National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Call For Papers and Program Meeting Dates

Call For Papers and Program Meeting Dates

From: James Poterba <poterba_at_MIT.EDU>
Date: Mon, 03 Sep 2007 09:46:58 -0400

Dear Program Members -

        I hope that you have had a wonderful summer. I enjoyed seeing
many of you at the various NBER Summer Institute meetings in late July.
As we begin the fall semester, I want to remind you that the fall
meeting of the NBER Public Economics group will be held in Cambridge on
Thursday-Friday, November 1-2, 2007. The meeting will begin at 1:00 on
Thursday and conclude by 3:00 on Friday. Mihir Desai (
and Jim Hines ( have graciously agreed to serve as
co-organizers for the fall meeting. Although the nominal deadline for
submitting papers for their consideration was last Friday, I believe
that they will still be able to consider papers if they receive them by
the end of this week. Please let them know if you have a paper that you
would like to present at this meeting.

       For your long-term planning, I hope that you will mark your
calendars for the following program meeting dates in 2008:

Spring Meeting: April 3-4, 2008 (Cambridge)
Summer Institute: July 21-24, 2008 (Cambridge)
Fall Meeting: November 6-7, 2008 (Palo Alto).

       Let me also remind you that I am always on the lookout for papers
that are suitable for the Tax Policy and the Economy meeting that takes
place in Washington in late September. If you have a paper that is
particularly relevant to current policy debates, either in providing
useful background information or in helping to frame some of the issues
or in offering new empirical findings, please let me know. As with all
NBER activities, your paper cannot make policy recommendations. TP&E
papers are published relatively quickly, typically by the middle of the
year following the meeting, and they provide program members with an
opportunity to speak directly to key members of the professional
economics community that works on tax policy issues.

       I look forward to seeing you in November. All best wishes.

Received on Mon Sep 03 2007 - 09:46:58 EDT