National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Nominations for grad students at summer institute are now closed

Nominations for grad students at summer institute are now closed

From: Jeffrey Frankel <>
Date: Tue, 13 May 2008 09:14:45 -0400

Dear IFM members:

      I am afraid that I erred in saying that approval was "virtually
guaranteed" for grad student nominations received by May 21. I was basing
this judgment on last year's rate of take-up on the offer. But I have
been flooded with nominations this year. Which is a good thing. Except
that we are already way over our limit. So I am afraid that I have to
close the list now.
      I apologize to anyone who was hoping to nominate somebody and now

      I look forward to seeing you in July, if not before.

----- Forwarded by Jeffrey Frankel/FS/KSG on 05/13/2008 09:10 AM -----
             05/09/2008 09:58
             AM cc
                                       Fw: grad students at summer

Send me nominations for grad students you would like to bring.

Last year we did not quite reach the limit of ten.
If I were to receive more than ten nominations, then I would like
information (e.g., a CV) to decide.
Let's say the deadline for "round one" of nominations -- where approval is
virtually guaranteed -- is May 21.

----- Forwarded by Jeffrey Frankel/FS/KSG on 05/09/2008 09:55 AM -----
             05/07/2008 09:51 To
                                       grad students at summer institute

As a reminder:

Last summer's experiment with inviting grad students from outside Cambridge

to the summer institute was widely seen as a success. We will do it again
this year. I leave it to each of you to solicit names. I think we limited

it to 10 per program. The NBER only pays for their lunches.


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Received on Tue May 13 2008 - 09:14:45 EDT