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Mark A. Aguiar, Princeton University and NBER
Fernando E. Alvarez, University of Chicago and NBER
David Argente, Yale University and NBER
Adrien Auclert, Stanford University and NBER
Scott R. Baker, Northwestern University and NBER
Martin Beraja, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
David W. Berger, Duke University and NBER
Anmol Bhandari, University of Minnesota and NBER
Mark Bils, University of Rochester and NBER
Corina Boar, New York University and NBER
Margherita Borella, Universita di Torino
Gideon Bornstein, University of Pennsylvania
Jesse Bricker, Federal Reserve Board
Joseph S. Briggs, Goldman Sachs
Johannes Brumm, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Christopher D. Carroll, Johns Hopkins University and NBER
Carlos Carvalho, Kapitalo Investimentos and PUC-Rio
Edouard Challe, Paris School of Economics and CEPR
Riccardo Cioffi, Princeton University
Edmund Crawley, Federal Reserve Board
Joel M. David, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Mariacristina De Nardi, University of Minnesota and NBER
Sebastian Dyrda, University of Toronto
Giulio Fella, Queen Mary University of London
Giovanni Gallipoli, University of British Columbia
Carlos Garriga, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Elisa Giannone, Centre de Recerca en Economia Internacional (CREI)
Sebastian Graves, Federal Reserve Board
Adam Guren, Boston University and NBER
Marcus Hagedorn, University of Oslo
Aaron Hedlund, Purdue University
Alice Henriques Volz, Federal Reserve Board
Kyle F. Herkenhoff, University of Minnesota and NBER
Joachim Hubmer, University of Pennsylvania
Erik Hurst, University of Chicago and NBER
Yoon Joo Jo, Texas A&M University
David Johnson, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine
Greg Kaplan, University of Chicago and NBER
Fatih Karahan, Amazon
Rohan Kekre, University of Chicago and NBER
Agnes Kovacs, King's College London
Dirk Krueger, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Marianna Kudlyak, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Lorenz Kueng, Swiss Finance Institute
Moritz Kuhn, University of Mannheim
Moritz Lenel, Princeton University and NBER
Laura Liu, University of Pittsburgh
María José Luengo-Prado, Instituto Complutense de Análisis Económico
Riccardo Masolo, Catholic University, Milan
Alisdair McKay, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Virgiliu Midrigan, New York University and NBER
Kurt Mitman, Institute for International Economic Studies
John A. Mondragon, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Simon Mongey, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and NBER
Kevin Moore, Federal Reserve Board
Sara Moreira, Northwestern University and NBER
Preston Mui, University of California at Berkeley
Makoto Nakajima, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Eric Nielsen, Federal Reserve Board
Toshiaki Ogawa, Bank of Japan
Alan Olivi, University College London
Serdar Ozkan, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Michaela Pagel, Washington University in St. Louis and NBER
Jonathan A. Parker, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Christina Patterson, University of Chicago and NBER
Luigi Pistaferri, Stanford University and NBER
Mikkel Plagborg-Møller, Princeton University
Benjamin Pugsley, University of Notre Dame
Pontus Rendahl, University of Cambridge
Pascual Restrepo, Yale University and NBER
John Sabelhaus, Brookings Institution
Ayşegül Şahin, Princeton University and NBER
Farzad Saidi, University of Bonn
Andrés P. Sarto, New York University
Benjamin Schoefer, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Ludwig Straub, Harvard University and NBER
Mathieu Taschereau-Dumouchel, Cornell University
David Thesmar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Christopher Tonetti, Stanford University and NBER
Chung Tran, Australian National University
Joseph S. Vavra, University of Chicago and NBER
Giovanni L. Violante, Princeton University and NBER
Shingo Watanabe, Bank of Japan
Thomas Winberry, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Christian K. Wolf, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Arlene Wong, Princeton University


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