National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Evolution of the Global Economy Meeting, NBER, March 2

Subject: Evolution of the Global Economy Meeting, NBER, March 2
From: Alan M. Taylor (
Date: Sun Jan 28 2007 - 18:37:10 EST

Dear DAE Colleagues,

Kevin O'Rourke and I would like to bring to your attention the
forthcoming Evolution of the Global Economy Meeting.

The meeting will take place on Friday, March 2, 2007, at the NBER,
1050 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts, phone (617)

The date was chosen to be the day before the DAE Program meeting, so
that it would be convenient for interested participants to attend
both events.

The EGE preliminary program can be found at:

This is a joint venture, with core sponsorship from the NSF via NBER
for the US side, and from the EU via CEPR for the European side. The
objective is to encourage cooperation and bring together scholars
from both sides of the pond with common interests.

We hope you will be able to attend and look forward to seeing you in Cambridge.

Sincerely yours,
Alan and Kevin

Alan M. Taylor
Department of Economics       tel:530-754-7464
University of California      fax:530-752-9382
One Shields Ave     
Davis CA 95616-8578