlantic Cities, Riggleman 1875-1933 |
db | dat | doc | a02040 | U.S. Adjusted Index of Building Permits, East North Central Cities, Riggleman 1875-1933 |
db | dat | doc | a02041 | U.S. Adjusted Index of Building Permits, West North Central Cities, Riggleman 1875-1933 |
db | dat | doc | a02042 | U.S. Adjusted Index of Building Permits, South Central Cities, Riggleman 1875-1933 |
db | dat | doc | a02043 | U.S. Adjusted Index of Building Permits, Western Cities, Riggleman 1875-1933 |
db | dat | doc | a02046 | U.S. Brooklyn ,Value of Permits For New Buildings 1874-1935 |
db | dat | doc | a02047 | U.S. Value of Total Building Permits, Chicago 1854-1870, 1872-1943 |
db | dat | doc | a02048 | U.S. Value of Permits For New Buildings, Philadelphia 1890-1935 |
db | dat | doc | a02049 | U.S. Value of Total Building Permits, Detroit 1878 - 1935 |
db | dat | doc | a02049a | U.S. Value of Permits For New Buildings, Detroit 1878-1944 |
db | dat | doc | a02050 | U.S. Value of Total Building Permits, St. Louis 1875-1933 |
db | dat | doc | a02051 | U.S. Value of Permits For New Buildings, Minneapolis 1887-1944 |
db | dat | doc | a02052 | U.S. Value of Permits For New Buildings, Pittsburgh 1896-1944 |
db | dat | doc | a02053a | U.S. United States: Value of Plans For Residential Building, Manhattan 1868-1920 |
db | dat | doc | a02053b | U.S. United States: Value of Plans For Residential Building, Manhattan 1902-1944 |
db | dat | doc | a02054 | U.S. Value of Permits For Residential Buildings, Philadelphia 1890-1935 |
db | dat | doc | a02055 | U.S. Number of Household Units Covered By Permits, St. Louis 1886-1944 |
db | dat | doc | a02056a | U.S. Value of Plans For Commercial and Industrial Buildings, Manhattan 1868-1920 |
db | dat | doc | a02056b | U.S. Value of Plans For Commercial and Industrial Buildings, Manhattan 1902-1944 |
db | dat | doc | a02057 | U.S. Value of Permits For Commercial and Industrial Buildings, Philadelphia 1890-1935 |
db | dat | doc | a02058 | U.S. Value of Plans For Additions and Alterations, Manhattan And Portions Of the Bronx 1868-1909 |
db | dat | doc | a02058a | Manhattan Value of Plans For Additions and Alterations, Manhattan 1901-1944 |
db | dat | doc | a02060 | Philadelphia Value of Permits For Additions and Alterations, Philadelphia 1890-1935 |
db | dat | doc | a02061 | U.S. Value of Permits For Additions and Alterations, Detroit 1878, 1880-1944 |
db | dat | doc | a02062 | U.S. Value of Building Permits For Additions and Alterations, St. Louis 1915-1944 |
db | dat | doc | a02062a | U.S. Value of Building Permits For Additions and Alterations, St. Louis 1900-1915 |
db | dat | doc | a02063 | U.S. Value of Permits For Additions and Alterations, Minneapolis 1887-1944 |
db | dat | doc | a02064 | U.S. Value of Permits For Additions and Alterations, Pittsburgh 1896-1944 |
db | dat | doc | a02065 | U.S. Value of Permits For Additions, Pittsburgh 1896-1944 |
db | dat | doc | a02066 | U.S. Value of Permits For Alterations, Pittsburgh 1896-1944 |
db | dat | doc | a02067 | U.S. Approximate Number of Acres Subdivided Within 1931 City Limits Of Chicago 1830-1932 |
db | dat | doc | a02068 | U.S. Increase in Number of Lots, Detroit Area 1830-1926 |
db | dat | doc | a02069 | U.S. Net Increase in Building Lots, Pittsburgh Area 1830-1934 |
db | dat | doc | a02070 | Great Britain, 78 Cities Great Britain: Estimated Cost of Buildings For Which Plans Were Passed, Ministry Of Labour 1911-1930 |
db | dat | doc | a02071a | Great Britain, Glasgow Great Britain: Number of Apartments in Plans Passed For Residential Buildings, Glasgow, Office Of Public Works 1873-1936 |
db | dat | doc | a02071aa | Great Britain, Glasgow Great Britain: Value of Plans Passed For Residential Buildings, Glasgow, Office Of Public Works 1873-1936 |
db | dat | doc | a02071b | Great Britain, Glasgow Great Britain, Value of Plans Passed For Warehouses, Stores, and Workshops, Glasgow 1873-1936 |
db | dat | doc | a02071c | Glasgow Great Britain: Permits Granted For New Streets, Glasgow 1873-1936 |
db | dat | doc | a02071d | Great Britain: Glasgow Great Britain: Number of Rooms in Plans Passed For Residential Buildings, Glasgow, Office Of Public Works 1873-1936 |
db | dat | doc | a02072 | Great Britain - England And Wales Brick Production, Annual Data Only 1785 - 1849 |
db | dat | doc | a02072a | Great Britain - England And Wales Brick Production, Annual Data Only 1785 - 1815 |
db | dat | doc | a02073 | Great Britain, London Great Britain: Number of New Houses Built, London, Commissioner Of Metropolitan Police 1871-1937 |
db | dat | doc | a02074 | England & Wales Great Britain, Increases in Number of Dwelling Houses, England and Wales, Inland Revenue Department 1875 - 1914 |
db | dat | doc | a02075 | England, Wales, And Scotland Great Britain: Increases in Number of Dwelling Houses, England, Wales, and Scotland, Inland Revenue Department 1875 - 1914 |
db | dat | doc | a02077a | France: Number of New Buildings Constructed 1892-1930 |
db | dat | doc | a02077aa | France: Value of New Buildings Constructed, Direction Generale Des Contributions Directes 1892-1911 |
db | dat | doc | a02079 | France, Paris France: Total Number of Building Permits Issued, Paris, Annuaire Statistique De La Ville De Paris 1885-1935 |
db | dat | doc | a02081 | Germany, Berlin Germany: Net Construction of Residential Apartments, Berlin, Emmy Reich- Statistiches Landesamt 1841-1994 |
db | dat | doc | a02081a | Germany, Bavaria Germany: Increases in the Number of Buildings Insured, Bavaria, Statistiches Landesamt 1892-1924, YEAR ENDING SEPT. 30 |
db | dat | doc | a02081b | Germany, Baden Germany: Number of New Buildings Constructed, Baden, Statistiches Landesamt 1871-1908 |
db | dat | doc | a02081c | Germany, Baden Germany: Net Increases in Main Buildings, Baden, Statistiches Landesamt 1871-1908 |
db | dat | doc | a02081d | Germany: Number of Household Units Built, Institut Fur Konjunkturforschung 1919-1935 |
db | dat | doc | a02081e | Germany, Humburg Germany: Number of Nonresidential Buildings Constructed, Hamburg, Statistiches Landesamt 1885-1935 |
db | dat | doc | a02081f | Germany, Hamburg Germany: Number of Apartments Constructed, Hamburg, Statistiches Landesamt 1885-1935 |
db | dat | doc | a02081g | Germany (See Notes Below) Germany: Number of Residential Buildings Constructed, Spiethoff 1867-1913 |
db | dat | doc | a02081h | Germany, Bremen Germany: Number of Residential Buildings Constructed, Bremen, Statistiches Landesamt 1855-1911 |
db | dat | doc | a02081ha | Germany, Bremen Germany: Number of Residential Buildings Constructed, Bremen, Statistiches Landesamt 1902-1937 |
db | dat | doc | a02082 | U.S. Increases in Railroad Mileage, Poor's 1831-1911 |
db | dat | doc | a02082a | U.S. Miles of Railroad Built, Bureau Of the Census-Railway Age 1830-1952 |
db | dat | doc | a02083 | U.S. Increases in Railroad Track Mileage Operated, Interstate Commerce Commission. 1877-1963 |
db | dat | doc | a02083a | U.S. Increases in Railroad Mileage Owned, Interstate Commerce Commission 1891-1916 |
db | dat | doc | a02083b | U.S. Increases in Railroad Mileage For 9 States, National Bureau of Economic Research 1836-1911 |
db | dat | doc | a02084 | U.S. Rail Consumption, American Iron and Steel Institute 1849-1961 |
db | dat | doc | a02084c | U.S. Railroad Expenditures On Maintenance of Way and Structures, Interstate Commerce Commission, Annual Data 1888-1916 1888-1916 |
db | dat | doc | a02084ca | U.S. Railroad Expenditures On Maintenance of Way and Structures, Interstate Commerce Commission, Annual Data 1916-1935 1916-1935 |
db | dat | doc | a02084d | U.K. Great Britain-U.K.: Mileage of New Railway Lines Authorized By Parliament, Commerce and Labour Dept. 1822-1852 |
db | dat | doc | a02084da | U.K. Great Britain-U.K.: Mileage of New Railway Lines Authorized By Parliament, Commerce and Labour Dept. 1847-1879 |
db | dat | doc | a02084e | U.K. Great Britain - United Kingdom: Steel Rail Consumption, National Bureau of Economic Research 1876-1894 |
db | dat | doc | a02084ea | U.K. Great Britain-United Kingdom: Steel Rail Consumption, National Bureau of Economic Research 1915-1935 |
db | dat | doc | a02085 | U.K. Great Britain-United Kingdom: Increases in Length of Railway Line Opened For Traffic, Board Of Trade 1826-1868, 1872-1912, 1920-1935. |
db | dat | doc | a02085a | U.K. Great Britain-United Kingdom: Increases in Length of Railway Line Opened For Traffic, Board Of Trade 1826-68, 1872-1912, 1920-35. |
db | dat | doc | a02085aa | U.K. Great Britain-United Kingdom: Railways, Maintenance of Way and Structures, Board Of Trade 1860-1912 |
db | dat | doc | a02085ab | U.K. Great Britain-United Kingdom: Railways, Maintenance of Ways and Structures, Board Of Trade 1919-1933 |
db | dat | doc | a02085ac | U.K. Great Britain-United Kingdom: Railways, Maintenance of Ways and Structures, Board Of Trade 1928-1935 |
db | dat | doc | a02085b | France: Mileage of Railroads Under Construction, All Railroads, Ministere Des Travaux Publics 1862-1913 |
db | dat | doc | a02086 | France: Increases in Railroad Mileage Operated, Main Systems, Ministere Des Travaux Publics 1840-1934 |
db | dat | doc | a02086a | France: Increases in Railroad Mileage Operated, All Railroads, (Main Systems, Industrial and Local Railways), 1829-1913 |
db | dat | doc | a02086b | France: Increases in Tramway Mileage Operated, Statistique Generale 1874-1913 |
db | dat | doc | a02086c | France: Railroad Mileage Initiated, All Railroads, National Bureau of Economic Research 1863-1913 |
db | dat | doc | a02086d | France: Railroads, Maintenance of Way and Structures, Ministere Des Travaux Publics 1866-1913, 1921-1934 |
db | dat | doc | a02086e | France: Railroad Construction Expenditures, Ministere Des Travaux Publics 1823-1908 |
db | dat | doc | a02086f | France: Rail Consumption, National Bureau of Economic Research 1874-1903 |
db | dat | doc | a02086fa | France: Rail Consumption, National Bureau of Economic Research 1919-33 |
db | dat | doc | a02087a | Germany: Increases in Railroad Mileage Operated, Reich-Eisenbahnamt 1837-1935 |
db | dat | doc | a02087b | Germany: Cost of Railroad Construction, Total, Deutsche Reichsbahn Gesellschaft 1881-1921, 1926-35 |
db | dat | doc | a02087ca | Germany: Railroads, Maintenance of Way and Structures, Deutsche Reichsbahn Gesellschaft 1880-1917 |
db | dat | doc | a02087cb | Germany: Railroads, Maintenance of Way and Structures, Deutsche Reichsbahn Gesellschaft 1917-23 |
db | dat | doc | a02087cc | Germany: Railroads, Maintenance of Way and Structures, Deutsche Reichsbahn Gesellschaft 1923-1935 |
