National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: (no subject)

Subject: (no subject)
From: Giancarlo Corsetti (
Date: Mon Mar 27 2000 - 10:56:59 EST

Dear colleagues

following my announcement at the meeting on Friday, March 24th, this is
to inform you about the existence of a Euro Homepage that I keep at Yale
and Bologna University. As you will see, the Euro Homepage is a resource
for both theoretical and policy oriented research on euro-related
issues. I include links to papers and publications directly and
indirectly related to this subject.

May I ask you to keep me informed about your research and initiatives
(conferences, calls for paper, reading lists etc.) on Europe/EMU?

The homepage has a steady flow of about 500 - 600 hits per day
(including Sundays!). Visitors are from about 50 countries.
Approximately 20% of the hits are from .com.

Comments and suggestions are welcome.

The US address of the homepage is


Giancarlo Corsetti
Dept of Economics, Yale University
28 Hillhouse Av., New Haven CT 06511, Usa

Tel. (203) 432-3562, Fax (203) 432-5779