New Research Associates and Faculty Research Fellows Named
The NBER Board of Directors appointed 41 new research associates at its September 2019 meeting. Research associates (RAs) must be tenured faculty members at North American colleges or universities; their appointments are recommended to the board by the directors of the NBER's 20 research programs, typically after consultation with a steering committee of leading scholars.
The new research associates are affiliated with 26 different colleges and universities; they received their graduate training at 24 different institutions. As of December 1, 2019, there were 1,256 research associates and 307 faculty research fellows. With the exception of one scholar who was previously a research associate, resigned while in public service, and was re-elected, all of the new research associates were previously faculty research fellows. Most were recently granted tenure at their home institutions and therefore became eligible for RA status.
Two new faculty research fellows (FRFs) were also appointed in July 2019. FRFs are appointed by the NBER president, also on the advice of program directors and steering committees and following a call for nominations in January. They must hold primary academic appointments in North America.
The names and affiliations of the newly promoted and newly appointed NBER affiliates, along with the names of the universities where they received Ph.Ds., are listed below. The entry in italics designates the RA who was reappointed.
Research Associates
Faculty Research Fellows
Christina Patterson | University of Chicago | Monetary Economics |
Winnie van Dijk | University of Chicago | Public Economics |