Featured Researcher: Mark Stabile

Featured in print Bulletin on Aging & Health
Mark Stabile

Mark Stabile is a Research Associate in the NBER's programs on Children and Health Care. He is the Founding Director of the School of Public Policy and Governance at the University of Toronto and Professor of Economics and Public Policy at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto.

From 2003-5, Stabile served as the Senior Policy Advisor to the Ontario Minister of Finance, where he worked on health, education, and tax policy. He has advised the Governments of Canada and Ontario, among others, on health care reform and programs to reduce child poverty. He is a member of the editorial board of Health Economics, Policy and Law.

Professor Stabile received his Ph.D. from Columbia University and his B.A. from the University of Toronto. He is a Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science and has been a visiting Professor at Princeton University. He is the recipient of the John Polanyi Prize in Economics and the Harry Johnson Prize from the Canadian Economics Association.

Professor Stabile's research focuses on the economics of child health and development, child mental health, health care financing, and tax policy and health insurance. He is the co-editor of the 2008 book Exploring Social Insurance: Can a Dose of Europe Cure Canadian Health Care Finance?

Stabile lives in Toronto with his wife, Sarah, and son, Bruno. He enjoys playing tennis and cycling around the city.