National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Summer Institute 2007

Subject: Summer Institute 2007
From: Claudia Goldin (
Date: Wed Jun 27 2007 - 10:34:27 EDT


I look forward to seeing you at the DAE Summer Institute 2007, July
9-12. I thank the organizers of the SI – Michael Haines, Zorina Kahn, and
Howard Bodenhorn – for their time and creativity in putting together the
schedule. One innovation will take place during the Monday lunch. To get
graduate students, especially those from outside the Boston area, involved
in the SI, a poster session will be held at 12:15pm. I hope this becomes
an institution and is broadened.

The Summer Institute is a time of coming together to learn and
socialize. But I know that some in our group will find it difficult to
join us this year. Several beloved individuals have passed on considerably
before their time; others have died or become seriously infirm at older
ages but before those who love and admire them were ready to let go. For
those who cannot join the group this year, I hope their grief fades rapidly
and that they will join us in a future year.

Once again, I ask that you help me learn more about your work so that I my
annual chat with Marty about the program is as informative as
possible. Please send me a brief statement via e-mail (no attachments
please, just a brief text statement) with a few sentences about your
research, your grants (especially those you run through the NBER), and any
other details (e.g., suggestions for conferences, for FRFs) about which you
would like to tell me.

With warm regards,


Claudia Goldin, Henry Lee Professor of Economics
Harvard University, Cambridge MA 02138
617-613-1200 FAX 617-613-1245