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Manuel Adelino, Duke University and NBER
Kenneth R. Ahern, University of Southern California and NBER
Heitor Almeida, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and NBER
Marianne Andries, University of Southern California
Tania Babina, Columbia University and NBER
Scott R. Baker, Northwestern University and NBER
Francesca Bastianello, University of Chicago
Michael D. Bauer, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Bo Becker, Stockholm School of Economics
Juliane Begenau, Stanford University and NBER
Itzhak Ben-David, The Ohio State University and NBER
Matteo Benetton, University of California, Berkeley
Efraim Benmelech, Northwestern University and NBER
Philip Bond, University of Washington
Alon Brav, Duke University and NBER
Sophie Calder-Wang, University of Pennsylvania
Mark Carey, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Daniel Carvalho, Indiana University
Emanuele Colonnelli, University of Chicago and NBER
Antonio Coppola, Stanford University
Nicolas Crouzet, Northwestern University
Eduardo Dávila, Yale University and NBER
Anthony A. DeFusco, University of Wisconsin-Madison and NBER
Peter M. DeMarzo, Stanford University and NBER
Marco Di Maggio, Harvard University and NBER
Gregory Duffee, Johns Hopkins University
Alexander Dyck, University of Toronto
Alex Edmans, London Business School
Andrea L. Eisfeldt, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Isil Erel, The Ohio State University and NBER
Mara Faccio, Purdue University and NBER
Julia Fonseca, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Kenneth R. French, Dartmouth College and NBER
Carola Frydman, Northwestern University and NBER
Xavier Gabaix, Harvard University and NBER
Mark Garmaise, University of California at Los Angeles
Simon Gervais, Duke University
Vincent Glode, University of Pennsylvania
Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham, Yale University and NBER
Niels Joachim Gormsen, University of Chicago and NBER
John Graham, Duke University and NBER
Jillian Grennan, Emory University
Mark Grinblatt, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Dirk Hackbarth, Boston University
Valentin Haddad, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Jarrad Harford, University of Washington
Barney Hartman-Glaser, University of California at Los Angeles
Sean Higgins, Northwestern University
Benjamin Iverson, Brigham Young University
Ravi Jagannathan, Northwestern University and NBER
Dirk Jenter, London School of Economics
Wei Jiang, Emory University and NBER
Ron Kaniel, University of Rochester
Mahyar Kargar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Anil K Kashyap, University of Chicago and NBER
Lorena Keller, University of Pennsylvania
Elisabeth Kempf, Harvard University and NBER
Amir Kermani, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Peter Koudijs, University of Rotterdam
Arvind Krishnamurthy, Stanford University and NBER
Shohini Kundu, University of California, Los Angeles
Rafael La Porta, Brown University and NBER
Mark T. Leary, Washington University in St. Louis and NBER
Doron Levit, University of Washington
Stefan Lewellen, Pennsylvania State University
Wenhao Li, University of Southern California
Dmitry Livdan, University of California, Berkeley
Yueran Ma, University of Chicago and NBER
Federico Mainardi, University of Chicago
Vojislav Maksimovic, University of Maryland
Andrey Malenko, Boston College
Nadya Malenko, Boston College and NBER
David A. Matsa, Northwestern University and NBER
Robert L. McDonald, Northwestern University and NBER
Filippo Mezzanotti, Northwestern University and NBER
John A. Mondragon, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Scott T. Nelson, University of Chicago
Martin Oehmke, London School of Economics
Sangmin Oh, Columbia Business School
Waldo Ojeda, The City University of New York
Christian Opp, University of Rochester and NBER
Guillermo Ordoñez, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Paige Ouimet, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Christopher Palmer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Daniel Paravisini, London School of Economics
Anna Pavlova, London Business School
Julien Pénasse, University of Luxembourg
Mitchell A. Petersen, Northwestern University and NBER
Thomas Philippon, New York University and NBER
Gordon M. Phillips, Dartmouth College and NBER
Monika Piazzesi, Stanford University and NBER
Christopher Polk, London School of Economics
Jacopo Ponticelli, Northwestern University and NBER
Manju Puri, Duke University and NBER
Tarun Ramadorai, Imperial College London
Adriano A. Rampini, Duke University and NBER
S. Abraham (Avri) Ravid, Yeshiva University
Claudia Robles Garcia, Stanford University
Roberta Romano, Yale University and NBER
Nikolai Roussanov, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Shrihari Santosh, University of Maryland
David S. Scharfstein, Harvard University and NBER
Lukas Schmid, University of Southern California
Philipp Schnabl, New York University and NBER
Jan R. Schneemeier, Indiana University
Antoinette Schoar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Michael Schwert, AQR Arbitrage
Berk Sensoy, Vanderbilt University
Amit Seru, Stanford University and NBER
Jinfei Sheng, University of California, Irvine
Kelly Shue, Yale University and NBER
Elena Simintzi, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
David Sraer, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Laura Starks, University of Texas at Austin and NBER
Philip Strahan, Boston College and NBER
Amir Sufi, University of Chicago and NBER
Adi Sunderam, Harvard University and NBER
David Thesmar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Sheri Tice, Tulane University
Richard R. Townsend, University of California, San Diego and NBER
Margarita Tsoutsoura, Washington University in St. Louis and NBER
Jialan Wang, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and NBER
Michael Weber, University of Chicago and NBER
Michael S. Weisbach, The Ohio State University and NBER
Ivo Welch, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Toni Whited, University of Michigan and NBER
Johannes Wieland, University of California, San Diego and NBER
Milena Wittwer, Boston College
Daniel Wolfenzon, Columbia University and NBER
Yufeng Wu, Ohio State University
Kairong Xiao, Columbia University and NBER
Mindy Z. Xiaolan, University of Texas at Austin
Chenzi Xu, Stanford University and NBER
Ayako Yasuda, University of California at Davis
Yao Zeng, University of Pennsylvania
Alexander K. Zentefis, Yale University
Geoffery X. Zheng, NYU Shanghai

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