National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: PowerPoint, "Arab Human Development in Comparative Perspective"

Subject: PowerPoint, "Arab Human Development in Comparative Perspective"
From: James Rauch (
Date: Tue Jul 05 2005 - 09:59:26 EDT

Dear Colleagues:

I recently completed a PowerPoint presentation, "Arab Human Development in
Comparative Perspective," that is very heavy on color graphics and light on
text and therefore unsuitable for distribution as a working paper. For
this reason I am taking the liberty of "distributing" it to you by sending
you the URL. Just click on my address below and then click the Arab world
map icon on the left of my home page.

The presentation is topical and (I think) mildly entertaining. In terms of
scholarly content and rigor it is rather like "A Normal Country" by
Shleifer and Treisman (NBER WP # 10057). If you open it, I hope you enjoy it.

