National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: NBER working paper submission process

Subject: NBER working paper submission process
From: Nancy Rose (nrose@MIT.EDU)
Date: Wed Jan 11 2006 - 14:33:55 EST

I've been reminded that it can be challenging to find the directions for submitting a paper to the NBER working paper series.  Here's help!

There is an online submission form, which includes a link to upload your paper, at:

You will need to enter an abstract in the text box; this is an important component of an NBER WP. 

You can also download a submission form to submit a paper by e-mail or snail mail; see the directions and links at:

Please remember that NBER working papers cannot have policy conclusions, though policy implications are of course highly valued.  The distinction is that implications tell the reader the impact/effects of policy choice(s) and allow the reader to infer (using their own objective function) what choice might be appropriate; conclusions tell the reader what policy choice to make.  If this sounds subtle, just remember no "should"s in an NBER WP.


Professor Nancy L. Rose 
MIT Department of Economics                                         phone:  617-253-8956
50 Memorial Drive, E52-280B                                                 e-mail:
Cambridge, MA  02142-1347                                           fax:     617-253-4096