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Hannes Schwandt & Janet Currie & Marlies Bär & James Banks & Paola Bertoli & Aline Bütikofer & Sarah Cattan & Beatrice Zong-Ying Chao & Claudia Costa & Libertad González & Veronica Grembi & Kristiina Huttunen & René Karadakic & Lucy Kraftman & Sonya Krutikova & Stefano Lombardi & Peter Redler & Carlos Riumallo-Herl & Ana Rodríguez-González & Kjell G. Salvanes & Paula Santana & Josselin Thuilliez & Eddy van Doorslaer & Tom Van Ourti & Joachim K. Winter & Bram Wouterse & Amelie Wuppermann, 2021. "Inequality in mortality between Black and White Americans by age, place, and cause and in comparison to Europe, 1990 to 2018," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol 118(40). citation courtesy of

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