National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Report on the IO Program

Subject: Report on the IO Program
From: Nancy Rose (nrose@MIT.EDU)
Date: Tue Jan 10 2006 - 20:36:55 EST

Marty has invited me to write an article on the IO Program this spring for publication in the NBER Reporter.  This provides an opportunity to showcase the work of researchers affiliated with the program, and will form the basis of a presentation on the program that I will make to the NBER Board of Directors in the fall.  I am writing to ask for your help. 

I last wrote on the program in 2001; you can read that report at:

To ensure that the report is up to date, I would ask those of you with working papers that you have not yet submitted to the NBER Working Paper series to do so now.  Please don't wait for acceptance at a journal.  If you have research in a department series, or abstracted on the SSRN, or posted on your website, it's ready for the "yellow jackets."  Remember:  you can update working papers when you later revise them by submitting the new version to the NBER.  This will replace the original version online (though a new hard copy will not be created). 

Working papers are one of the primary metrics of program activity, as well as an important way for you to show that you are an active member of the program who values your NBER affiliation.  My Reporter article will focus on research by IO program members--if your research is not in the WP series, I can't talk about it. 

Please send in your existing papers as soon as possible!  Continue to send in research as it reaches WP stage.  This is important to the program and to me.  Thanks!

Nominations:   In preparation for the spring Board meeting, program directors will be asked for nominations for  new Faculty Research Fellows (for junior faculty, limited to 3 per year) and any promotions or new member nominations for Research Associates (for tenured faculty, limited to 1 or 2 per year). 

Let me remind you of the objective:  we are looking for researchers who produce high quality work, but this is a necessary rather than sufficient condition.  Affiliation is not intended to be a certification of quality; many first-rate  IO researchers are not program members.  Rather, the NBER seeks to identify scholars who will produce applied research of broad interest, put it into the WP series, be active participants at the program meetings, consider administering their grant activity through the NBER, and generally become active members of the program. 

You can submit nominations directly to Marty in response to his call (which will come shortly).  But I would appreciate it if you take a few minutes to think about this, and send your ideas to me as well.  A CV (or link to an on-line vita) and a few words about how you think these individuals would fit with the IO program objectives would be helpful.  We are very limited in our ability to add new members, but want to hear from you even if you've nominated someone before who has yet to become a program member. 

I hope to see you at the meetings in Palo Alto in February.

Best wishes,

Professor Nancy L. Rose 
MIT Department of Economics                                         phone:  617-253-8956
50 Memorial Drive, E52-280B                                                 e-mail:
Cambridge, MA  02142-1347                                           fax:     617-253-4096