National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: John Romalis wine dinner

John Romalis wine dinner

From: Stephen J. Redding <reddings_at_Princeton.EDU>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2017 21:53:58 +0000

Dear ITI group,

Just a reminder that John Romalis is organizing his wine dinner at 7 pm (with drinks available from 6:30 pm) on the evening of Tuesday 11 July at Royal East restaurant in Cambridge MA. The address is 782-792 Main Street. The dinner will cost $85 per person and John will be happy to issue you with a written receipt if you choose to reclaim the cost of the dinner from your research funds. The dinner will be a Chinese banquet that includes both vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes. As always, plenty of good wine will be available.

Please email John if you would like to attend ** before the ITI summer institute **. His email is: <><>. Please regard this as a commitment to attend, as John has to pay the restaurant based on the higher of an advanced estimated attendance and actual attendance. If you change your mind, please email John immediately.

The dinner will be extra special this summer as it will be a great opportunity to celebrate the wonderful news of Dave Donaldson's richly-deserved receipt of the John Bates Clark medal.

We hope that you can make it.

With Best Regards,

Received on Thu Jun 29 2017 - 22:07:56 EDT