National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Grad Student Posters at NBER DAE SI 2017

Grad Student Posters at NBER DAE SI 2017

From: Collins, William <william.collins_at_Vanderbilt.Edu>
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2017 14:57:03 +0000

Dear DAE Family,

As in years past, we will have limited room for PhD students to present posters describing their research-in-progress during the Summer Institute, July 10-13.

If you have a PhD student whose work is sufficiently advanced and who would benefit from presenting a poster, please send me their name, email address, and a brief paragraph describing their research and their stage in the program (e.g., going on market?). Please do this by May 3. We will tend to prioritize students who are going on the market next year (2017-18).

Given space constraints, we ask that only those students presenting a poster attend the SI.

Please keep in mind that the NBER cannot provide any financial support for the studentsÂ’ travel, lodging, or other expenses.

Best wishes,
Bill Collins
Received on Mon Apr 24 2017 - 11:23:23 EDT