db | dat | doc | a02087da | Germany: Increases in Railroad Trackage Including Sidings, National Bureau of Economic Research 1881-1915 |
db | dat | doc | a02087db | Germany: Increases in Railroad Trackage Including Sidings, National Bureau of Economic Research 1925-35 |
db | dat | doc | a02094a | U.S. Total Pavements Laid, New York City (Manhattan) 1870-1935 |
db | dat | doc | a02094b | U.S. Length of Pavements Laid, Chicago 1855-1936 |
db | dat | doc | a02097 | U.S. Increases in Wire Mileage of Western Union Telegraph Company 1867-1962 (SEE NOTE) |
db | dat | doc | a02102 | U.S. United States, Gross Tonnage of Yachts Built, Dept. Of Commerce-Bureau Of Marine Inspection and Navigation 1847-1937 |
db | dat | doc | a02117a | France Shipments of Construction, Materials By Railways and Inland Waterways, Annual Data Only 1886 - 1913; 1926 - 1936 |
db | dat | doc | a02133 | U.S. Total Track Mileage of Railroads, Annual Data Only 1890 - 1916 |
db | dat | doc | a02133a | U.S. Total Track Mileage of Railroads, Annual Data Only 1916 - 1942 |
db | dat | doc | a02134 | U.S. Total Wire Mileage of Western Union Telegraph Company, Annual Data Only 1913 - 1942 |
db | dat | doc | a02134a | U.S. Increases in Telephone Wire Mileage, A.T. & T. - Bureau of the Census, Original Data 1881-1956 1881-1956 |
db | dat | doc | a02134aa | U.S. Increases in Telephone Wire Mileage, A.T. & T. - Bureau of the Census, Original Data 1956-1963 1956-63 |
db | dat | doc | a02134b | U.S. Construction Expenditures By the Telephone Industry, American Telephone & Telegraph Co. 1914-36 |
db | dat | doc | a02135 | U.S. Total Merchant Marine, Annual Data Only 1843 - 1940 |
db | dat | doc | a02136 | England And Wales Total Number of Dwelling Houses, Annual Data Only 1875 - 1915 |
db | dat | doc | a02144 | U.S. Gross Private Nonfarm Residential Construction, Constant Dollars, Kuznets 1889-1955 |
db | dat | doc | a02145 | U.S. Gross Private Construction, Excluding Nonfarm Residential, Kuznets (Constant Dollars) 1889-1955 |
db | dat | doc | a02146 | U.S. Gross Public Construction, Excluding Military, Kuznets (Constant Dollars) 1889-1955 |
db | dat | doc | a02147 | U.S. Gross Total Construction, Including Oil and Gas Well Drilling, Kuznets (Current Dollars) 1889-1955 |
db | dat | doc | a02149 | U.S. Gross Private Nonfarm Residential Construction, Current Dollars, Kuznets 1889-1955 |
db | dat | doc | a02150 | U.S. Gross Private Construction, Excluding Nonfarm Residential, Kuznets (Current Dollars) 1889-1955 |
db | dat | doc | a02151 | U.S. Gross Public Construction, Excluding Military, Kuznets (Current Dollars) 1889-1955 |
db | dat | doc | a02155a | U.S. Gross Private Domestic Investment in Structures, Barger & Klein 1921-39 |
db | dat | doc | a02155b | U.S. Gross Private Domestic Investment in Structures, Office of Business Economics 1929-63 |
db | dat | doc | a02161a | U.S. Number of New Private Nonfarm Housing Units Started, Blank-BLS-Bureau Of the Census 1889-1945 01/1939-12/1945 |
db | dat | doc | a02167a | U.S. Total New Construction, Value in Constant Dollars, BLS- Department of Commerce 1915-46 |
db | dat | doc | a02167d | U.S. Total New Construction, Value in Constant Dollars, BLS- Department of Commerce 1946-63 |
db | dat | doc | a02169c | U.S. Private Construction, BLS-Department of Commerce (Constant Dollars) 1946-63 |
db | dat | doc | a02174a | U.S. Private New Construction Activity, Business, Value in Current Prices, Department of Commerce 1920-46 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | a02179a | U.S. Private Nonfarm Residential Buildings, Value in Current Dollars, BLS-Department of Commerce 1915-46 01/1939 -12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | a02180a | U.S. Private Nonfarm Residential Buildings, Value in Constant Dollars, BLS - Department of Commerce 1915-46 01/1939 - 12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | a02180c | U.S. Private Nonfarm Residential Buildings, Value in Constant Dollars, BLS-Department of Commerce 1946-63 |
db | dat | doc | a02181a | U.S. Private Nonfarm New Housing Units, Current Dollars, BLS-Department of Commerce 1915-46 01/1939 - 12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | a02182a | U.S. Private Farm Construction, BLS-Department of Commerce (Current Dollars) 1915-46 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | a02183 | U.S. Private Nonfarm Nonresidential Building, BLS-Department of Commerce (Current Dollars) Original Data 1915-63 01/1939-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | a02184a | U.S. Private Nonfarm Nonresidential Building, BLS-Department of Commerce (Constant Dollars) 1915-46 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | a02184c | U.S. Private Nonfarm Nonresidential Building, BLS-Department of Commerce (Constant Dollars) 1946-63 |
db | dat | doc | a02185 | U.S. Private New Construction Activity, Industrial Buildings, Value in Current Dollars, Department of Commerce, 1915-63 01/1939-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | a02186a | U.S. Private New Construction Activity, Industrial Buildings, Value in Constant Prices, Department of Commerce 1915-46 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | a02186c | U.S. Private New Construction Activity, Industrial Buildings, Value in Constant Prices, Department of Commerce 1946-63 |
db | dat | doc | a02187 | U.S. Private New Construction Activity, Commercial Buildings, Value in Current Dollars, BLS-Department of Commerce, 1920-63 01/1939-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | a02188a | U.S. Private New Construction Activity, Commercial Buildings, Value in Constant Dollars, BLS-Department of Commerce 1920-46 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | a02188c | U.S. Private New Construction Activity, Commercial Buildings, Value in Constant Dollars, BLS-Department of Commerce 1946-63 |
db | dat | doc | a02189 | U.S. Private Nonfarm Nonresidential Buildings Other Than Commercial and Industrial, BLS-Department of Commerce 1920-63 01/1939-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | a02190a | U.S. Private Nonfarm Nonresidential Buildings Other Than Commercial and Industrial, BLS-Department of Commerce 1920-46 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | a02190c | U.S. Private Nonfarm Nonresidential Buildings Other Than Commercial and Industrial, BLS-Department of Commerce 1946-63 |
db | dat | doc | a02192a | U.S. Private Public Utility Construction, Value in Constant Prices, Department of Commerce 1915-46 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | a02193 | U.S. Public Construction, BLS-Department of Commerce (Current Dollars), Original Data 1915-63 01/1939-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | a02194 | U.S. Public Construction, BLS-Dept. of Commerce (Constant Dollars) 1946-63 |
db | dat | doc | a02196a | U.S. Nonfarm Building Construction, BLS-Department of Commerce (Constant Dollars) 1915-46 01/1939 - 12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | a02196c | U.S. Nonfarm Building Construction, BLS-Department of Commerce (Constant Dollars) 1946-63 |
db | dat | doc | a02198c | U.S. Public New Construction Activity, Highways, Value in Constant Prices, BLS-Department of Commerce 1946-63 |
db | dat | doc | a02199a | U.S. Private Farm Construction, BLS-Dept. of Commerce (Constant Dollars) 1915-46 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | a02199c | U.S. Private Farm Construction, BLS-Dept. of Commerce (Constant Dollars) 1946-63 |
db | dat | doc | a02200a | U.S. Private New Construction Activity, Business, Value in Constant Prices, Department of Commerce 1920-46 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | a02201a | U.S. Number of New Private Nonfarm Housing Units Started, One-Family, Blank-BLS-Bureau Of the Census 1900-59 01/1940 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | a02202a | U.S. Number of New Private Nonfarm Housing Units Started, Two-Family, Blank-BLS-Bureau Of the Census 1900-59 01/1940 - 12/1959 |
db | dat | doc | a02203a | U.S. Number of New Private Nonfarm Housing Units Started, Three-Family and Over, Blank-BLS-Census 1900-59 01/1940 - 12/1959 |
db | dat | doc | a02204a | U.S. Private Nonfarm Housekeeping Residential Buildings, Current Dollars, BLS-Department of Commerce 1915-46 01/1939 - 12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | a02206b | U.S. Construction Contracts Awarded, Business, F. W. Dodge Corp. 1956-63 |
db | dat | doc | a02207 | U.S. Net Total Construction, Including Oil and Gas Well Drilling, Kuznets (Current Dollars) 1889-1955 |
db | dat | doc | a02208 | U.S. Net Total Construction, Including Oil and Gas Well Drilling, Kuznets (1929 Dollars) 1889-1955 |
db | dat | doc | a02209 | U.S. Net Nonfarm Residential Construction, Kuznets (Current Dollars) 1889-1955 |
db | dat | doc | a02210 | U.S. Net Nonfarm Residential Construction, Kuznets (Constant Dollars) 1889-1955 |
db | dat | doc | a02211 | U.S. Net Private Construction, Excluding Nonfarm Residential, Kuznets (Current Dollars) 1889-1955 |
db | dat | doc | a02212 | U.S. Net Private Construction, Excluding Nonfarm Residential, Kuznets (1929 Dollars) 1889-1955 |
db | dat | doc | a02213 | U.S. Net Public Construction, Excluding Military, Kuznets (Current Dollars) 1889-1955 |
db | dat | doc | a02214 | U.S. Net Public Construction, Excluding Military, Kuznets (Constant Dollars) 1889-1955 |
db | dat | doc | a02215 | U.S. Net Military Construction, Kuznets (Current Dollars) 1914-55 |
db | dat | doc | a02216 | U.S. Net Military Construction, Kuznets (Constant Dollars) 1914-55 |
db | dat | doc | a02217 | U.S. Nonfarm Residential Private Construction Expenditures, Goldsmith 1869-1949 |
db | dat | doc | a02218a | U.S. Private New Construction Expenditure, Nonfarm Residential, 1-4 Family Dwelling, Goldsmith 1946-58 |
db | dat | doc | a02218b | U.S. Private New Construction Expenditure, Nonfarm Residential, 1-4 Family Dwelling, Goldsmith 1946-58 |
db | dat | doc | a02219a | U.S. Private New Construction Expenditures, Nonfarm Residential, Multifamily Dwellings, Goldsmith, 1869-1949 1869 - 1949 |
db | dat | doc | a02219b | U.S. Private New Construction Expenditure, Nonfarm Residential, Multifamily Dwelling, Goldsmith, 1946-1958 1946-58 |
db | dat | doc | a02220a | U.S. Index of Value Of Urban Building and Public Utilities Construction, Abramovitz (Current Dollars) 1870-1897 |
db | dat | doc | a02220b | U.S. Index of Value Of Urban Building and Public Utilities Construction, Abramovitz (Current Dollars) 1889-1918 |
