National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: FW: Conference in march

FW: Conference in march

From: Fullerton, Don <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2010 17:27:30 -0500

Dear EEE members: see the note below, and the attached call for papers. Thanks, Don

From: John Quigley []
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 11:13 AM
To: Fullerton, Don
Subject: Conference in march


Would you mind circulating this "call for papers" on the distribution list for the EEE group at the NBER? As you can see, it might be a very interesting conference, but on a highly specific topic. Our European partners are very excited about a potential link to EU policy.

Also, if you have any suggestions about other groups that might be helpful in getting the word out, please let me know. (We have CEPR, AERE, ZEW covered, etc.)


Have a good summer,

John Q

John M. Quigley
University of California, Berkeley
Telephone ++ 1-510-643-7411
Facsimile ++ 1-510-643-9657<>

Received on Tue Jul 13 2010 - 18:27:30 EDT