National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: NBER DEV program updates

NBER DEV program updates

From: Ben Olken <>
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2019 13:55:58 +0900

Dear NBER DEV program members:

Thanks to all of the speakers, discussants, program committee members and
participants who were able to attend the 2019 DEV Summer Institute. From
our perspective at least, the meeting was great, so thank you all! If you
have any suggestions for how to improve things, please don't hesitate to
reach out to us.

We wanted to alert you to some next steps and dates:
* The Fall DEV/BREAD program meeting will be held November 22-23 in
Cambridge, MA. The program will be selected by Oriana Bandiera, Robin
Burgess, Melissa Dell, Seema Jayachandran, Edward Miguel, Benjamin Olken,
and Dean Yang. Please submit papers at the following link by 5 pm Boston
time on Friday, 13 September:

* As we have done in the past, there will be a 'pre-meeting' from 9am-12am
on Nov 22 for work in progress by and for junior affiliates. Lorenzo
Casaburi and Namrata Kala have graciously agreed to organize, and will
reach out directly about the process for this.

* We have a limited number of slots to invite researchers based in
developing countries to attend the Fall program meeting. These are not
funded slots, so either the person inviting or the attendee needs to have
funding to support travel and lodging. If you are interested in sponsoring
someone, please email one of us by September 30th with the name and CV of
the person you are sponsoring. We ask that the person doing the inviting be
prepared to serve as host for the visiting scholar at the meeting so that
they make the most of the experience. Since slots are limited, we may not
be able to accommodate all requests, so potential invitees should not make
any firm travel plans until you hear confirmation from us.

* Please mark your calendars for the 2020 DEV Summer Institute, to be held
July 20-21, in Cambridge. Please note that this is a Monday and Tuesday. We
are delighted to announce that Pascaline Dupas and Rohini Pande will be
giving Master Lectures at the 2020 SI. We hope to see you all there!

Best regards
Ben and Seema
Received on Fri Aug 23 2019 - 01:15:03 EDT