
  • Currency Carry Trade by Trucks: The Curious Case of China's Massive Imports from Itself Xuepeng Liu, Heiwai Tang, Zhi Wang, and Shang-Jin Wei, Review of Finance, 2022 (Zipped data and program files): Data and Programs (331K)
  • Endogenous Corporate Leverage Response to a Safer Macro Environment: The Case of FX Reserve Accumulation Hui Tong and Shang-Jin Wei (Zipped data and program files): Data and Programs (331K)
  • Trade Reforms and Current Account Imbalances Jiandong Ju, Kang Shi, and Shang-Jin Wei (Zipped data and program files): Data and Programs (331K)
  • The Competitive Saving Motive: Evidence from Rising Sex Ratios and Savings Rates in China Shang-Jin Wei and Xiaobo Zhang, Journal of Political Economy, June 2011 (Zipped STATA files): Data and STATA programs (331K)
  • Does Insider Trading Raise Market Volatility? with Du, 2004. (Excel Format): Insider Trading Data (42K)
  • Effects of Financial Globalization on Developing Countries: Some Empirical Evidence. with Prasad, Rogoff, Wei and Kose, 2003. (Excel Format, 1970-2001, from AREAER): Capital Control Measures (60K)
  • The WTO Promotes Trade, Strongly But Unevenly. with A. Subramanian, 2005. (Stata8 Format): Dataset 1 (3.2M), Dataset 2 (1.0M)
  • Domestic Crony Capitalism and International Fickle Capital: Is There a Connection? 2001. (Stata Format): Data Package (100K)
  • Trading Blocs and the Americas: The Natural, the Unnatural, and the Super-natural? with Frankel, Stein and Wei, 1995. (DAT Format, 1970-1992, 63 countries): Bilateral Trade Data (114K)