db | dat | doc | a02221a | U.S. Index of Value Of Urban Building and Public Utilities Construction, Abramovitz (Constant Dollars) 1870-97 |
db | dat | doc | a02221b | U.S. Index of Value Of Urban Building and Public Utilities Construction, Abramovitz (Constant Dollars) 1889-1918 |
db | dat | doc | a02222a | U.S. Index of Physical Volume Of Urban Building and Public Utilities Construction, Abramovitz 1856-97 |
db | dat | doc | a02222b | U.S. Index of Physical Volume Of Urban Building and Public Utilities Constructon, Abramovitz 1889-1918 |
db | dat | doc | a02223 | U.S. Federal Construction Expenditures For Public Works, Federal Works Agency-Department of Treasury 1791-1919, FISCAL YEARS |
db | dat | doc | a02223a | U.S. Federal Construction Expenditures For Public Works, Federal Works Agency- Department of the Treasury 1920-39, FISCAL YEARS |
db | dat | doc | a02224 | U.S. Federal Construction Expenditures For Public Buildings, Federal Works Agency- Dept. of the Treasury 1791-1919, FISCAL YEARS |
db | dat | doc | a02225 | U.S. Federal Construction Expenditures, Military and Naval Construction, Fwa-Treasury Department 1791-1919, FISCAL YEAR |
db | dat | doc | a02226 | U.S. Federal Construction Expenditures For Rivers and Harbors, Department of Treasury- Federal Works Agency 1822-1919 |
db | dat | doc | a02227 | U.S. Military Facilities, BLS-Dept. of Commerce (Current Dollars) 1915-62 |
db | dat | doc | a02228a | U.S. Military Facilities, BLS-Dept. of Commerce (Constant Dollars) 1915-46 |
db | dat | doc | a02228b | U.S. Military Facilities, BLS-Dept. of Commerce (Constant Dollars) 1946-63 |
db | dat | doc | a02229 | U.S. Municipal Capital Outlays For Highway Construction, 145 Cities, Wolkind 1902-37 |
db | dat | doc | a02230 | U.S. Expenditures For Petroleum and Natural Gas Well Drilling, Current Dollars, Simon Kuznets-Department of Commerce 1889-1963 |
db | dat | doc | a02231 | U.S. Capital Expenditures For Additions and Betterments, Roadway And Structures, Class I Railroads, Interstate Commerce 1921-63 |
db | dat | doc | a02232 | U.S. Output of Construction Materials For Domestic Consumption Including Net Imports, Value in Current Prices, Annual Data 1869-1919 |
db | dat | doc | a02232a | U.S. Output of Construction Materials For Domestic Consumption Including Net Imports Value in Current Prices, Annual Data 1919-1939 |
db | dat | doc | a02233 | U.S. Output of Construction Materials For Domestic Consumption Value in Constant Prices, Annual Data Only 1869-1919 |
db | dat | doc | a02233a | U.S. Output of Construction Materials For Domestic Consumption, Value in Constant Prices, Annual Data Only 1919 - 1939 |
db | dat | doc | a02234 | U.S. Ships and Boats Built For Domestic Use, Value in Current Dollars, Shaw, Annual Data 1869-1919 1869, 1879, 1889-1919 |
db | dat | doc | a02234a | U.S. Ships and Boats Built For Domestic Use, Value in Current Dollars, Shaw 1919-37 |
db | dat | doc | a02235a | U.S. Ships and Boats Built For Domestic Use, Value in 1913 Dollars, Shaw 1889-1919 |
db | dat | doc | a02235b | U.S. Ships and Boats Built For Domestic Use, Value in 1913 Dollars, Shaw 1919-37 |
db | dat | doc | a02238 | U.S. Estimated Production of Nonfarm Residential Housekeeping Units, Gottlieb 1840-1939 |
db | dat | doc | a02239 | U.S. Nonfarm Residential Building Activity, Manuel Gottlieb 1850-1939 |
db | dat | doc | a02240 | U.S. Nonfarm Nonresidential Building Activity, Gottlieb 1850-1939 |
db | dat | doc | a02241 | U.S. Total Nonfarm Building Activity, Gottlieb 1850-1939 |
db | dat | doc | a02242 | U.S. Public Construction, Federally Owned, BLS-Dept. of Commerce 1915-63 |
db | dat | doc | a02243 | U.S. Public Construction, State and Locally Owned BLS-Dept. of Commerce 1915-63 |
db | dat | doc | a02244 | U.S. Merchant Vessels Built and Documented, Tonnage, Bureau of the Census-Customs Bureau, Annual Data 1797-1940 1797-1940 |
db | dat | doc | a02246 | U.S. Index of Value Of Total New Building, Long 1868-1935 |
db | dat | doc | a02247 | U.S. Index of Value Of Total Residential Building, 1 To 27 Cities, Long 1868-1936 |
db | dat | doc | a02248 | U.S. Index of Value Of Total Nonresidential Buildings, Long 1868-1936 |
db | dat | doc | a02249 | U.S. Index of Public Building, Value Of Permits, 14 Cities, Clarence D. Long 1868-1935 |
db | dat | doc | a02250 | U.S. Index of Number Of Total New Buildings, Long 1856-1935 |
db | dat | doc | a02251 | U.S. Index of Number Of Total Residential Buildings, 1 To 29 Cities, Long 1856-1936 |
db | dat | doc | a02252 | U.S. Index of Number Of Total Nonresidential Buildings, Long 1856-1936 |
db | dat | doc | a02253 | U.S. Index of Value Of Total New Building, Long, Adjusted By Colean and Newcomb 1868-1935 |
db | dat | doc | a02254 | U.S. Index of Value Of Building Permits, Riggleman Adjusted By Isard 1830-1933 |
db | dat | doc | a02257 | U.S. Private Nonfarm New Housing Units, Constant Dollars, BLS-Department of Commerce 1945-63 |
db | dat | doc | a02258 | U.S. Expenditures For Petroleum and Natural Gas Well Drilling, Constant Dollars, Department of Commerce 1946-63 |
db | dat | doc | a02258a | U.S. Expenditures For Petroleum and Natural Gas Well Drilling, Constant Dollars, Simon Kuznets 1889-1945 |
db | dat | doc | a02259 | U.S. Private Nonfarm Housekeeping Residential Buildings, Constant Dollars, BLS-Department of Commerce, Original Data 1946-63 |
db | dat | doc | a02260a | U.S. Total New Construction Expenditures, Including Oil and Gas Well Drilling, BLS-Department of Commerce (Current Dollars) 1939-46 |
db | dat | doc | a02260b | U.S. Total New Construction Expenditures, Including Oil and Gas Well Drilling, BLS-Department of Commerce (Current Dollars) 1946-63 |
db | dat | doc | a02262 | U.S. Gross State and Local Government Construction, Kuznets 1902-15 |
db | dat | doc | a02263 | U.S. Gross State and Local Government Highway Construction, Simon Kuznets 1902-15 |
db | dat | doc | a02264 | U.S. Private Nonfarm Residential Additions and Alterations, Value in Current Dollars, BLS-Department of Commerce, Original 1915-63 01/1939 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | a02265 | U.S. Private Nonfarm Residential Additions and Alterations, Value in Constant Dollars, BLS-Department of Commerce 1946-63 |
db | dat | doc | a02266a | U.S. Private Commercial, Industrial, and Public Utility Construction, BLS-Dept. of Commerce (Current Dollars) 1920-46 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | a02267a | U.S. Private Commercial, Industrial, and Public Utility Construction, BLS-Dept. of Commerce (Constant Dollars) 1920-46 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | a02267c | U.S. Private Commercial, Industrial, and Public Utility Construction, BLS-Dept. of Commerce (Constant Dollars) 1946-63 |
db | dat | doc | a02268 | U.S. Federal Nonmilitary Construction, BLS-Department of Commerce 1915-62 |
db | dat | doc | a02269 | U.S. Expenditures For New Private Nonfarm Housekeeping Units, Current Dollars, Blank 1889 - 1921 |
db | dat | doc | a02270 | U.S. Expenditures For New Private Nonfarm Housekeeping Units, Constant Dollars, Blank 1889 - 1946 |
db | dat | doc | a02271 | U.S. Expenditures For Additions and Alterations, One To Four-Family Nonfarm Dwellings, Goldsmith, Current Dollars 1867-1914 |
db | dat | doc | a02272 | U.S. Expenditures For Additions and Alterations, One And Four-Family Nonfarm Dwellings Goldsmith, Constant Dollars 1897-1914 |
db | dat | doc | a02273 | U.S. Expenditures For Additions and Alterations, Housekeeping Units, Grebler, Blank, And Winnick (Current Dollars) 1889-1953 |
db | dat | doc | a02274 | U.S. Expenditures For Additions and Alterations, Housekeeping Units, Grebler, Blank, And Winnick (Constant Dollars) 1889-1953 |
db | dat | doc | a02275 | U.S. Public Residential Buildings, Value of New Construction Put in Place, BLS-Department Of Commerce (Current Dollars), 1915-63 01/1939 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | a02276a | U.S. Public Residential Buildings Value of New Construction Put in Place, BLS-Department Of Commerce (Constant Dollars) 1915-46 01/1939 - 12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | a02276b | U.S. Public Residential Buildings, Value of New Construction Put in Place, BLS-Dept. Of Commerce (Constant Dollars) 1946-63 |
db | dat | doc | a02277 | U.S. Private Purchases of Structures For Manufacturing Establishments, Current Dollars, Department Of Commerce 1929-62 |
db | dat | doc | a02278 | U.S. Private Purchases of Structures For Manufacturing Establishments, Constant Dollars, Department Of Commerce 1929-62 |
db | dat | doc | a02279 | U.S. Public New Construction Expenditures, Nonresidential, Value in Current Prices, BLS-Commerce Dept. 1915-63 01/1939-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | a02280a | U.S. Public New Construction Expenditures, Nonresidential, Value in Constant Prices, BLS-Dept. of Commerce 1915-46 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | a02280b | U.S. Public New Construction Expenditures, Nonresidential, Value in Constant Prices, Seasonally Adjusted, BLS-Dept. of 1946-63 |
db | dat | doc | a02281 | U.S. Federal Construction Expenditures, Nonmilitary, Fwa-Treasury Department 1791-1919 |
db | dat | doc | a02282 | U.S. Value of Schools Built, Ohio, Manuel Gottlieb 1854-1914 |
db | dat | doc | a02283 | U.S. Number of Residential Units Erected, Ohio, Gottlieb 1857-1915 |
db | dat | doc | a02284 | U.S. Total Value of New Buildings Erected, Ohio, Gottlieb 1837-1914 |
db | dat | doc | a02285 | U.S. Value of New Industrial Buildings Erected, Ohio, Gottlieb 1859-1912 |
db | dat | doc | a02286 | U.S. Value of New Commercial Buildings Erected, Ohio, Gottlieb 1866-1912 |
db | dat | doc | a02287 | U.S. Value of New Residential Buildings Erected, Ohio, Gottlieb 1861-1914 |
db | dat | doc | a02288 | U.S. Value of New Nonfarm Residential Buildings Erected, Ohio, Gottlieb 1861-1914 |
db | dat | doc | a02289 | U.S. Number of Town Acres Sold On Bona Fide Deed, Ohio, Gottlieb 1877-1920 |
db | dat | doc | a02290 | U.S. Value of Town Acres Sold On Bona Fide Deeds, Ohio, Gottlieb 1877-1920 |
db | dat | doc | a02291 | U.S. Number of Mortgage Instruments Recorded,Town Lot Mortgages, Ohio, Manuel Gottlieb 1880-1920 |
db | dat | doc | m002080a | Germany, Berlin Germany, Number of Residential Buildings Constructed and Inspected, Berlin, Statistiches Landesamt 01/1902-12/1918 |
