National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: ITI winter meeting, call for papers

ITI winter meeting, call for papers

From: Robert Feenstra <>
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2011 23:53:13 +0000

Dear ITI group:

Our winter meeting is scheduled for the first weekend in December, Friday and Saturday morning, December 2-3, 2011. We will be meeting at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR), since there was a conflicting meeting at the San Francisco Fed. (In any case, the change will be worth trying.)

Let me request that you submit abstracts or papers directly to me, by Friday, September 30.


Robert Feenstra
Department of Economics
University of California, Davis CA 95616
Phone: (530)752-7022
Fax: (530)752-9382
Received on Fri Sep 09 2011 - 19:53:13 EDT