National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Several ITI announcements

Several ITI announcements

From: Robert Feenstra <>
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2015 17:13:27 +0000

Dear ITI group:

Thank you to everyone who submitted papers for the upcoming December 4-5 program meeting at Stanford. There were an exceptionally large number of submissions (over 25), so I apologize that many could not be accommodated. Please feel free to submit again for the 2016 spring meeting, which will be held:

Spring meeting 2016: Fri-Sat morning, March 18-19, in Cambridge

In addition, I remind you that the ITI summer institute in 2016 will be held a bit later than normal (due to July 4 falling on Monday of the week before):

Summer institute 2016: Mon-Thursday, July 11-14, in Cambridge

Also, I am writing to congratulate the new members appointed to FRF this year and promoted to RA:

Newly appointed Faculty Research Fellows (in April, 2015):
Thibault Falley, UC Berkeley
Natalia Ramondo, UC San Diego
Felix Tintelnot, Chicago

Promoted to Research Associate (in September, 2015):
Costas Arkolakis, Yale
Amit Khandelwal, Columbia

I look forward to seeing you at the upcoming program meeting in Stanford.

Rob Feenstra

Robert Feenstra
Department of Economics
University of California,
Davis, CA 95616
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Received on Tue Oct 27 2015 - 13:29:09 EDT