db | dat | doc | m02001a | U.S. Total Building Contracts Excluding Public Works and Utilities, Value, F.W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02001b | U.S. Total Building Contracts Excluding Public Works and Utilities, Value, F.W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02001c | U.S. Total Building Contracts Excluding Public Works and Utilities, Value, F.W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02001d | U.S. Total Building Contracts Excluding Public Works and Utilities, Value, F.W. Dodge Corp. 01/1956-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02002a | U.S. Total Building Contracts Excluding Public Works and Utilities, Floor Space, F.W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919 - 12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02002b | U.S. Total Building Contracts Excluding Public Works and Utilities, Floor Space, F.W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923 - 12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02002c | U.S. Total Building Contracts Excluding Public Works and Utilities, Floor Space, F.W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925 - 12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02002d | U.S. Total Building Contracts Excluding Public Works and Utilities, Floor Space, F.W. Dodge Corp. 01/1956 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02003 | U.S. Totalbuilding Contracts, Engineering News-Record, Original Data 01/1913 - 12/1962 |
db | dat | doc | m02004 | U.S. Index of Value Of Total Building, Original Data, Long 1868-1939 01/1882-12/1917 |
db | dat | doc | m02005 | U.S. Value of Building Permits, F.W. Dodge Corp.- Bureau Of Labor Statistics 01/1920 - 01/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m02006a | U.S. Value of Building Permits, Babson 01/1903 -12/1922 |
db | dat | doc | m02006b | U.S. Value of Building Permits, Dun & Bradstreet 01/1911 - 9/1960 |
db | dat | doc | m02007 | Value of Building Permits, Outside New York City, Dun & Bradstreet, Original Data |
db | dat | doc | m02008 | U.S. Value of Building Permits, Federal Reserve Board, Original Data 01/1920-01/1933 |
db | dat | doc | m02011a | U.S. Total Residential Building Contracts, Value, F.W. Dodge Corporation 01/1915 - 12/1926 |
db | dat | doc | m02011b | U.S. Total Residential Building Contracts, Value, F.W. Dodge Corporation 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02011c | U.S. Total Residential Building Contracts, Value, F.W. Dodge Corporation 01/1925 - 12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02011d | U.S. Total Residential Building Contracts, Value, F.W. Dodge Corporation 01/1956 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02012a | U.S. Total Residential Building Contracts, Floor Space, F.W. Dodge Corporation 01/1919 -12/1926 |
db | dat | doc | m02012b | U.S. Total Residential Building Contracts, Floor Space, F.W. Dodge Corporation 01/1923 - 12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02012c | U.S. Total Residential Building Contracts, Floor Space, F.W. Dodge Corporation 01/1925 - 12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02012d | U.S. Total Residential Building Contracts, Floor Space, F.W. Dodge Corporation 01/1956 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02013a | U.S. Total Residential Building Contracts, Number of Buildings, F.W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919 - 12/1926 |
db | dat | doc | m02013b | U.S. Total Residential Building Contracts, Number of Buildings, F.W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923 - 12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02013c | U.S. Total Residential Building Contracts, Number of Buildings, F.W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02014a | U.S. Value of Contracts For One and Two-Family Dwellings, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02014b | U.S. Value of Contracts For One and Two-Family Dwellings, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923 - 12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02014c | U.S. Value of Contracts For One and Two-Family Dwellings, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925 - 12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02014d | U.S. Value of Contracts For One and Two-Family Dwellings, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1956 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02015a | U.S. Apartment Houses, Value of Contracts, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919 - 12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02015b | U.S ., 36 States Apartment Houses, Value of Contracts, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02015c | U.S. Apartment Houses, Value of Contracts, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925 - 12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02015d | U. S., 48 States Apartment Houses, Value of Contracts, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1956 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02016a | U.S. Hotels, Value of Contracts, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919 - 12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02016b | U.S. Hotels, Value of Contracts, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923 -12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02016c | U.S. Hotels, Value of Contracts, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925 -12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02016d | U.S. Hotels, Value of Contracts, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1956 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02017a | U.S. Total Contracts Awarded For Commercial and Industrial Buildings, Value, F.W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02017b | U.S. Total Contracts Awarded For Commercial and Industrial Buildings, Value, F.W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02017c | U.S. Total Contracts Awarded For Commercial and Industrial Buildings, Value, F.W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02017d | U.S. Total Contracts Awarded For Commercial and Industrial Buildings, Value, F.W. Dodge Corp. 01/1956-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02018a | U.S. Total Contracts Awarded For Commercial and Industrial Buildings, Floor Space, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02018b | U.S. Total Contracts Awarded For Commercial and Industrial Buildings, Floor Space, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02018c | U.S. Total Contracts Awarded For Commercial and Industrial Buildings, Floor Space, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02018d | U.S. Total Contracts Awarded For Commercial and Industrial Buildings, Floor Space, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1956-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02019a | U.S. Contracts For Commercial Buildings, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02019b | U.S. Contracts For Commercial Buildings, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02019c | U.S. Contracts For Commercial Buildings, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02019d | U.S. Contracts For Commercial Buildings, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1956-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02020a | U.S. Contracts For Commercial Buildings, Floor Space, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02020b | U.S. Contracts For Commercial Buildings, Floor Space, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02020c | U.S. Contracts For Commercial Buildings, Floor Space, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02020d | U.S. Contracts For Commercial Buildings, Floor Space, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1956-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02021a | U.S. Contracts For Commercial Buildings, Number of Projects, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02021b | U.S. Contracts For Commercial Buildings, Number of Projects, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-09/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m02021c | U.S. Contracts For Commercial Buildings, Number of Projects, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-10/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m02022a | U.S. Contracts For Industrial Buildings, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02022b | U.S. Contracts For Industrial Buildings, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02022c | U.S. Contracts For Industrial Buildings, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02022d | U.S. Contracts For Industrial Buildings, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1956-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02023a | U.S. Contracts For Industrial Buildings, Excluding Petroleum Refineries and Pipe Lines, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02023b | U.S. Contracts For Industrial Buildings, Excluding Petroleum Refineries and Pipe Lines, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02023c | U.S. Contracts For Industrial Buildings, Excluding Petroleum Refineries and Pipe Lines, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02024a | U.S. Contracts For Industrial Buildings, Floor Space, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02024b | U.S. Contracts For Industrial Buildings, Floor Space, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02024c | U.S. Contracts For Industrial Buildings, Floor Space, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02024d | U.S. Contracts For Industrial Buildings, Floor Space, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1956-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02025 | U.S. Contracts For Industrial Buildings, Value, Engineering News-Record, Original Data 01/1913-12/1962 |
db | dat | doc | m02026a | U.S. Contracts For Food Factories, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02026b | U.S. Contracts For Food Factories, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02026c | U.S. Contracts For Food Factories, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-12/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m02027a | U.S. Contracts For Textile Mills, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02027b | U.S. Contracts For Textile Mills, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02027c | U.S. Contracts For Textile Mills, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-09/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m02028 | U.S. Contracts For Tanneries and Shoe Factories, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp., Original Data, 1919-1925 03/1919-12/1925 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02028b | U.S. Contracts For Tanneries and Shoe Factories, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp., Original Data, 1923-1937 03/1923-12/1937 01/1923-12/1937 |
