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Aditya Aladangady, University of Michigan
Rosanne Altshuler, Rutgers University
Andrew Austin, Congressional Research Service
Gerald Auten, Department of the Treasury
Katarzyna A. Bilicka, Utah State University and NBER
William C. Boning, Department of the Treasury
Nathan Born, University of Pennsylvania
David Brazell, Department of the Treasury
Thomas Brosy, Urban Institute
Aaron Butz, Congressional Budget Office
Dorian Carloni, Congressional Budget Office
Robert Carroll, Ernst & Young
Laura A. Cecko, Legislative Budget Office
Lilia Chaidez, General Accounting Office
Annie Chou, Government Accountability Office
James Cilke, Joint Committee on Taxation
Alan Cohen, Senate Finance Committee
William Congdon, Urban Institute
Margot Crandall-Hollick, Congressional Research Service
Brenda J. Cronin, "Wall Street Journal"
Lydia B. DePillis, The New York Times
Robert Doar, American Enterprise Institute
Connor Dowd, Joint Committee on Taxation
Thea Dowrich, Mastercard Data & Services
Mark Duggan, Stanford University and NBER
Alex J. Durante, Tax Foundation
James Elwell, Joint Committee on Taxation
Jason J. Fichtner, Bipartisan Policy Center
Tracy Foertsch, Department of the Treasury
Chloe Gagin, Internal Revenue Service
William Gale, Brookings Institution
Robert Gillette, Department of the Treasury
Jacob Goldin, University of Chicago and NBER
Caitlin S. Gorback, University of Texas at Austin
Tracy Gordon, The Urban Institute
Jane Gravelle, Congressional Research Service
İrem Güçeri, University of Oxford
Audrey Guo, Santa Clara University
John Guyton, Internal Revenue Service
Kwabena Gyimah-Brempong, National Science Foundation
Philippa Haven, Department of the Treasury
Alice Henriques Volz, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Anne Herlache, Internal Revenue Service
Rachel Hernandez, Office of Management and Budget
Damon Jones, University of Chicago and NBER
Maggie R. Jones, U.S. Census Bureau
Tobey Kass, Department of the Treasury
Jeffrey R. Kling, Congressional Budget Office
Laurence J. Kotlikoff, Boston University and NBER
Melanie Krause, Internal Revenue Service
Elira Kuka, The George Washington University and NBER
Jeff Larrimore, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Joseph LeCates, Joint Committee on Taxation
Junghoon Lee, Congressional Budget Office
Ben Leubsdorf, Library of Congress
Arik Levinson, Georgetown University and NBER
Huaqun Li, Tax Foundation
Katherine Lim, Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank
Emily Y. Lin, Department of the Treasury
Ithai Lurie, Department of the Treasury
Byron Lutz, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Dayanand S. Manoli, Georgetown University and NBER
Donald Marples, Congressional Research Service
Aparna Mathur, Senior Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School
William A. McBride, Tax Foundation
Jamie McGuire, Joint Committee on Taxation
Jonathan Meer, Texas A&M University and NBER
Ben S. Meiselman, Department of the Treasury
Gilbert E. Metcalf, Tufts University and NBER
Adam Michel, Joint Economic Committee
Katherine Michelmore, University of Michigan and NBER
Thomas Miller, American Enterprise Institute
Robert A. Moffitt, Johns Hopkins University and NBER
Shannon Mok, Congressional Budget Office
Rachel Moore, Joint Committee on Taxation
Jacob Mortenson, Joint Committee on Taxation
Maura Mullins, Congressional Research Service
Edward Nannenhorn, Government Accountability Office
Nina Olson, Center for Taxpayer Rights
Paul R. Organ, Department of the Treasury
Elena Patel, University of Utah
James Pearce, Congressional Budget Office
Neviana Petkova, Department of the Treasury
Carla Poeschel, Freie University of Berlin
James M. Poterba, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ronald Promboin, retired
Felix Reichling, University of Pennsylvania
Zachary Richards, Joint Committee on Taxation
Richard Rubin, Wall Street Journal
Molly Saunders-Scott, Congressional Budget Office
Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach, Northwestern University and NBER
Donald F. Schneider, Piper Sandler
Nathan Seegert, University of Utah
Jason Seligman, Investment Company Institute
Jennifer Shand, Congressional Budget Office
Sophie Shin, University of Pennsylvania
Hilary Sigman, Rutgers University and NBER
David Splinter, Joint Committee on Taxation
Michael Strudler, Internal Revenue Service
Lori Stuntz, Internal Revenue Service
Alisa Tazhitdinova, University of California, Santa Barbara and NBER
Eric Toder, The Urban Institute
Jack Wang, Government Accountability Office
Garrett Watson, Tax Foundation
Michael E. Weber, Internal Revenue Service
Xunxuan Weerts, State of Minnesota
Gal Wettstein, Boston College
Arlynn Q. White, Department of the Treasury
Julie M. Whittaker, Congressional Research Service
Roberton C. Williams, University of Maryland and NBER
Jim Williamson, Congressional Budget Office
Joshua Witter, LLC
Lin Xu, Joint Committee on Taxation
Victor Yifan Ye, Opendoor Technologies

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