National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: NBER Post-Doc in Environmental and Energy Economics

NBER Post-Doc in Environmental and Energy Economics

From: Kotchen, Matthew <>
Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2021 14:38:34 +0000

Dear Colleagues --

I'd like to draw your attention to an NBER post-doc opportunity in Environmental and Energy Economics. Please see the announcement pasted below with a link to the JOE site, through which applicants can apply. Please pass on to potentially interested PhD students on the market this year or early-career scholars.

Matt Kotchen


NBER's Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Environmental and Energy Policy and the Economy, supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, provides the opportunity for an early-career economist to visit NBER's Cambridge headquarters for a year of intensive research on environmental and energy economics and policy. The research topics that the fellow might study include climate change, energy policy, natural resource use, environmental justice and distributional impacts, and nonmarket valuation.

Applications from researchers just completing their PhDs, as well as from junior faculty who may be able to combine the fellowship with an early career leave, are welcome. The fellow will have an opportunity to launch potential collaborative work with the members of the selection committee for the fellowship, NBER researchers Tatyana Deryugina of the University of Illinois and Matthew Kotchen of Yale University, and with participating economists at the EPA's National Center for Environmental Economics.

The fellowship will provide a 12-month stipend of $90,000, reimbursement for health insurance, a travel and research allowance, and an office at the NBER. There may be an opportunity for a second-year renewal of the fellowship, but additional funding is not yet secured.

Applicants must have completed their PhD by June 2022. NBER strongly encourages applications from women, members of groups that have been under-represented in the economics profession, individuals with disabilities, and veterans.

Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, two recommendation letters, and a research proposal of no more than two pages summarizing potential work for the fellowship year by 11.59pm EST on January 18, 2022. Application materials can be submitted at

Deryugina and Kotchen will review the applications and select the fellow based on the quality of the research plan and the promise and research experience of the applicant. The fellowship recipient will be notified in February, 2022. Questions about this fellowship may be directed to Denis Healy (<>).
Received on Tue Nov 16 2021 - 09:46:19 EST