db | dat | doc | m02029a | U.S. Contracts For Paper and Pulp Mills, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 03/1919-12/1925 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02029b | U.S. Contracts For Paper and Pulp Mills, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 03/1923-12/1928 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02029c | U.S. Contracts For Paper and Pulp Mills, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 03/1925-09/1943 01/1925-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02030a | U.S. Contracts For Petroleum Refineries and Pipe Lines, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02030b | U.S. Contracts For Petroleum Refineries and Pipe Lines, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02030c | U.S. Contracts For Petroleum Refineries and Pipe Lines, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-09/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02031a | U.S. Contracts For Metal Working Plants, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02031b | U.S. Contracts For Metal Working Plants, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02031c | U.S. Contracts For Metal Working Plants, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-12/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m02032a | U.S. Total Contracts For Public and Institutional Buildings, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02032b | U.S. Total Contracts For Public and Institutional Buildings, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02032c | U.S. Total Contracts For Public and Institutional Buildings, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02032d | U.S. Total Contracts Awarded For Institutional Buildings, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1956-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02033a | U.S. Total Contracts For Public and Institutional Buildings, Floor Space, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02033b | U.S. Total Contracts For Public and Institutional Buildings, Floor Space, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02033c | U.S. Total Contracts For Public and Institutional Buildings, Floor Space, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02033d | U.S. Total Contracts For Public and Institutional Buildings, Floor Space, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1956-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02034a | U.S. Contracts For Public Buildings, Value F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02034b | U.S. Contents For Public Buildings, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02034c | U.S. Contracts For Public Buildings, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02034d | U.S. Contracts For Public Buildings, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1956-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02035a | U.S. Contracts For Public Buildings, Floor Space, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02035b | U.S. Contracts For Public Buildings, Floor Space, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02035c | U.S. Contracts For Public Buildings, Floor Space, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02035d | U.S. Contracts For Public Buildings, Floor Space, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1956-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02036a | U.S. Contracts For Institutional Buildings, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02036b | U.S. Contracts For Institutional Buildings, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02036c | U.S. Contracts For Institutional Buildings, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02036d | U.S. Contracts For Institutional Buildings, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1956-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02045a | U.S. Value of Plans For New Buildings, Manhattan and Portions Of the Bronx 01/1868-12/1900 |
db | dat | doc | m02045b | U.S. Value of Plans For New Buildings, Manhattan 01/1899 - 12/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m02076 | France: Index of Building Activity, Seasonally Adjusted, Statistique Generale 01/1919 -12/1927 |
db | dat | doc | m02076a | France: Index of Building Activity, Seasonally Adjusted, Statistique Generale 01/1919 -12/1927 |
db | dat | doc | m02076b | France: Index of Building Activity, Seasonally Adjusted, Statistique Generale 01/1928 - 07/1939 |
db | dat | doc | m02078 | France, Seine Dept. France: Stories Contained in New Buildings, Seine Dept., Annuaire Statistique De La Ville De Paris, Original Data 01/1905-12/1931; 01/1934-04/1938 |
db | dat | doc | m02080b | Germany, Berlin Germany, Number of Residential Buildings Constructed and Inspected, Berlin, Statistiches Landesamt 01/1923-12/1933 |
db | dat | doc | m02084b | U.S. Railroad Expenditures On Maintenance of Ways and Structures, Interstate Commerce Commission, Original Data 07/1907-11/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m02087a | U.S. Contracts For Railroad Construction and Transportation Terminals, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02087b | U.S. Contracts For Railroad Construction and Transportation Terminals, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02087c | U.S. Contracts For Railroad Construction and Transportation Terminals, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-04/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02088 | U.S. Concrete Pavement Contracts Awarded, Portland Cement Association-Standard Trade Statistics Co. 01/1919-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02089a | U.S. Contracts For Streets, Roads, and Bridges, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02089b | U.S. Contracts For Streets, Roads, and Bridges, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02089c | U.S. Contracts For Streets, Roads, and Bridges, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02089d | U.S. Contracts For Streets, Roads, and Bridges, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1956-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02090a | U.S. Contracts For Streets and Roads, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02090b | U.S. Contracts For Streets and Roads, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02090c | U.S. Contracts For Streets and Roads, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-04/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02091a | U.S. Contracts For Bridges, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02091b | U.S. Contracts For Bridges, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02091c | U.S. Contracts For Bridges, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-04/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02092a | U.S. Contracts Awarded For Sewerage Systems, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02092b | U.S. Contracts Awarded For Sewerage Systems, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02092c | U.S. Contracts Awarded For Sewerage Systems, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-10/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m02093a | U.S. Contracts For Streets, Roads, and Bridges, Value, Engineering News-Record 01/1913-12/1938 |
db | dat | doc | m02093b | U.S. Contracts For Streets, Roads, and Bridges, Value, Engineering News-Record. 01/1932-10/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m02094a | U.S. Federal-Aid Roads Under Construction, Dept. of Commerce 01/1922-12/1926 |
db | dat | doc | m02094b | U.S. Federal-Aid Roads Under Construction, Dept. of Commerce 01/1924-03/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m02095a | U.S. Contracts For Power Plants, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02095b | U.S. Contracts For Power Plants, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02095c | U.S. Contracts For Power Plants, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02096a | U.S. Contracts For Water Supply Systems, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02096b | U.S. Contracts For Water Supply Systems, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02096c | U.S. Contracts For Water Supply Systems, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-10/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m02103a | U.S. Contracts For Waterfront Developments, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02103b | U.S. Contracts For Waterfront Developments, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02103c | U.S. Contracts For Waterfront Developments, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-10/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m02104a | U.S. New Private Housing Units Authorized By Building Permits, Number, BLS-Bureau of the Census 01/1939 - 06/1954 |
db | dat | doc | m02104b | U.S. New Private Housing Units Authorized By Building Permits, Number, BLS-Bureau of the Census 01/1954 - 04/1960 |
db | dat | doc | m02104c | U.S. New Private Housing Units Authorized By Building Permit, Number, BLS-Bureau of the Census 01/1959 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02105a | U.S. Total Construction, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1910-12/1926 |
db | dat | doc | m02105b | U.S. Total Construction, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1929 |
db | dat | doc | m02105c | U.S. Total Construction, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02105d | U.S. Total Construction, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1956-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02106 | New England Total Construction, New England States, F. W. Dodge Corp. Original Data 01/1901-12/1918 |
db | dat | doc | m02107 | U.S. Total Construction, Value, Engineering News-Record, Original Data 01/1913-12/1962 |
db | dat | doc | m02108 | U.S. Index of Construction Contracts, Adjusted For Cost Changes, Engineering News-Record, Original Data 01/1914-03/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m02109 | U.S. Index of Shipments Of Construction Materials, Original Data 1/1925 - 12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m02110 | Ohio Construction Contracts, Total, Ohio, F. W. Dodge Corp. Original Data 01/1919-12/1942 |
