National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: NBER DAE program

NBER DAE program

From: Goldin, Claudia <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 03:01:07 +0000

Greetings all.

First off, many thanks to Karen, Trevon and Charlie for organizing NBER SI 2016. Special recognition goes to Trevon for his exceptional ability to make the trains run on time. And kudos to the trio for packing in lots of great presentations in our limited time, including papers in all subfields in economics, many continents and many centuries.

If you were at the SI you know that I will pass on my role as "Sherpa" of the DAE to another this coming year. I have been DAE Program Director for 27 years (two as co-director with Bob). It is important that the DAE have direction that responds to the desires of the entire group and is forward looking in many ways. I am confident that Jim Poterba will select the next director with these needs in mind. Many of you have answered his request for advice. If you have not yet done so, please do.

I will still be an active member of the DAE. I will remain in residence at 1050 when I'm not in Littauer (as will Pika) and I will still be the NBER archivist (a position few of you knew I had). It has been my great privilege to be the DAE Program Director for these years. DAE members are a special group. Their research is always relevant and vibrant and they are a helpful and communal group. Couldn't ask for more.

Best wishes,


* * * * * * * *
Claudia Goldin
Henry Lee Professor of Economics
Harvard University
Received on Thu Jul 21 2016 - 07:07:25 EDT