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Nicaise Aman, University Cheick Anta Diop (UCAD)
Natee Amornsiripanitch, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Shai Bernstein, Harvard University and NBER
Nicholas Bloom, Stanford University and NBER
Scarlet Chen, Stanford University
Wendy Chen, Texas Tech University
Weiran Deng, Inc
Lan H. Dinh, University of Notre Dame
Mahdi Eghbali, University of Iowa
John C. Haltiwanger, University of Maryland and NBER
Travis Howe, Kauffman Foundation
Agustin Hurtado, University of Maryland
Sunwoo Hwang, Korea University Business School
Zhao Jin, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
Claire Kang, University of Houston
Sukhun Kang, UC Santa Barbara
William R. Kerr, Harvard University and NBER
Bekhzod Khoshimov, Wisconsin School of Business
Josh Lerner, Harvard University and NBER
Jinlin Li, Harvard University
Jessica L. Looze, Kauffman Foundation
ALINA MALKOVA, Florida Institute of Technology
Alexander JM. Montag, University of Oxford
Chhavi Rastogi, IFC, World Bank Group
David T. Robinson, Duke University and NBER
Raffaella Sadun, Harvard University and NBER
Antoinette Schoar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Yuan Shi, University of Michigan
Seowon Shin, University of Washington
Scott Stern, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Yusuke Tsujimoto, University of Alberta
Kaushik Vasudevan, Purdue University
Melanie Wallskog, Duke University
Jane Wu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jiajie Xu, University of Iowa
Jing Xue, Georgia State University
Jonathan Zandberg, University of Pennsylvania
Xiang Zheng, University of Connecticut
Yulia Zhestkova, University of Chicago

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