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James D. Adams, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and NBER
James E. Anderson, Boston College and NBER
David Argente, Yale University and NBER
Ashish Arora, Duke University and NBER
David Autor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Tania Babina, Columbia University and NBER
Clare A. Balboni, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Simcha Barkai, Boston College
John M. Barrios, Washington University in St. Louis and NBER
Susanto Basu, Boston College and NBER
Antonin Bergeaud, HEC Paris
Johannes Boehm, Sciences Po
Erik Brynjolfsson, Stanford University and NBER
Juanma Castro-Vincenzi, University of Chicago
Ryan Chahrour, Cornell University
Cheng Chen, Clemson University
Jaedo Choi, Federal Reserve Board
Wesley M. Cohen, Duke University and NBER
Carter K. Davis, Indiana University
Jan De Loecker, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Dave Donaldson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Florian Ederer, Boston University and NBER
Robert W. Fairlie, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Chiara Farronato, Harvard University and NBER
John Fernald, INSEAD
Teresa C. Fort, Dartmouth College and NBER
Lucia S. Foster, U.S. Census Bureau
Michela Giorcelli, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Britta Glennon, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Robert J. Gordon, Northwestern University and NBER
Shane Greenstein, Harvard University and NBER
German Gutierrez, University of Washington
German Gutierrez, University of Washington
Jorge Guzman, Columbia University and NBER
Alex He, University of Maryland
Brad Hershbein, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
Kazuhiro Hiraki, Bank of Japan
Shinnosuke Katsuki, Bank of Japan
Matthias Kehrig, Duke University and NBER
Daniel Keniston, Louisiana State University and NBER
Benny Kleinman, Stanford University and NBER
Peter J. Klenow, Stanford University and NBER
Christopher R. Knittel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Andrea Lamorgese, Bank of Italy
Danial Lashkari, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Munseob Lee, University of California, San Diego
Andrea Linarello, Bank of Italy
Song Ma, Yale University and NBER
Claudia Macaluso, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Kalina Manova, University College London
Adrien Matray, Princeton University and NBER
Ameet Morjaria, Northwestern University and NBER
Ramana Nanda, Imperial College London
Ezra Oberfield, Cornell University and NBER
Yasutaka Ogawa, Bank of Japan
Megha Patnaik, LUISS Guido Carli University
Thomas Philippon, New York University and NBER
Gordon M. Phillips, Dartmouth College and NBER
Sophie Piton, Bank of England
Andrea Prat, Columbia University and NBER
Benjamin Pugsley, University of Notre Dame
Yi Qian, University of British Columbia and NBER
Pascual Restrepo, Yale University and NBER
Cian Ruane, Central Bank of Ireland
Raffaella Sadun, Harvard University and NBER
Yukiko Saito, Waseda University
Fabio Schiantarelli, Boston College
Matthew D. Shapiro, University of Michigan and NBER
Younghun Shim, International Monetary Fund
Daniel E. Sichel, Wellesley College and NBER
Timothy Simcoe, Boston University and NBER
Alexandre B. Sollaci, International Monetary Fund
Mara P. Squicciarini, Bocconi University
Claudia Steinwender, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Yosuke Takeda, Aichi University
Stephen J. Terry, University of Michigan and NBER
James Traina, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Hâle Utar, Grinnell College
Rosen Valchev, Boston College and NBER
David Van Dijcke, University of Michigan
Carolina Villegas-Sanchez, ESADE Business School
Daniel Xu, Duke University and NBER
Pinar Yildirim, University of Pennsylvania and NBER

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