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Format: For 50-minute slots, 30 for presentation, 10 for discussants, and 10 for Q&A. For 20-minute slots, 15 for presentations and 5 for Q&A.



Treb Allen, Dartmouth College and NBER
Abhay Aneja, University of California, Berkeley
Costas Arkolakis, Yale University and NBER
Sarah C. Armitage, Boston University
Panle Jia Barwick, University of Wisconsin - Madison and NBER
Nathaniel Baum-Snow, University of Toronto
Keelan Beirne, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Christopher Berry, University of Chicago
Hector Blanco, Rutgers University
Elior Cohen, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Lucas Conwell, University College London
Cody Cook, Yale University
Tianfang Cui, New York University
Leonardo D'Amico, Harvard University
Morris Davis, Rutgers University
Jonathan I. Dingel, Columbia University and NBER
Fabian Eckert, University of California, San Diego
Aldo Elizalde, Queen's University Belfast
Sebastian Ellingsen, University of Bristol
Pablo D. Fajgelbaum, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
James J. Feigenbaum, Boston University and NBER
Fernando V. Ferreira, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Andrew Foster, Brown University and NBER
Matthew Freedman, University of California, Irvine
Sharat Ganapati, Georgetown University and NBER
Jesse M. Gregory, University of Wisconsin - Madison and NBER
Joseph Gyourko, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Lu Han, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Mariaflavia Harari, University of Pennsylvania
Emma Harrington, University of Virginia
Daniel Hartley, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Andrew Haughwout, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Stephan Heblich, University of Toronto and NBER
Greg Howard, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Allan Hsiao, Stanford University
Benjamin G. Hyman, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Rebecca A. Jorgensen, University of Pennsylvania
Shantanu Khanna, Northeastern University
Martina Kirchberger, Trinity College Dublin
Gabriel Kreindler, Harvard University and NBER
Jacob Krimmel, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Kwok Hao Lee, National University of Singapore
Shanjun Li, Cornell University and NBER
Jeffrey Lin, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Zachary Liscow, Yale University
Michael Luca, Johns Hopkins University and NBER
Ronan C. Lyons, Trinity College Dublin
Andrea Mattia, University of Chicago
Bruce D. Meyer, University of Chicago and NBER
Yuhei Miyauchi, Boston University
Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak, Yale University and NBER
Myra Mohnen, University of Ottawa
Ferdinando Monte, Georgetown University and NBER
Enrico Moretti, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Erica Moszkowski, Harvard University
Dávid Krisztián Nagy, Center for Research in Economics and Statistics
Kentaro Nakajima, Hitotsubashi University
Michael F. Neubauer, Brown University
Elio Nimier-David, Cornell University
William H. Nober, Columbia University
Ryungha Oh, Northwestern University
Abigail J. Ostriker, Harvard University
Xinle Pang, SUNY Buffalo
Kate Pennington, U.S. Census Bureau
Giacomo A.M. Ponzetto, Center for Research in Economics and Statistics
Charly Porcher, Georgetown University
Tommaso Porzio, Columbia University and NBER
Andrei V. Potlogea, University of Edinburgh
Oren Reshef, Washington University in St Louis
Stuart Rosenthal, Cornell University
Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, University of Chicago and NBER
Sagar Saxena, University of Pennsylvania
Nathan Seegert, University of Utah
Jaeeun Seo
Cailin R. Slattery, University of California, Berkeley
Noémie Sportiche, Harvard University
Adam Storeygard, Tufts University and NBER
Matthew Turner, Brown University and NBER
Andrew R. Waxman, University of Texas at Austin
Laura Weiwu, Stanford University
Cora Wigger, Elon University
Yanos Zylberberg, University of Bristol

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