National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Nominate a Graduate Student for NBER Summer Institute Attendance

Subject: Nominate a Graduate Student for NBER Summer Institute Attendance
From: James Poterba (poterba@MIT.EDU)
Date: Sun Feb 25 2007 - 18:53:23 EST

Dear Program Members -
       This summer, the NBER is trying an experiment at the Summer
Institute. Each program will be able to nominate ten graduate students
from outside the Cambridge area for invitation to the Summer
Institute. The NBER will not be able to cover the travel or hotel costs
for student invitees, so you should only nominate a student if he or she
has funding for these expenses. NBER will provide the usual morning coffee
and light breakfast, as well as lunch and any group dinners, for student
participants. You may want to consider covering the travel cost for a
student participant from your own research funds, or you might explore
whether your home department has any such funds for graduate students.
       If you have a student who you think would benefit from exposure to
the professional interaction and research presentations at the Summer
Institute, please send me his or her name and a very brief (two or three
sentence) description of the student's dissertation work. I will then
collect the nominations and forward them to Carl Beck at the NBER
Conference Department. I would be grateful if you could send me any
nominations in the next two weeks -- by March 2. Thank you and all best