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Ran Abramitzky, Stanford University and NBER
Marcella Alsan, Harvard University and NBER
Haelim Anderson, Bank Policy Institute
Michael J. Andrews, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Abhay Aneja, University of California, Berkeley
Jaime Arellano-Bover, Yale University
Jeremy Atack, Vanderbilt University and NBER
Carlos Fernando Avenancio-León, University of California, San Diego
Daniel Barth, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Brian Beach, Vanderbilt University and NBER
Enrico Berkes, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Asaf Bernstein, University of Colorado Boulder and NBER
Kristian Blickle, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Howard Bodenhorn, Clemson University and NBER
Michael D. Bordo, Rutgers University and NBER
Mark Borgschulte, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Leah Platt Boustan, Princeton University and NBER
Gillian Brunet, Smith College
Chelsea E. Carter, Boston University
Elizabeth U. Cascio, Dartmouth College and NBER
Dong Beom Choi, Seoul National University
Karen Clay, Carnegie Mellon University and NBER
William J. Collins, Vanderbilt University and NBER
Melissa Dell, Harvard University and NBER
Ellora Derenoncourt, Princeton University and NBER
Jeremiah Dittmar, London School of Economics
Eric C. Edwards, University of California Davis
Barry Eichengreen, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Shari Eli, University of Toronto and NBER
James J. Feigenbaum, Boston University and NBER
Daniel K. Fetter, Dartmouth College and NBER
Price V. Fishback, University of Arizona and NBER
Martin Fiszbein, Boston University and NBER
Carola Frydman, Northwestern University and NBER
Mesay Gebresilasse, Amherst College and NBER
Michela Giorcelli, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Claudia Goldin, Harvard University and NBER
Andrew Goodman-Bacon, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and NBER
Daniel P. Gross, Duke University and NBER
Farley Grubb, University of Delaware and NBER
Amanda Guimbeau, Université de Sherbrooke
Michael R. Haines, Colgate University and NBER
Walker Hanlon, Northwestern University and NBER
Joshua K. Hausman, University of Michigan and NBER
Eric Hilt, Wellesley College and NBER
Richard Hornbeck, University of Chicago and NBER
Kilian Huber, University of Chicago and NBER
Douglas A. Irwin, Dartmouth College and NBER
David S. Jacks, National University of Singapore
Matthew S. Jaremski, Utah State University and NBER
Taylor Jaworski, University of Colorado Boulder and NBER
Maggie E.C. Jones, Emory University and NBER
Shawn Kantor, Florida State University and NBER
Carl Kitchens, Florida State University and NBER
Peter Koudijs, New York University
Nicola Lacetera, University of Bologna and NBER
Naomi R. Lamoreaux, Yale University and NBER
Volker Lindenthal, University of Munich
Trevon D. Logan, The Ohio State University and NBER
Robert A. Margo, Boston University and NBER
Justin Marion, University of California Santa Cruz
Bhashkar Mazumder, University of California, Irvine
Nidhiya Menon, Brandeis University
Kris James Mitchener, Santa Clara University and NBER
Carolyn Moehling, Rutgers University and NBER
Aldo Musacchio, Brandeis University and NBER
Peter D. Nencka, Ohio State University
Gregory Niemesh, Miami University and NBER
Nathan Nunn, University of British Columbia and NBER
Claudia Olivetti, Dartmouth College and NBER
Santiago Pérez, University of California, Davis and NBER
Sarah Quincy, Vanderbilt University and NBER
Ahmed Rahman, Lehigh University
Paul Rhode, University of Michigan and NBER
Gary Richardson, University of California, Irvine and NBER
Hugh Rockoff, Rutgers University and NBER
Christina D. Romer, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Joshua L. Rosenbloom, Iowa State University and NBER
Peter L. Rousseau, Vanderbilt University
Gianluca Russo, Pompeu Fabra
Martin H. Saavedra, Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Steven M. Smith, Colorado School of Mines
Kenneth A. Snowden, University of North Carolina at Greensboro and NBER
Richard H. Steckel, The Ohio State University
Luke C.D. Stein, Babson College
Richard Sylla, New York University and NBER
Alan M. Taylor, Columbia University and NBER
Peter Temin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Melissa A. Thomasson, Miami University and NBER
Vitaly Titov, University of California at Los Angeles
Mateo Uribe-Castro, Universidad de los Andes
Daniela Vidart, University of Connecticut
Fabian Waldinger, University of Munich
John Joseph Wallis, University of Maryland and NBER
Randall Walsh, University of Pittsburgh and NBER
Marianne H. Wanamaker, University of Tennessee and NBER
Marc D. Weidenmier, Chapman University and NBER
Thomas J. Weiss, University of Kansas and NBER
Alexander T. Whalley, University of Calgary
Eugene N. White, Rutgers University and NBER
Jhacova A. Williams, American University
Lingwei Wu, University of Bonn
Heyu Xiong, Case Western Reserve University
Chenzi Xu, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Brian S. Yang, San Francisco State University
Constantine Yannelis, University of Cambridge
Yiling Zhao, Peking University
Nicolas L. Ziebarth, Auburn University and NBER
Ariell Zimran, Vanderbilt University and NBER

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