National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: second COVID exposure

second COVID exposure

From: Diane Birnbaum <>
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2022 15:08:04 +0000

Dear 1050 Staff and Researchers:

I learned this morning that a second person working at the NBER's 1050 Massachusetts Avenue office tested positive for COVID-19. Symptoms first presented last night, and our colleague had a positive test today. According to the CDC, an infected person can transmit the virus that causes COVID-19 as much as 48 hours before they have symptoms or before they were tested, for asymptomatic cases.

The individual who tested positive was not in close contact with anyone at 1050 within a two day window of the onset of symptoms under current CDC definitions ( I nevertheless thought that you would want to be informed of this development, particularly because this second case is an important reminder of the presence of the latest COVID-19 variant in the Boston metro area and in our community. If you have any questions about COVID-19, please refer to my message of yesterday, which has various links to the CDC website and other resources.

Please be on your guard - thank you.

Diane Birnbaum
NBER Human Resources Administrator
1050 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138-5398
phone: 617.588.1484
*Please note the NBER offices remain closed but I will receive any voice mail left at this number by email.
Received on Fri Apr 22 2022 - 11:04:59 EDT