db | dat | doc | m02111a | U.S. Contracts For Public Works and Utilities, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02111b | U.S. Contracts For Public Works and Utilities, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02111c | U.S. Contracts For Public Works and Utilities, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02111d | U.S. Contracts For Public Works and Utilities, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1956-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02111e | U.S. Contracts For Public Works and Utilities, Value, Seasonally Adjusted And Raised To 48 State Level, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02112 | U.S. Contracts For Construction Other Than Buildings, Value, Engineering News- Record, Original Data 01/1913-12/1962 |
db | dat | doc | m02113a | U.S. Contracts For Public Works, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02113b | U.S. Contracts For Public Works, Values, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02113c | U.S. Contracts For Public Works, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02114a | U. S., 27 States Contracts For Public Utilities, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02114aa | U. S., 27 States Contracts For Public Utilities Including Petroleum Refineries and Pipe Lines, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02114ab | U. S., 36 States Contracts For Public Utilities Including Petroluem Refineries and Pipe Lines, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02114ac | U.S. Contracts For Public Utilities, Including Petroleum Refineries and Pipe Lines Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-09/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m02114b | U. S., 36 States Contracts For Public Utilities, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02114c | U. S., 37 States Contracts For Public Utilities, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02115a | U.S. Total Public Construction, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. (NBER Definition) 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02115b | U.S. Total Public Construction, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. (NBER Definition) 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02115c | U.S. Total Public Construction, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. (NBER Definition) 01/1925-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02115d | U.S. Total Public Construction, Value F. W. Dodge Corp. (Dodge Definition) 01/1932-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02115e | U.S. Total Public Construction, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. (Dodge Definition) 01/1956-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02116a | U.S. Total Private Construction, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. (NBER Definition) 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02116b | U.S. Total Private Construction, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. (NBER Definition) 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02116c | U.S. Total Private Construction, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. (NBER Definition) 01/1925-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02116d | U.S. Total Private Construction, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. (Dodge Definition) 01/1932-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02116e | U.S. Total Private Construction, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. (Dodge Definition) 01/1956-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02116f | U.S. Total Private Construction, Value, Seasonally Adjusted, F. W. Dodge Corp. (Dodge Definition, Raised) 01/1919-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02117 | U.S. Federal Construction, Value, Engineering News-Record Original Data 01/1913-12/1962 (SEE NOTE) |
db | dat | doc | m02118 | U.S. Douglas Fir Lumber Production, Original Data 1/1917 - 12/1935 |
db | dat | doc | m02119a | U.S. Index of Lumber Production, Original Data 1/1919 - 12/1947 |
db | dat | doc | m02119b | U.S. Index of Lumber Production, Original Data 1/1947 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02120 | U.S. Oak Flooring Production, Original Data 1/1912 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02121 | U.S. Oak Flooring Shipments, Original Data 1/1912 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02122 | U.S. Portland Cement Production, Original Data 1/1911 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02123 | U.S. Portland Cement Shipments, Original Data 1/1911 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02124a | U.S. Brick Production, Original Data 1/1919 - 7/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02124b | U.S. Brick Production, Original Data 1/1923 - 2/1936 |
db | dat | doc | m02124c | U.S. Brick Production, Original Data 1/1943 - 12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02125 | U.S. Polished Plate Glass Production, Original Data 1/1923 - 3/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m02126 | U.S. Bath Tub Shipments, Original Data 4/1917 - 12/1931 |
db | dat | doc | m02127 | U.S. Lavatory Shipments, Original Data 4/1917 - 12/1931 |
db | dat | doc | m02128 | U.S. Kitchen Sink Shipments, Original Data 4/1917 - 12/1931 |
db | dat | doc | m02129 | U.S. Miscellaneous Enameled Sanitary Ware Shipments, Original Data 4/1917 - 12/1931 |
db | dat | doc | m02130a | U.S. Asphalt Production, Original Data 1/1917 - 12/1950 |
db | dat | doc | m02130b | U.S. Asphalt Production, Original Data 1/1951 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02131a | U.S. Prepared Roofing Shipments, Original Data 1/1919 - 9/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02131b | U.S. Prepared Roofing Shipments, Original Data 1/1928 - 12/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m02131c | U.S. Prepared Roofing Shipments, Original Data 4/1932 - 9/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m02132 | U.S. Linseed Oil Production, Original Data 1918 - 1942 7/1942 - 7/1962 |
db | dat | doc | m02137a | U.S. Southern Pine Lumber Production, Original Data 1/1916 - 12/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m02137b | U.S. Southern Pine Lumber Production, Original Data 1/1929 - 12/1955 |
db | dat | doc | m02138a | U.S. Southern Pine Lumber Shipments, Original Data 1/1916 - 12/1934 |
db | dat | doc | m02138b | U.S. Southern Pine Lumber Shipments, Original Data 1/1929 - 12/1955 |
db | dat | doc | m02139 | U.S. Value Per Square Foot of Floor Space Of Residential Building Contracts, New Buildings Only, Original Data 4/1932 - 12/1955 |
db | dat | doc | m02141a | U.S. Value Per Square Foot of Floor Space Of Contracts For One- and Two- Family Dwellings, Original Data 1/1919 -12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02141b | U.S. Value Per Square Foot of Floor Space Of Contracts For One- and Two- Family Dwellings, Original Data 1/1923 - 12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02141c | U.S. Value Per Square Foot of Floor Space Of Contracts Of One- and Two- Family Dwellings, Original Data 1/1925 - 10/1943 |
db | dat | doc | m02141d | U.S. Value Per Square Foot of Floor Space Of Contracts Of One- and Two- Family Dwellings, Original Data 4/1932 - 4/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m02142a | U.S. Contracts For Chemical Plants, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 03/1919-12/1925 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02142b | U.S. Contracts For Chemical Plants, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 03/1923-12/1928 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02142c | U.S. Contracts For Chemical Plants, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 03/1925-12/1944 01/1925-12/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m02143a | U.S. Contracts For Chemical Plants, Floor Space, F. W. Dodge Corp. 03/1919-12/1925 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02143b | U.S. Contracts For Chemical Plants, Floor Space, F. W. Dodge Corp. 03/1923-12/1928 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02143c | U.S. Contracts For Chemical Plants, Floor Space, F. W. Dodge Corp. 03/1925-12/1944 01/1925-12/1944 |
db | dat | doc | m02152 | U.S. Index of Value Of Construction Contracts, Total Excluding Residential, Frb 01/1919 - 05/1940; 05/1947 - 02/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m02153 | U.S. Index of Value Of Total Construction Contracts, Federal Reserve Board (Current Dollars) 01/1919 - 12-1949 |
db | dat | doc | m02154 | U.S. Index of Value Of Residential Construction Contracts, Federal Reserve Board, Original Data 01/1919-03/1949 |
db | dat | doc | m02156a | U.S. Total New Construction, Value in Current Dollars, Bureau of Labor Statistics & Department Of Commerce 01/1939 -12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02156b | U. S. (See Note) Total New Construction, Value in Current Dollars, Bureau of Labor Statistics & Department Of Commerce 01/1946-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02157 | U.S. Linseed Oil Shipments, Original Data SECOND, 1919 - FOURTH, 1942 7/1942 - 12/1955 |
db | dat | doc | m02158a | U.S. Index of Production Of Stone, Clay, and Glass Products, Original Data 1/1919 - 12/1947 |
db | dat | doc | m02158b | U.S. Index of Production Of Stone, Clay, and Glass Products, Original Data 1/1947 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02161a | U.S. Number of New Private Nonfarm Housing Units Started, Blank-BLS-Bureau Of the Census 1889-1945 01/1939-12/1945 |
db | dat | doc | m02161b | U.S. Number of New Private Nonfarm Housing Units Started, Blank-BLS-Bureau Of the Census 01/1945-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02162 | U.S. New Home Starts, Number Per Workday, F.H.A., Original Data 01/1945 - 02/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02163a | U.S. Existing Home Mortgage Applications, Number Per Workday, F.H.A. 01/1938-12/1940 |
db | dat | doc | m02163b | U.S. Existing Home Mortgage Applications, Number Per Workday, F.H.A. 01/1945-03/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02164a | U.S. New Home Mortgage Applications, Number Per Workday, F.H.A. 01/1938-12/1941 |
db | dat | doc | m02164b | U.S. New Home Mortgage Applications, Number Per Workday, F.H.A. 01/1947-03/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02166 | U.S. Contracts For Commercial and Industrial Buildings, Value, Engineering News- Record 01/1932-12/1962 |
