National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Survey on hybrid vs. virtual EFG program meeting

Survey on hybrid vs. virtual EFG program meeting

From: James Poterba <>
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2021 23:40:57 -0400

Dear Research Colleagues -

    I am writing to request your input concerning the upcoming Economic
Fluctuations and Growth program meeting, which is scheduled for Friday,
October 15, 2021.  Early in the summer, we planned for a hybrid meeting,
with an in-person meeting in Cambridge as well as a virtual option for
those who could not or chose not to travel.  As we continue to navigate
the pandemic, it has become increasingly difficult to know how many
researchers would participate in person.  Cambridge recently re-instated
an indoor mask requirement, which I know affects the nature of in-person
gatherings. '

     To provide guidance for the NBER conference team as well as the
meeting organizers, I would be very grateful if you would respond to the
following short survey that asks whether you are most likely to attend
the meeting in person or virtually.  It also asks if you need to travel
to attend in person.

Thank you very much for your input and all best wishes for the new semester.

Jim Poterba
Received on Wed Sep 08 2021 - 07:22:33 EDT