National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Fwd: db_sanity: Usernames in grants_personnel that are not in people: 15 inconsistencies

Fwd: db_sanity: Usernames in grants_personnel that are not in people: 15 inconsistencies

From: Alex Aminoff <>
Date: Wed, 02 Nov 2011 10:20:09 -0400

Now that we have a delete button for personnel, it is much easier to
deal with these. Basically for all these grants where the user is
"NULL", just go in and delete the empty row from the list of

For the listed names, I'm not sure why those are problems. Probably you
would need to search again for the person, and if they don't exist
create them.

  - Alex

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: db_sanity: Usernames in grants_personnel that are not in
people: 15 inconsistencies
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2011 00:12:03 -0400 (EDT)

  -- probably a typo in grants_personnel.user. Please go to the grant editor, use the find a user box to search for the person, and if definitely not found create a new user.

aoaxaca 1111 NULL
alterra_milone 6009 NULL
aoaxaca 1594 NULL
aoaxaca 1446 NULL
janet_stein 2029 NULL
aoaxaca 1903 NULL
sara_stromer 5123 Eric_Schneider
sara_stromer 5127 Eric_Schneider
janet_stein 5140
alterra_milone 3058 maurice_greenberg
janet_stein 6006 NULL
cnagorski 1770 John Rich
cnagorski 1674 NULL
cnagorski 1 NULL
Received on Wed Nov 02 2011 - 10:20:09 EDT