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Ana Albuquerque, Boston University
Shan Aman-Rana, University of Virginia
Samuel Antill, Harvard University
Ghazala Azmat, Sciences Po
Ilona Babenko, Arizona State University
Iwan Barankay, University of Pennsylvania
Simcha Barkai, Boston College
Benjamin Bennett, Tulane University
Alan M. Benson, University of Minnesota
Matthew J. Bloomfield, University of Pennsylvania
Alon Brav, Duke University and NBER
Charles C. Brown, University of Michigan and NBER
Pierre Chaigneau, Queen’s University
Joanne Juan. Chen, Boston University
Jeffrey Coles, University of Utah
David J. Cooper, University of Iowa
Zoe B. Cullen, Harvard University and NBER
Peter Cziraki, Texas A&M University
Erika Deserranno, Northwestern University
Florian Ederer, Boston University and NBER
Alex Edmans, London Business School
Florian Englmaier, University of Munich
Miguel Espinosa, Bocconi University
Constanca Esteves-Sorenson, University of California at Los Angeles
Antonio Falato, Federal Reserve Board
Di Fang, University of Florida
Anne E. Fitzpatrick, The Ohio State University
Guido Friebel, Goethe University Frankfurt
Benjamin Friedrich, Northwestern University
Xavier Gabaix, Harvard University and NBER
Janet Gao, Georgetown University
George-Levi Gayle, Washington University in St. Louis and NBER
George Georgiadis, Northwestern University
Ricard Gil, Queen's University
Ola Peter K. Gjessing, Norges Bank Investment Management
Marius Guenzel, University of Pennsylvania
Umit Gurun, University of Texas at Dallas
Alex X. He, University of Maryland
Richard T. Holden, University of New South Wales
Enrique Ide, IESE Business School
Wilman J. Iglesias, Vocational Economics Inc.
Steve Irlbeck, University of New Hampshire
Dirk Jenter, London School of Economics
Swami Kalpathy, Texas Christian University
Steven N. Kaplan, University of Chicago and NBER
Elisabeth Kempf, Harvard University and NBER
Hyunseob Kim, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Morris M. Kleiner, University of Minnesota and NBER
Felix Koenig, Carnegie Mellon University
Theresa Kuchler, New York University and NBER
Ambar La Forgia, University of California, Berkeley
Patrick Legros, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Thomas Lemieux, University of British Columbia and NBER
Louis-Pierre Lepage, Stockholm University
Minjia Li, University of British Columbia
Xuelin Li, Columbia University
Erik Lie, University of Iowa
Tong Liu, National University of Singapore
Rosario Macera, Universidad Catolica de Chile
Nadya Malenko, Boston College and NBER
Aparna Mathur, Senior Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School
Egor V. Matveyev, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kieron Meagher, Australian National University
Virginia Minni, University of Chicago
Dylan B. Minor, University of California at Los Angeles
Ameet Morjaria, Northwestern University and NBER
Giuseppe Moscelli, University of Surrey
Pablo Munoz, Universidad de Chile
Kevin Murphy, University of Southern California
Kieu-Trang Nguyen, Northwestern University
Cristobal Otero, Columbia University
N. Bugra Ozel, University of Texas at Dallas
Yihui Pan, University of Utah
Elena Pastorino, Stanford University and NBER
Michael Raith, University of Rochester
Lindsey R. Raymond, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Peter G. Reali, Nuveen Investments
Marit Rehavi, University of British Columbia
Roberta Romano, Yale University and NBER
Maddalena Ronchi, Kellogg School of Management
Raffaella Sadun, Harvard University and NBER
Jason Sandvik, Tulane University
Richard Saouma, Michigan State University
Alicia Sasser, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Julien Sauvagnat, Bocconi University
Berk Sensoy, Vanderbilt University
Kelly Shue, Yale University and NBER
Denis Sosyura, Arizona State University
Jorge A. Tamayo, Harvard University
Cristina Tello-Trillo, U.S. Census Bureau
Linh T. Tô, Boston University
Marta Troya-Martinez, New Economic School
Margarita Tsoutsoura, Washington University in St. Louis and NBER
Edward D. Van Wesep, University of Colorado at Boulder
Michael S. Weisbach, The Ohio State University and NBER
Hugh Xiaolong Wu, Washington University in St. Louis
Moqi Xu, University of London
Jun Yang, Indiana University
David Yermack, New York University and NBER
Erina Ytsma, Carnegie Mellon University
Nick Zubanov, Goethe University Frankfurt


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