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Format: 15 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for Q&A.



Stefania Albanesi, University of Miami and NBER
Tania Babina, University of Maryland and NBER
Scott R. Baker, Northwestern University and NBER
Bridget A. Bearden, Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI)
John Beshears, Harvard University and NBER
Vicki Bogan, Duke University and NBER
Anat Bracha, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
John Y. Campbell, Harvard University and NBER
Claire Celerier, University of Toronto
Souphala Chomsisengphet, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Taha Choukhmane, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Kelly Cochran, FinRegLab
Allison T. Cole, Arizona State University
Robert Collinson, University of Notre Dame and NBER
Anthony A. DeFusco, University of Wisconsin - Madison and NBER
Joel M. Dickson, Vanguard Investment Strategy Group
Andreas Fuster, EPFL and Swiss Finance Institute
Dimitris Georgarakos, European Central Bank
Talia Gillis, Columbia University
Anastasia Girshina, Stockholm School of Economics
Francisco Gomes, London Business School
Daniel Goroff, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Fiona E. Greig, Vanguard
Daniel Grodzicki, Pennsylvania State University
Maya Haran-Rosen, Hebrew University
Daniel Hartley, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Rawley Z. Heimer, Arizona State University
Brian Higgins, Harvard University
Sean Higgins, Northwestern University
John Eric Humphries, Yale University and NBER
Agustin Hurtado, University of Maryland
Paulo Issler, University of California at Berkeley
Howell Jackson, Harvard University
Damon Jones, University of Chicago and NBER
Martin Kanz, The World Bank
Benjamin J. Keys, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Ara Kharazian, Square
Umang Khetan, University of Iowa
Olivia S. Kim, Harvard University
Raymond Kluender, Harvard University
Surya Kolluri, TIAA Institute
Dmitri K. Koustas, University of Chicago
Lorenz Kueng, Swiss Finance Institute
Camelia M. Kuhnen, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and NBER
Sheisha Kulkarni, University of Virginia
Jetson Leder-Luis, Boston University and NBER
Brittany A. Lewis, Washington University - St. Louis
Lee Lockwood, University of Virginia and NBER
David C. Low, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Neale Mahoney, Stanford University and NBER
Paolina C. Medina, University of Houston
Maarten Meeuwis, Washington University in St Louis
Olivia S. Mitchell, University of Pennsylvania and NBER
Eduardo Nakasone, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Scott T. Nelson, University of Chicago
Pascal J. Noel, University of Chicago and NBER
Abigail J. Ostriker, Harvard University
Christopher Palmer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and NBER
Jeremy Porter, First Street Foundation
Enrichetta Ravina, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Jonathan Reuter, Boston College and NBER
Jung Sakong, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
László Sándor, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Sebastian Sandoval Olascoaga, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Parinitha R. Sastry, Columbia University
Ishita Sen, Harvard University
Andres Shahidinejad, Northeastern University
Evelyn Shu, First Street Foundation
Stephan Siegel, University of Washington
Sharada Sridhar, Georgia Tech
Richard Stanton, University of California at Berkeley
Johannes Stroebel, New York University and NBER
Fu Tan, Vanguard
Dmitry Taubinsky, University of California, Berkeley and NBER
Ana-Maria Tenekedjieva, Federal Reserve Board of Governors
Zahra Thabet, Stanford University
Christopher Tonetti, Stanford University and NBER
Jermaine Toney, Rutgers University
Máximo Torero, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Boris Vallee, Harvard University
Milan van den Heuvel, BNP Paribas Fortis
Wilbert H. van der Klaauw, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Winnie van Dijk, Yale University and NBER
Nishant Vats, Washington University in St Louis
Carles Vergara-Alert, IESE Business School
Luis M. Viceira, Harvard University and NBER
Angelino Viceisza, Spelman College and NBER
Jialan Wang, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and NBER
Lulu Wang, Northwestern University
Emily Williams, Harvard University
Francis Wong, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Xiao Xu, Vanguard
Wesley Yin, University of California, Los Angeles and NBER
Dolly Yu, Yale University
Stephen P. Zeldes, Columbia University and NBER
Nicky Zhang, Vanguard
Yunrong Zhou, Purdue University

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