db | dat | doc | m02167b | U.S. Total New Construction, Value in Constant Dollars, Seasonally Adjusted, BLS-Department of Commerce 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02167c | U.S. Total New Construction, Value in Constant Dollars, Seasonally Adjusted, BLS-Department of Commerce 01/1946-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02168a | U.S. Private Construction BLS-Dept. of Commerce (Current Dollars) 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02168b | (See Note) Private Construction, BLS-Dept. of Commerce (Current Dollars) 01/1946-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02169a | U.S. Private Construction, BLS-Department of Commerce, (Constant Dollars) 1915-46 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02169b | U.S. Private Construction, Seasonally Adjusted, BLS-Department of Commerce (Constant Dollars) 01/1946-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02172 | U.S. Index of Value Of Total Construction Contracts, Seasonally Adjusted, F. W. Dodge Corp. (Current Dollars) 01/1947 -12/1961 |
db | dat | doc | m02173 | U.S. New Non-Farm Mortgages Recorded, $20,000 & Under, Federal Home Loan Bank Board, Original Data 01/1939-02/1965 |
db | dat | doc | m02174a | U.S. Private New Construction Activity, Business, Value in Current Prices, Department of Commerce 1920-46 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02174b | U.S. Private New Construction Activity, Business, Value in Current Prices, Department of Commerce 01/1946-12/1966 |
db | dat | doc | m02175a | U.S. Contracts For Privately Owned Public Works and Utilities, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1932-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02175b | U.S. Contracts For Privately Owned Public Works and Utilities, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1956-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02176a | U.S. Contracts For Publicly, Owned Public Works and Utilities, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1932-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02176b | U.S. Contracts For Publicly Owned Public Works and Utilities, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1956-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02177a | U.S. Total Nonresidential Building Contracts, Value, F.W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02177b | U.S. Total Nonresidential Building Contracts, Value, F.W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1929 |
db | dat | doc | m02177c | U.S. Total Nonresidential Building Contracts, Value, F.W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925 - 12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02177d | U.S. Total Nonresidential Building Conracts, Value, F.W. Dodge Corp. 01/1956-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02178a | U.S. Total Nonresidential Building Contracts, Floor Space, F.W. Dodge Corp. 01/1919 - 12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | m02178b | U.S. Total Nonresidential Building Contracts, Floor Space, F.W. Dodge Corp. 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | m02178c | U.S. Total Nonresidential Building Contracts, Floor Space, F.W. Dodge Corp. 01/1925-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02178d | U.S. Total Nonresidential Building Contracts, Floor Space, F.W. Dodge Corp. 01/1956 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02179a | U.S. Private Nonfarm Residential Buildings, Value in Current Dollars, BLS-Department of Commerce 1915-46 01/1939 -12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02179b | U.S. Private Nonfarm Residential Buildings, Value in Current Dollars, BLS-Dept. of Commerce 01/1946 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02180a | U.S. Private Nonfarm Residential Buildings, Value in Constant Dollars, BLS - Department of Commerce 1915-46 01/1939 - 12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02180b | U.S. Private Nonfarm Residential Buildings, Value in Constant Dollars, Seasonally Adjusted, BLS-Department of Commerce 01/1946 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02181a | U.S. Private Nonfarm New Housing Units, Current Dollars, BLS-Department of Commerce 1915-46 01/1939 - 12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02181b | U.S. Private Nonfarm New Housing Units, Current Dollars, BLS-Department of Commerce 01/1946 -12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02182a | U.S. Private Farm Construction, BLS-Department of Commerce (Current Dollars) 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02182b | U.S. Private Farm Construction, BLS-Dept. of Commerce (Current Dollars) 01/1946-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02182c | U.S. Private Farm Construction, Seasonally Adjusted, BLS-Dept. of Commerce (Current Dollars) 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02183 | U.S. Private Nonfarm Nonresidential Building, BLS-Department of Commerce (Current Dollars) Original Data 1915-63 01/1939-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02184a | U.S. Private Nonfarm Nonresidential Building, BLS-Department of Commerce (Constant Dollars) 1915-46 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02184b | U.S. Private Nonfarm Nonresidential Building, Seasonally Adjusted, BLS-Department of Commerce (Constant Dollars) 01/1946-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02185 | U.S. Private New Construction Activity, Industrial Buildings, Value in Current Dollars, Department of Commerce, 1915-63 01/1939-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02186a | U.S. Private New Construction Activity, Industrial Buildings, Value in Constant Prices, Department of Commerce 1915-46 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02186b | U.S. Private New Construction Activity, Industrial Buildings, Value in Constant Prices, Department of Commerce, 1946-63 |
db | dat | doc | m02187 | U.S. Private New Construction Activity, Commercial Buildings, Value in Current Dollars, BLS-Department of Commerce, 1920-63 01/1939-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02188a | U.S. Private New Construction Activity, Commercial Buildings, Value in Constant Dollars, BLS-Department of Commerce 1920-46 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02188b | U.S. Private New Construction Activity, Commercial Buildings, Value in Constant Dollars, BLS-Dept. of Commerce, Seasonally 01/1946-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02189 | U.S. Private Nonfarm Nonresidential Buildings Other Than Commercial and Industrial, BLS-Department of Commerce 01/1939-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02190a | U.S. Private Nonfarm Nonresidential Buildings Other Than Commercial and Industrial, BLS-Department of Commerce 1920-46 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02190b | U.S. Private Nonfarm Nonresidential Buildings Other Than Commercial and Industrial, Seasonally Adjusted, BLS- 01/1946-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02191a | U.S. Private Public Utility Construction, Value in Current Prices, Department of Commerce 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02191b | U.S. Private Public Utility Construction, Value in Current Prices, Seasonally Adjusted, Department of Commerce 1/1946 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02192a | U.S. Private Public Utility Construction, Value in Constant Prices, Department of Commerce 1915-46 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02192b | U.S. Private Public Utility Construction, Value in Constant Prices, Seasonally Adjusted, Department of Commerce 01/1946-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02193 | U.S. Public Construction, BLS-Department of Commerce (Current Dollars), Original Data 1915-63 01/1939-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02194a | U.S. Public Construction BLS-Dept. of Commerce (Constant Dollars) 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02194b | U.S. Public Construction, Seasonally Adjusted, BLS-Department of Commerce (Constant Dollars) 01/1946-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02195a | U.S. Nonfarm Building Construction, BLS-Department of Commerce (Current Dollars) 01/1939 - 12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02195b | U.S. Nonfarm Building Construction, BLS-Department of Commerce (Current Dollars) 01/1946 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02195c | U.S. Nonfarm Building Construction, Seasonally Adjusted, BLS-Department of Commerce (Current Dollars) 01/1939 - 12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02196a | U.S. Nonfarm Building Construction, BLS-Department of Commerce (Constant Dollars) 1915-46 01/1939 - 12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02196b | U.S. Nonfarm Building Construction, Seasonally Adjusted, BLS-Department of Commerce (Constant Dollars) 01/1946 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02197 | U.S. Public New Construction Activity, Highways, Value in Current Prices, BLS-Department of Commerce 01/1939-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02198a | U.S. Public New Construction Activity, Highways, Value in Constant Prices, BLS-Department of Commerce 1915-46 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02198b | U.S. Public New Construction Activity, Highways, Value in Constant Prices, Seasonally Adjusted, BLS-Dept. of Commerce 01/1946-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02199a | U.S. Private Farm Construction, BLS-Dept. of Commerce (Constant Dollars) 1915-46 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02199b | U.S. Private Farm Construction, Seasonally Adjusted, BLS- Department of Commerce (Constant Dollars) 01/1946-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02200a | U.S. Private New Construction Activity, Business, Value in Constant Prices, Department of Commerce 1920-46 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02200b | U.S. Private New Construction Activity, Business, Value in Constant Prices, Dept. of Commerce, Seasonally Adjusted 01/1946-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02201a | U.S. Number of New Private Nonfarm Housing Units Started, One-Family, Blank-BLS-Bureau Of the Census 1900-59 01/1940 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02201b | U.S. Number of New Private Nonfarm Housing Units Started, One-Family, Blank-BLS-Bureau Of the Census 01/1959 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02202a | U.S. Number of New Private Nonfarm Housing Units Started, Two-Family, Blank-BLS-Bureau Of the Census 1900-59 01/1940 - 12/1959 |
