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Diego A. Comin

New York University

National Bureau of Economic Research

Bart Hobijin

Federal Reserve Bank of New York

The authors have made this dataset available for anyone to use and users should cite the following article:
Comin, D. and Hohijn B., "Cross-Country Technological Adoption: Making the Theories Face the Facts". Journal of Monetary Economics, January 2004, pp. 39-83.


Excel Macro
(self-extracting, original)
comma-separated variables
hcctad.xls (2.4 Mb) hcctad.txt (1.6 Mb)

The data is provided in two forms:
The first is an excel spreadsheet which is setup with an inbuild macro that facilitates extraction of selected variables, years, and countries.
The second is a flat ascii file which is comma delimited. The 3-dimensional data of variables, year, and country is represented in 2-dimentions. Variables and years are in rows while countries in columns. The first line of this ascii file gives the labels of the layout.


The documentation is in a pdf format and can be downloaded hcctadhelp.pdf (249 Kb)


If you have any questions about the HCCTA dataset please contact:

Diego A. Comin
New York University
269 Mercer Street
New York, NY 10003

Bart Hobijin
Domestic Research Function
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
33 Liberty Street, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10045


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