National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: News about NBER DEV

News about NBER DEV

From: Duncan Thomas <>
Date: Wed, 21 May 2014 14:55:16 -0400 (EDT)

Dear NBER DEV members

Please join me in welcoming eight new members to DEV. They are:

    Treb Allen, Northwestern
    Arun Chandrasekhar, Stanford
    Benjamin Faber, Berkeley
    Marcel Fafchamps, Stanford
    Supreet Kaur, Columbia
    A. Mushfiq Mobarak, Yale
    Melanie Morten, Stanford
    Xiao Yu Wang, Duke

Congratulations each of you! Competition to be elected a member of the
NBER is extremely fierce.

Thanks to those of you who nominated candidates. We received a lot of
exceptional nominations. I expect Jim Poterba will issue another call for
nominations towards the end of this calendar year. I look forward to
working with you to continue to build the program.

You should have received an invitation from Rob Shannon to participate in
the Summer Institute. DEV will meet on Thursday 24 and Friday 25 July. I
am very grateful to Nina Pavcnik and Mark Rosenzweig who worked hard
selecting the papers for the program. I think we have put together a
terrific and very broad program -- it is here:
It promises to be a fun meeting and I very much hope you will be able to
join us at SI. We are going to experiment with having discussants for each
paper this year. I look forward to getting your feedback on the program
and this experiment after the meeting.

A reminder that our Fall program meeting will be on Friday 10 and Saturday 11
October in Cambridge, MA. A call for papers will be distributed in the summer.

Please let me know if you have any suggestions for making DEV serve you or the
field better. Many thanks!

With best wishes, Duncan
Received on Wed May 21 2014 - 15:56:07 EDT