National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: call for papers for ISoM, June 2016, from R.Clarida

call for papers for ISoM, June 2016, from R.Clarida

From: Frankel, Jeffrey <>
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2015 23:29:35 +0000

To IFM members:

The annual NBER ISOM conference will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria, on June 24-25th 2016, and hosted by Sofia University. This is a call for papers in international macroeconomics and monetary economics (broadly defined) for that conference. Authors should send a one page proposal for the paper along with links to relevant papers that the ISOM paper will build on. Proposals should be sent

to: rhc2_at_columbia

with subject: Isom submission

Deadline for submission is Friday October 23rd 2015.

A selection of papers from the conference will be published in a special issue of the Journal of International Economics. Papers will be subject to an expedited referee process with final decision on publication made by the editor of the special issue.

Thank You

Richard Clarida (on behalf also of Lucrezia Reichlin)
Received on Thu Oct 01 2015 - 06:17:55 EDT