National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: a few thoughts for EEE members

a few thoughts for EEE members

From: Fullerton, Don <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 2015 18:15:34 +0000

Dear EEE members:

Just a few more thoughts for you. First, I'll be sorry to miss you at next week's summer institute. John List and Kerry Smith will do a great job running it, and I'm still available by email if you have any questions. I'm in British Columbia, where the builders are at critical final phases of the house Kathy and I are building (for summers and later retirement; see

Second, if you have not done so already, you may want to join the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AERE, ( Membership gets you electronic access to its two journals (REEP and JAERE). More importantly, it supports this professional society. They sponsor sessions at ASSA, and hold their own summer meetings in June.

Third, the date of the spring EEE meeting will be announced later. Meanwhile, you can send me suggestions about that meeting, and about nominations for new EEE members (anytime, but Jim Poterba will announce a deadline in February).

Finally, let me remind you to consider running your NSF, NIH or other grant through the NBER. Alison Oaxaca does all the budget and paperwork; you just write the proposal (see below). The NBER usually has a lower overhead rate and provides better benefits to you (such as the fraction of your summer salary into your TIAA-CREF account). It provides better mobility if you were ever to change universities, and better flexibility for multiple NBER researchers on a project from different universities. You can also have a co-PI who is not affiliated with NBER. It would help fund the fixed cost expenses in the NBER's efforts to support your research. You can run a multiyear NSF grant through NBER, especially with other NBER researchers. Or, for your own research, it can include a subcontract to your university for a GRA, or for one of the two summer months each year. Your university will happily accept the funds (but don't do it in the other direction, as they might question why hand out money to NBER!).

Thanks, Don
Prof. Don Fullerton, Finance Dept & IGPA
University of Illinois, Champaign IL 61820

From: Alison Oaxaca []
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 3:24 AM
Subject: NSF Deadline Announcement

Dear Family Members,
I'd like to let you know that the next proposal deadline for NSF's Economics Program is August 18, 2015.

Proposals are submitted electronically, through Fastlane (<> ). Fastlane works very well, and we will do our best to make this process as pleasant for you as we can. PIs are required to complete the following sections -- a 1 page project summary, a 15 page project description, references, a 2 page CV, a data management plan, as well as a form for current and pending support.

You may either choose to work on and upload these sections of the proposal yourself, or e-mail your files to me, Alterra Milone (<>), or Elisa Pepe (<>) and we will assemble the proposal in Fastlane for you. We can work with you to put together a budget, and complete the other forms.

Please note that if you are planning to submit a proposal with a Co-PI, your Co-PI does not have to be NBER-affiliated.

For those who receive their summer support through NBER (including Co-PIs who are non-NBER affiliated), the pension contribution is equal to 20% of the amount of the salary. Please note that we have a low indirect rate of only 58% of salaries and fringe benefits.

If you have any questions about any part of the application process, please do not hesitate to contact Alterra, Elisa, or myself.


Alison Oaxaca
Grants Administrator
National Bureau of Economic Research
1050 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: (617) 588-0339
Fax: (617) 868-7194

Alison Oaxaca
Grants Administrator
National Bureau of Economic Research
1050 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: (617) 588-0339
Fax: (617) 868-7194
Received on Thu Jul 16 2015 - 16:29:43 EDT