National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: final chance to get a Spring submission to NBER Education in (under the wire)

Subject: final chance to get a Spring submission to NBER Education in (under the wire)
From: caroline hoxby (
Date: Mon Feb 26 2007 - 10:32:32 EST

Dear Education program members,

Inevitably, people forget about the deadline for submitting a paper to the
NBER program meeting. If you've been planning to submit and forgot the
Friday deadline, please send the submission _right_ _away_! It will be
easier for us than having late submissions drift in over the next two days.
Caroline Hoxby

Caroline M. Hoxby
Allie S. Freed Professor of Economics
Harvard College Professor
Department of Economics
Harvard University
1875 Cambridge Street
Cambridge MA 02138 USA
tel: 617-496-3588
fax: 617-495-7730