July 24, 2008 NBER Celebrating Martin Feldstein

NBER Celebrating Martin Feldstein

The NBER family submitted nearly one hundred suggested captions for the "King Kong" cartoon. Using a rough survey of luncheon participants at the NBER Summer Institute on Wednesday July 23, these were ranked to obtain the following "top ten list."

10. All those yellow covers, but not a single banana. (Steve Levitt)
9. Looks like you found a local maximum, Kong. (Mike Boskin)
8. No we can't call it a recession yet. It's just a lot of whining. (Henry Saffer)
7. I don't care how loud you roar, we are still moving it to Cambridge. (Michael Grossman)
6. No, you can't be a faculty research fellow. (Andrei Shleifer)
5. I told you that working papers cannot contain any policy recommendations. (Victor Fuchs)
4. Don't worry - one of these working papers says fighter planes should face an infinite tax. (Jonathan Parker)
3. Actually, this stack includes only my sole-authored working papers (Jeff Brown)
2. 10,000 working papers and we still haven't reached a conclusion about Social Security. (Joel Waldfogel)
1. Some stand on the shoulders of giants, others on the work of graduate students (Michael Rothschild)

In addition to the "King Kong" cartoon, Marty also received three other cartoons at the dinner on July 24. All were drawn by Drew Dernavitch, an artist who does regular cartoons for The New Yorker. Copies of all four are shown below (Click on image for an enlarged view). Thanks to all who participated in the "caption this cartoon" event.