NBER Anti-Spam Policy

NBER Anti-Spam Policy - Spamhaus

If you have been directed to this page from an error message in a rejected email message, please read the following:

You have probably been referred to this page in the bounce message from the NBER.ORG email server. Your message has been rejected because the originating mail server is on the Spamhaus list of dynamic IP addresses. Spamhaus obtains the address lists from the ISPs. You will want to route your mail through a "smarthost" to obtain good acceptibility.

In the meantime, you are probably wondering how to get email to the intended recipient at nber.org. In the short term you could use this form to send mail to any nber.org address. Mail to abuse at nber dotte org is not filtered.

More on our spam policy.

Thank you.

The NBER IT Staff:

Debby Nicholson burke 617-588-0311
Mohan Ramanujan mohan 617-588-0367
Daniel Feenberg feenberg 617-588-0343
Len McCain lmccain 617-588-0331