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Works referring to the datasets or codebooks should contain a citation in the following style:

National Center for Health Statistics (Issue Year). Data File Documentations, Issue Name, Data Year (machine readable data file and documentation, CD-ROM Series Series Number, No. No.), National Center for Health Statistics, Hyattsville, Maryland.

where the italicized fields are filled in with the appropriate information below:


Issue Name Data Year Issue
Birth Cohort Linked Birth/Infant Death 1985 1995 20 4
  1986 1995 20 3
  1987 1994 20 1
  1988 1995 20 2
  1989 1996 20 8
  1990 1996 20 6
  1991 1996 20 7
  1995 October, 2001 20 12a
  1996 September, 1999 20 14a
  1997 August, 2000 20 15a
  1998 October, 2002 20 16a
  1999 May, 2003 20 17a
  2000 Jan, 2004 20 18a -- ASCII
  2001 Dec, 2005 20 19a -- ASCII
  2002 Nov, 2006 20 20a -- ASCII
Compressed Mortality File 1968-1988 2000 20 2A
Divorce 1968-1988 2002 21 33H
Marriage 1968-1988 2002 21 34H
Marriage and Divorce 1989-1995 1997 21 6
Matched Multiple Birth 1995-1998 January 2003 21 13a
  1995-1997 2000 21 12
Multiple Cause-of-Death 1980 2001 20 25H
  1988 2001 20 33H
  1991 1997 20 9
  1992 1997 20 10
  1993 1997 20 11
  1994 1999 20 13
  1995 1999 20 16

NTIS Order No: PB99-500308

  1997 2002-03-07

NTIS Order No: PB99-501918


NTIS Order No: PB2000-500128

Natality 1989 January 2002 21 23H -- ASCII
  1990 January 2002 21 24H -- ASCII
  1991 January 2002 21 25H -- ASCII
  1991 ( SETS version ) July 1997 21 5 -- SETS
  1992 January 2002 21 26H -- ASCII
  1992 October 1996 21 2 -- SETS
  1993 January 2002 21 27H -- ASCII
  1993 February 1997 21 3 -- SETS
  1994 January 2002 21 28H -- ASCII
  1994 May 1997 21 4 -- SETS
  1995 March 1998 21 6 -- SETS
  1998 2000 21 11
  1999 June, 2001 21 12H
  2000 November, 2002 21 14
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survery, III 1988-1994 1997 11 1A
National Hospital Discharge Survey 1979-2000 June, 2002 13 20A
National Mortality Followback Survey Provisional Data 1993 April, 1998 20 ASCII
Perinatal Mortality 1995 1998 (SETS version) 20 12
  1996 1998 (SETS version) 20 14
  1997 1999 (SETS version) 20 15
  1998 December 2000 (SETS Version) 20 18
  1999 April 2002 (SETS version) 20 20
  2000 February 2003 (SETS version) 20 21
  2001 February 2004 (SETS version) 20 22
  2002 January 2005 (SETS version) 20 23

A published table derived from this data should have a cite like this:

Source: National Center for Health Statistics (span of years used)

The published material should also include a disclaimer that credits any analyses, interpretations, or conclusions reached to the author (recipient of the data file) and not to NCHS, which is responsible only for the initial data.

Last Update: December 18, 2006



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