Zoom Info for Authors

If you are new to Zoom presentations, here are instructions

The Basics:

If you are a presenter, you will either be made a "panelist" or a co-host by the meeting host. Please have your slides ready on your desktop to present. When your time to present arrives, make sure your microphone is unmuted and your video is on. Press the green "Share Screen" button in the Zoom window, enlarge your slides to full-screen or slide-show mode, and begin your talk. At the end of your presentation, be sure to click the "Stop Share" button.

Zoom Requirements:

Verifying the minimum requirements

- Zoom Desktop Client

- A high speed internet connection

- A laptop or computer with a microphone and speaker

Installing Zoom and entering a meeting

- Open a web browser on the laptop or computer you will use for your presentation and click on this link: https://zoom.us/support/download

- Zoom will begin downloading the appropriate file depending on the type of computer you have such as Apple and or Windows

- Once Zoom has been installed, open the Zoom Desktop client by either going to the dock on your Apple computer and or using the search function on your Windows computer

- Once Zoom is open you will be presented with two options, "join a meeting" or "sign in", select the "join meeting" option (note if you have a Zoom account, do not sign in)

- Leave all of the checkbox options unchecked

- You will see dialogue box that will ask you to join by computer audio

- If you are having computer audio problems please see the instructions below

Audio by telephone option:

- Audio is also available by telephone. Laptop microphones are usually adequate for a presentation, especially if the presenter faces the computer while speaking. Telephone audio is always an option. To join by telephone, please see the information below. You will see a dialogue that says "do you want to continue without audio," select "continue" and you will join the conference by telephone