National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Monetary Economics Program Meeting, November 17, 2000

Subject: Monetary Economics Program Meeting, November 17, 2000
From: Lita Kimble (
Date: Wed Sep 06 2000 - 16:44:14 EDT


TO: Monetary Economics Mailing List

FROM: Ben S. Bernanke, Program Director

DATE: September 6, 2000

RE: Papers for the upcoming ME Program Meeting

The NBER Program in Monetary Economics, which meets three times a year, is
a forum for both regular members of the program and guests to present
recent research on monetary economics and monetary policy.

The next program meeting will take place on November 17 in Cambridge. If
you have a paper that you think might be appropriate for this meeting,
please send two copies to Kirsten Foss Davis at the NBER, 1050
Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138. To be considered for this
meeting, your paper should arrive no later than September 22. Only complete
papers will be considered, not abstracts.

Please note that due to time constraints, you will hear from the NBER only
if your paper is included on the program. Also, attendance at these
program meeting is by necessity severely limited; unfortunately, it is
impossible to invite everyone who expresses an interest in coming.

I look forward to seeing your work.