db | dat | doc | m02202b | U.S. Number of New Private Nonfarm Housing Units Started, Two Family, Blank-BLS-Bureau Of the Census 01/1959-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02203a | U.S. Number of New Private Nonfarm Housing Units Started, Three-Family and Over, Blank-BLS-Census 1900-59 01/1940 - 12/1959 |
db | dat | doc | m02203b | U.S. Number of New Private Nonfarm Housing Units Started, Three-Family and Over, Blank-BLS-Bureau Of the Census 01/1959 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02204a | U.S. Private Nonfarm Housekeeping Residential Buildings, Current Dollars, BLS-Department of Commerce 1915-46 01/1939 - 12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02204b | U.S. Private Nonfarm Housekeeping Residential Buildings, Current Dollars, BLS-Department of Commerce 01/1946 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02205a | U.S. New Private Housing Units Authorized By Building Permits, Value, BLS-Bureau of the Census 01/1942-06/1954 |
db | dat | doc | m02205b | U.S. New Private Housing Units Authorized By Building Permits, Value, BLS-Bureau of the Census 01/1954 - 04/1960 |
db | dat | doc | m02205c | U.S. New Private Housing Units Authorized By Building Permits, Value, BLS-Bureau of the Census 01/1959-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02206a | U.S. Construction Contracts Awarded, Business, F. W. Dodge Corp. 01/1932-12/1956 |
db | dat | doc | m02236 | U.S. Index of Production Of Construction Materials, Original Data 1/1947 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02237 | U.S. Manufacturers' Shipments of Construction Materials, Supplies and Intermediate Products, Original Data 1/1953 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02245 | U.S. Index of Output Of Construction Materials, Total, Original Data 1/1949 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02255a | U.S. Total Building Authorized By Building Permits, BLS-Bureau of the Census 01/1942-06/1954 |
db | dat | doc | m02255b | U.S. Total Building Authorized By Building Permits, BLS-Bureau of the Census 01/1954 -04/1960 |
db | dat | doc | m02255c | U.S. Total Building Authorized By Building Permits, BLS-Bureau of the Census 06/1959 -12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02256a | U.S. New Nonresidential Building Authorized By Building Permits, BLS-Bureau of the Census 01/1942-6/1954 |
db | dat | doc | m02256b | U.S. New Nonresidential Building Authorized By Building Permits, BLS-Bureau of the Census 01/1954-04/1960 |
db | dat | doc | m02256c | U.S. New Nonresidential Building Authorized By Building Permits, BLS-Bureau of the Census 06/1959-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02257 | U.S. Private Nonfarm New Housing Units, Constant Dollars, Seasonally Adjusted, BLS-Department of Commerce 01/1946-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02259 | U.S. Private Nonfarm Housekeeping Residential Buildings, Constant Dollars, Seasonally Adjusted, BLS-Dept. of Commerce 01/1946 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02265 | U.S. Private Nonfarm Residential Additions and Alterations, Value in Constant Dollars, Seasonaly Adjusted, BLS-Dept. of 01/1946 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02266a | U.S. Private Commercial, Industrial, and Public Utility Construction, BLS-Dept. of Commerce (Current Dollars) 1920-46 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02266b | U.S. Private Commercial, Industrial, and Public Utility Construction, BLS-Dept. of Commerce (Current Dollars) |
db | dat | doc | m02267a | U.S. Private Commercial, Industrial, and Public Utility Construction, BLS-Dept. of Commerce (Constant Dollars) 1920-46 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02267b | U.S. Private Commercial, Industrial, and Public Utility Construction, Seasonally Adjusted, BLS-Department of 01/1946-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02275 | U.S. Public Residential Buildings, Value of New Construction Put in Place, BLS-Department Of Commerce (Current Dollars), 01/1939 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02276a | U.S. Public Residential Buildings Value of New Construction Put in Place, BLS-Department Of Commerce (Constant Dollars) 1915-46 01/1939 - 12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | m02276b | U.S. Public Residential Buildings, Value of New Construction Put in Place, Seasonally Adjusted, BLS-Department Of Commerce 01/1946 - 12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02279 | U.S. Public New Construction Expenditures, Nonresidential, Value in Current Prices, BLS-Commerce Dept. 1915-63 01/1939-12/1963 |
db | dat | doc | m02280a | U.S. Public New Construction Expenditures, Nonresidential, Value in Constant Prices, BLS-Dept. of Commerce 1915-46 01/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | q02028 | U.S. Contracts For Tanneries and Shoe Factories, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp., Original Data, 1919-1925 03/1919-12/1925 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | q02028a | U.S. Contracts For Tanneries and Shoe Factories, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp., Original Data, 1923-1937 03/1923-12/1937 01/1923-12/1937 |
db | dat | doc | q02029a | U.S. Contracts For Paper and Pulp Mills, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 03/1919-12/1925 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | q02029b | U.S. Contracts For Paper and Pulp Mills, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 03/1923-12/1928 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | q02029c | U.S. Contracts For Paper and Pulp Mills, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 03/1925-09/1943 01/1925-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | q02070a | Great Britain, 80-102 Cities Great Britain: Estimated Cost of Buildings For Which Plans Were Passed, Ministry Of Labour 06/1909 - 09/1920 |
db | dat | doc | q02070aa | Great Britain, 146 Cities Great Britain: Estimated Cost of Nonresidential Buildings For Which Plans Were Passed, Ministry Of Labour, Original 03/1923 - 06/1939 |
db | dat | doc | q02070b | Great Britain, 146 Cities Great Britain: Estimated Cost of Buildings For Which Plans Were Passed, Ministry Of Labour 03/1923 - 06/1939 |
db | dat | doc | q02070ba | 146 Towns (See Note) Great Britain: Estimated Cost of Building Plans Passed, Residential Buildings, Ministry Of Labour, Original Data 03/1923 - 06/1939 |
db | dat | doc | q02084a | U.S. Miles of Railroad Track Laid On Main Lines, Railroad Gazette Original Data FIRST, 1872 - THIRD, 1887 |
db | dat | doc | q02098a | U.S. Vessels Under Construction At End of Quarter, Tonnage, Lloyd's Register THIRD, 1910 - SECOND, 1914 |
db | dat | doc | q02098b | U.S. Vessels Under Construction At End of Quarter, Tonnage, Lloyd's Register SECOND, 1918 - SECOND, 1939 |
db | dat | doc | q02099 | Great Britain And Ireland Great Britain and Ireland: Tonnage of Vessels Under Construction At End Of Quarter, Lloyd's Register FIRST, 1882 - SECOND, 1939 |
db | dat | doc | q02099a | Great Britain And Ireland Great Britain and Ireland: Tonnage of Vessels Under Construction At End Of Quarter, Less Suspensions, Lloyd's FIRST, 1888 - SECOND, 1939 |
db | dat | doc | q02099b | Great Britain And Ireland Great Britain and Ireland: Tonnage of Vessels Commerced, Lloyd's Register, Original Data 03/1888-06/1939 |
db | dat | doc | q02099c | Great Britain And Ireland Great Britain and Ireland: Tonnage of Vessels Launched, Lloyd's Register, Original Data FIRST, 1888 - SECOND, 1939 |
db | dat | doc | q02100 | Germany: Tonnage of Vessels Under Construction At End Of Quarter, Lloyd's Register SECOND, 1889 - SECOND, 1914; THIRD, 1922 - SECOND, 1939 |
db | dat | doc | q02101 | France: Tonnage of Vessels Under Construction At End Of Quarter, F. W. Dodge Corp. 2/1889 - 2/1914; 1/1918 - 1/1939 |
db | dat | doc | q02132 | U.S. Linseed Oil Production, Original Data 1918 - 1942 7/1942 - 7/1962 |
db | dat | doc | q02137a | U.S. Southern Pine Lumber Production, Seasonally Adjusted 1946 - 1955 1/1929 - 9/1955 |
db | dat | doc | q02140 | Great Britain Price of A New, Ready 7500 Ton Cargo Steamer, Original Data FOURTH, 1898 - FOURTH, 1930 |
db | dat | doc | q02142 | U.S. Contracts For Chemical Plants, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 03/1925-12/1944 01/1925-12/1944 |
db | dat | doc | q02142a | U.S. Contracts For Chemical Plants, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 03/1919-12/1925 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | q02142b | U.S. Contracts For Chemical Plants, Value, F. W. Dodge Corp. 03/1923-12/1928 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | q02143a | U.S. Contracts For Chemical Plants, Floor Space, F. W. Dodge Corp. 03/1919-12/1925 01/1919-12/1925 |
db | dat | doc | q02143b | U.S. Contracts For Chemical Plants, Floor Space, F. W. Dodge Corp. 03/1923-12/1928 01/1923-12/1928 |
db | dat | doc | q02143c | U.S. Contracts For Chemical Plants, Floor Space, F. W. Dodge Corp. 03/1925-12/1944 01/1925-12/1944 |
db | dat | doc | q02155a | U.S. Gross Private Domestic Investment in Structures, Office of Business Economics 03/1939-12/1946 |
db | dat | doc | q02155b | U.S. Gross Private Domestic Investment in Structures, Office of Business Economics 03/1946-12/1967 |
db | dat | doc | q02155c | U.S. Gross Private Domestic Investment in Structures, Seasonally Adjusted, Barger & Klein 03/1921-12/1939 |
db | dat | doc | q02157 | U.S. Linseed Oil Shipments, Original Data SECOND, 1919 - FOURTH, 1942 7/1942 - 12/1955 |
db | dat | doc | q02159 | U.S. Value of Permits For Commercial Buildings, Five Cities, David T. Lapkin FOURTH, 1871 - FOURTH, 1919 |
db | dat | doc | q02160 | U.S. Value of Permits For Industrial Buildings, Five Cities, David T. Lapkin FOURTH, 1871 - FOURTH, 1919 |
db | dat | doc | q02170 | U.S. Gross Private Domestic Investment in New Construction, Residential Nonfarm, Dept. of Commerce, Original Data 03/1939 - 12/1967 |
db | dat | doc | q02171a | U.S. Gross Private Domestic Investment in Structures Other Than Residential Nonfarm, Office of Business Economics 03/1939-12/1960 |
db | dat | doc | q02171b | U.S. Gross Private Domestic Investment in Structures Other Than Residential Nonfarm, Office of Business Economics 03/1946-12/1967 |
db | dat | doc | q02261 | U.S. Vacancy Rate in General Housing, Original Data FIRST, 1956 - SECOND, 1967 |
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